Community Waste Management
Decentralised Waste Management Decentralised waste management is about each community managing and processing their waste in their locality and not sending it all to a centralised large processing facility or often a landfill. There are two principles behind decentralised waste management: a.When waste is managed at source it becomes a resource b.My waste in My backyard and not in someone else The earlier we can segregate and process the waste, the resource recovery is much better and transportation and processing costs come down. We all need to take ownership of our waste, we can not dump our waste in other people’s backyard and force them to bear the burden of our reckless consumption lifestyle.
Community Waste Management Form a team to support the initiative Conduct a Waste Audit to assess the quantum of waste generated. Select a suitable processing mechanism based on the quantum of waste generated To conduct the Waste Audit, you can avail the services of a professional agency like Saahas.
Door-to-door waste collection Insist on Segregation at Source. Select the appropriate Bin system. Communicate it to residents via posters/leaflets/electronic and social media. Training sessions for residents/ household help security and housekeeping staff Details of the various bin systems have been listed later in the series. Bins should not be lined with Plastic Green bin for the biodegradable items can only be lined with newspaper/banana leaf
Segregation at Source Wet/Organic Waste CompostingBio GasDry Waste Recycling after secondary sorting. There are several technologies available for managing wet waste. You can select the one appropriate for your community. Ensure that the vendor selected for collecting dry waste, also sorts and recycles low value dry waste.
Monitoring waste Segregation and Collection Housekeeping staff Be empowered to reject waste if not segregated Report about repeated defaulters to resident volunteer Resident Volunteers at floor/block level. Create awareness among fellow residents, clear any doubts or issues. Handle the complaints put forth by residents as well as collection staff. Suitable penalisation system must be planned for defaulters and it must be strictly adhered to. Common e-Waste and tube lights/ CFLs bins in common areas such as club house/lobbies. Bulk/Odd Items, waste after a big event, parties etc. to be kept separately.
Different BIN Systems 2 Bins and a Bag Green bin for Biodegradable, Bag for Dry, Red for Rejects (Includes both sanitary and HHW) 3 Bins and a Bag Green bin for Biodegradable, Bag for Dry, Red bin for Sanitary, Black bin for HHW 4 Bins Green bin for Biodegradable, Blue bin for Dry, Red bin for Sanitary, Black bin for HHW Note: e-Waste and CFL, Tube lights could be collected through common bins at community places.