OUTLINE Purpose of Presentation Portfolio of Police Stations Police Station Distribution Process to establish/construct a police station Stations Completed Stations in stages of implementation Responsibilities Challenges Projects in Execution 2
PURPOSE OF THE BRIEFING To brief the Portfolio Committee on the progress made on the building of Police Stations 3
PORTFOLIO OF POLICE STATIONS IN THE SOUTH AFRICAN POLICE SERVICE A police station is defined as a facility where community can access policing services and supporting government service. Policing services are also extended to communities via Satellite police stations – permanent policing service point where members of community can access services but all administrative and crime registration resides under main police station Contact and service points are temporary service points where community can access services or where the need for a point is required for operational purposes. For the purposes of this briefing the SAPS will focus ONLY on POLICE STATIONS as defined above 4
PORTFOLIO OF POLICE STATIONS IN THE SOUTH AFRICAN POLICE SERVICE Total number of active police station in South Africa – 1130 The police stations are distributed as follow per province ProvinceNumber of Police Stations Eastern Cape192 Free State110 Gauteng141 KwaZulu-Natal184 Limpopo95 Mpumalanga86 Northern Cape91 North West82 Western Cape149 Total number1130 5
POLICE STATION DISTRIBUTION URBAN/RURAL The SAPS has a subjective definition of different classifications of geographical placement of police stations in the absence of formal governmental definitions of rural and urban The following definitions are being used for: Rural – where 70% of access roads are gravel/dirt road and 30 % are tarred road Rural/Urban - where 50% of access roads are gravel/dirt road and 50 % are tarred road Urban- where 30% of access roads are gravel/dirt road and 70 % are tarred road 7
PROCESS TO ESTABLISH/CONSTRUCT A POLICE STATION Project Initiation Site Clearance Planning Phase Construction Phase 9
PROCESS TO ESTABLISH/CONSTRUCT A POLICE STATION Project Initiation Phase Projects identified by the provincial commissioners and approved by the National Commissioner Site Clearance Consultants are appointed to Feasibility analysis Obtain landowner consent and or title deed constraints Topographical land surveying Geo-technical investigation Bulk/engineering service investigation Environmental Impact Assessment Rezoning of land from i.e. agricultural land to a business grading Subdivision of land Traffic Impact Study Heritage Assessment Site clearance process is regulated by a number of pieces of legislation including National Environmental Management Act, Physical Planning Act and more. The average timeframe for Site Clearance is approximately 18 months Site clearance is an essential process to avoid investing in a sites where physical, ownership or other factors will negate the investment made by the State 10
PROCESS TO ESTABLISH/CONSTRUCT A POLICE STATION Planning Phase Consultants are appointed to: Design the actual structure, service and facilities of the facility Compilation of detailed specification for the building of facility e.g.. Type of materials, finishing etc. Procurement for the appointment of the contractor Estimate Timeframe: 8 months Construction Phase Building of facility Estimated Timeframe: Depending on the size of the police station ranging from 18 – 24 months 11
POLICE STATION COMPLETED 2009/ / / A total number of 34 police stations have been completed since 1 April 2009 New completed police stations including additions and upgrading to police stations
CLARIFYING RESPONSIBILITIES DPW is the owners and custodians of 100% infrastructure for all state departments in relation to state assets In 90 % DPW is responsible for property management of assets we occupy By special arrangement they allowed us to manage 10% that is devolved to the SAPS Challenges with devolvement – since 2007 Ownership lies with DPW Rules were relaxed in relation to maintenance to the facility and Utilisation of the facility Devolvement is only limited to police stations Out of the total number 1130 a total number of 282 is devolved DPW remains responsible for the management of the projects on behalf of the client departments. However the financial allocations for capital works and acquisitions of land have been provided in departmental budgets. High dependency of delivery on ability and capability 14
CHALLENGES EXPERIENCED Late initiation of processes impacting on interdependencies within the building process Underperformance of contractors Remedial work impacting on initial project lifecycle Unplanned extension of time impacting on initial project lifecycle Mandatory 6 month cooling off period on tenders where there were non-responsive bidders impacting on initial project lifecycle and escalation of cost Shifting of originally planned tender publication dates resulting in under spending and impacting on initial project lifecycle Protracted legal processes for terminating contracts of non- performing contractors 15
PROJECTS ON STRATEGIC PLAN ROLLED OVER FROM PREVIOUS FINANCIAL YEAR Prov Facility Previous projected completion date Revised projected completion date Executing Department Comments Free State Clocolan Police Station 6 Mar Apr 2012 DPW A second contractor appointed to finalize project. Delay in completion due to weather conditions not allowing contractor to finish. Project Completed Limpopo Letsitele Police Station (RE) 30 May Oct 2012 SAPS The police station building completed. Electricity upgrade in progress. KwaZulu- Natal Weenen Police Station(RE) 27 Nov Jul 2012 DPW A second contractor was appointed on 19 May competed on 2 January 2012 Eastern Cape Joza Police Station 24 Nov 2012 SAPS The site was handed over to the contractor on the 24 Nov 2010 with a contract period of 24 Months. Gauteng Tembisa Police Station 16 Nov 2012 SAPS The site was handed over to the contractor on 16 Nov 2010 with a contract period of 24 Months. The delay in approval of variation order for the road will have a negative impact on the contractor s program 16
PROJECTS ON STRATEGIC PLAN FOR THE CURRENT FINANCIAL YEAR Province Facility Previous projected completion date Revised Projected Completion Date Executing Dept Comments North West Lehurutse Police Station (RU) 31 March 2013 DPW Funding was confirmed with Department of Public Works for these projects during November 2011 and March The status of the project on the Works Control System reflect In Planning Eastern Cape Steytlerville Police Station (RU) 31 March 2013 DPW KwaZulu- Natal Gamalakhe Police Station ( RE) 31 March 2013 DPW North West Amalia Police Station(NRE) 15 Apr Oct 2012 DPW This project was placed in Mora in 2010 and a new contractor was appointed on 17 Nov Site handed over to the second contractor with a contract period of 10 Months on 7 Dec Contractor initiated construction on 15 Jan 2012 due to builders holiday. Gauteng Diepsloot Police Station(N) 2 Aug 2010 Feedbac k awaited from DPW DPW Contractor was placed in Mora during Tender published for 2nd contractor on 20 July Closing date for tender 22 Aug
PROJECTS ON STRATEGIC PLAN FOR THE CURRENT FINANCIAL YEAR Province Facility Previous projected completion date Revised Projected Completion Date Executi ng Depart ment Comments Eastern Cape Bolo Police Station((R&U) 9 Jul 2013 DPW Contractual commencement date was scheduled by DPW for 10 January 2012, however the site was handed over to the contractor on 21 February 2012 with a contract period of 18 months. Mpumalanga Tweefontein Police Station(RE) 1 Jul Aug 2012 DPW The initial contractor for this project was placed in Mora during The site has been handed over to the second contractor on 18 January 2012 with a contract period of 6 Months. 18
INITIATIVES TO STRENGHTEN PROCESS Process underway with new minister of Public Works in establishing dedicated technical teams to support infrastructure projects through the lifecycle of projects Activating frequent meetings at high level to monitor progress of portfolio projects SAPS Internal Infrastructure committee established to consolidate delivery efforts 19