Word 3 Memos
Box 1. (at the bottom of the page) This is a sample memo. Every line begins on the left margin. The first line of the memo should be on the top margin. Memos are sent to co-workers.
Enter this information in Box 2. All memos have a heading. The heading includes: Who the memo is TO (could be to one person or a group such as “All Employees”) Who the memo is FROM The current DATE A brief SUBJECT describing what the memo is about. Sometimes RE: will be used instead of SUBJECT:.
Enter this information in Box 3. Body – the paragraphs in the body of the memo should have a double space between paragraphs – they are not indented – every line begins on the left margin.
Enter this information in Box 4. Typist Initials – if you type a memo that is not from you – it is from another person but you type it for them – you put YOUR INITIALS on the memo (a double space below the last paragraph). Initials should be LOWER CASE (not capital) – no spaces – no periods. So if your name is Susan Ann Archuleta the initials would be: saa
Templates A template is a “pre-made” document that is already formatted and you can just “fill in the blanks” for the document you want to create. To open a template that you can use: Click on the Office Button in Word Click on New On the lefthand side of the box that opens, are a list of categories for templates.
Templates, continued There are templates for memos. Scroll down the left side until you see memos – then click on Memos. Another box will open with pictures of what the memo templates look like. Click on Memo (Professional Design), Memo (Contemporary Design), or Memo (Elegant Design).
Templates, continued This is what the screen should look like when you select a memo template.
Assignments Read the instructions on the front of the Word 2 handout under the heading “Assignments” and complete the rest of Word 2.