ITACEC PAK & ITACEC UK ITACEC PAK 67-A, Abid Majeed Road, Lahore Cantt. Pakistan Tel: (92-42) Fax: (92-42) ITACEC UK 10-Queens Gate Place London, SW7 5NX, Tel: Mobile: ITAUK Tel:
Vision “To Promote Education as a Comprehensive Process for Human and Social Transformation” Mission Statement TO actively promote standard setting in education as a comprehensive multi-dimensional learning experience BY creating contemporary education systems for optimum equity without discrimination AND endeavoring to address educational bottlenecks through timely resource mobilization & influencing of public policy.
“Credibility” ……..Does Matter
Government Corporate Partners – Unilever, Nestle, ICI, Mobilink under CSR International Donor Agencies Pakistani Expatriates in USA & UK (ITACEC - UK) Individual Philanthropists And Govt. School Teachers, Students & Communities OUR VALUED PARTNERS
ITA Pakistan & ITACEC UK
Early Childhood Education Reading Club Health Action Program Home Work Study Centre Community Learning Centre Summer School Information & Communication Technology WSIP
Govt. Girls Elementary School, Satellite Town Chiniot From Despair to Hope… Enrolment Trend
W e are proud to have friends like Mr. & Mrs. Farooq Jamil who are committed to changing the future of Pakistan through education entitlements to the most deserving and most disadvantaged groups. 27 students from District Lahore, Jhang, Muzzafargarh and Nankana are linked with this ongoing scholarship scheme for their further studies in college after matriculation.
ITA’s Health & Environmental Education Program Encouraging Professional Volunteers Dr. Waseema Bukhari’s Visit to ITA’s Partner Schools in Lahore
Capacity Building of Teachers on Personal & Social Health and Hygiene by Dr. Waseema Bukhari
Medical Screening of Students In Partner Schools by C.D.G. Health Department
Revitalizing Mochi Gate Garden A Success Story made possible by students and PHA
ICT program -- Two Strands Community Learning CentersQuality Education: Schools ICT for Students ICT for Teachers Human Resource Development Employment opportunities: Improved quality of Life Linkages with like minded Education partners for Promoting Quality education across the World. Information Communication Technologies (ICTs)
ITA’s Partner Schools Celebrating Spring Festival with PHA
ICI Pakistan Ltd. Vice President ICI, Mr. Asif Juma & his dedicated team visiting the school Pre-Adoption Enrolment Post- Adoption Enrolment Pre-Adoption Teaching Staff Post-Adoption Teaching Staff Brief Profile MC Boys Primary School Tibbi Harrian District Shiekhupura
Nestlé’s Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), Breaking New Grounds…
Promoting Learning through Play “ Dirt Is good because Dirt = Experience & Experience Is Good” Partner Organizations Idara-e-Taleem-o-Aagahi and Parks & Horticulture Authority (PHA)
Initiative of Surf Excel – A Brand of Unilever Promoting Experiential Learning Selection of three Parks in Lahore,Karachi, and Rawalpindi Signing MOU of parks with District Governments for the period of one year Installation of five play equipments in each park with the help of Rafi Peer Group Attachment of one neighbouring school to each park by MOU for the period of one year
Mobilizing Corporate Social Responsibility for the promotion of Early Childhood Education in Pakistan ITA accessed to the MOE to get permission to print and distribute 2500 copies of National Curriculum on ECE across 2500 schools in district Lahore (70:30 Govt and Private schools) and equal numbers of boys and Girls schools ECE kit developed to link with the ECE Curriculum 200 teachers from 160 schools have been trained on ECE ( Two Days Workshop) based on national curriculum for ECE Government and private schools of district Lahore were focused for this workshop including Govt. officials from Education Department LHR This workshop was conducted for the promotion of safe and experiential learning through play
Inauguration of the First Park Ideal Park in Township Lahore is the first of many other parks selected across the nation for Surf Excel’s initiative to give every child a right to play in a safe learning environment. Date of Inauguration : October 09, 2008
Global Hand Washing Day October 15, 2008 in collaboration with Unilever
Child Labor Initiatives –Non-formal Programs for the Vulnerable Since 2002 ITA engaged in programs for child labor with a three pronged approach –Catch up programs for child labor children in education – the non- formal package to help children get to schools –Improvement of area schools for mainstreaming children –Literacy for livelihoods including vocational training Health, social protection, life skills, enrichment activities and creative expression an integral part of the program Heavy linkage and learning across formal and non-formal ITA has reached to children with 64% girls, 42% were mainstreamed successfully in schools; high withdrawal level from the unsafe trades and 15% poverty reduction (recent ILO external evaluation). Sheikhpura, Nankana, Kasur, Lahore, Rawalpindi & Islamabad Capital Territory … a replicable program anywhere..many tools developed
Funded By: United States Institute of Peace Project Goal Addressing conflict and diversity through dialogues and texts to promote national harmony Project Objectives Selected students (grades VIII-X) from 8-10 secondary schools across Pakistan will identify and debate issues on identity, diversity and sources of conflict. Hold an essay competition, dialogues and online communication exchange with selected youth (gender balanced) from public and private schools in four provinces. Develop learning materials, texts and posters for grades 8 to 10 to engage with cultural diversity; to respect and value living histories and positive cultural practices. Disseminate the materials generated to textbook boards, writers, the private examination boards and the national curriculum wing for influencing the writing of the textbooks and/or to be used as supplementary materials for grades VIII-X. Develop guidelines/manuals for teachers to use the learning materials and to conduct training workshops for teachers. Publish two research papers and at least best essays highlighting the sources of conflict and recommendations for respecting diversity, histories for peace and harmony. Hold a national round table seminar in December 2007 to share the project experience, outputs, and outcomes with relevant stake holders
Project Partner Schools Name of School Type of School GenderCity Fatimaya Education NetworkPrivateCo-EdKarachi Govt. Junior Model Pilot School GovernmentGirlsKarachi Yazdan Khan Govt. Model high school GovernmentBoysQuetta Wilderness SchoolPrivateCo-EdQuetta Beaconhouse School System- Johar Town Campus PrivateBoysLahore Beaconhouse School System- Johar Town Campus PrivateGirlsLahore Sanjan Nagar Public Education Trust Higher Secondary School PrivateGirlsLahore City District Government Girls School Paisa Akbar GovernmentGirlsLahore Islamai Collegiate School Peshawar GovernmentBoysPeshawar
Ongoing Initaitives Teacher Trainings Impact Assessment Survey Essays Booklet Two Research Papers National Seminar & Open Day Learning Supplementary Texts- Sungtra Magazine on Citizenship Project Activities Essay Competition Excerpts from Student's Essays Ist Structured Dialogue The Networking Meeting Presentation Minutes of Meeting Rakshanda Ovais – Teacher Educator, Fatimiyah Education Network Perception Survey Together we have the power to make a difference Peace education helps us to understand what the roots of conflict are. It is not just limited to human development, but it also heals the society.
Project Title “Enhancing Girls Enrolment in Remote Areas of Pakistan” Project Goal “To Improve Access and Quality of Primary Education for Girls” Project purpose Promoting Enabling Environment for Girls Education Through Social Mobilization and Capacity Building of Stakeholders Donor Implementing Partner Guarantee PROJECT TARGET AREAS 09 WSIP Model Schools 36 Cluster Schools JHANG (PUNJAB) MULTAN (PUNJAB) MUZAFFARGARH (PUNJAB) RAHIM YAR KHAN (PUNJAB) 45 Target Schools Per District
Key Outputs of the Project 9 girls’ primary schools are physically rehabilitated for a Child Friendly & Safe Learning Environment. Provision of Teachers and Teaching Learning Materials Teachers’ Training (Intensive training in content mastery- primary level, child friendly teaching, outcome based methodologies and gender sensitive approaches. Re-strengthening of School Management Committees (SMCs) / School Councils Health Awareness and Life Skills Program for Schools and Communities Children Participation in School Enrichment Activities Catch up Program of recent drop outs in target schools in afternoons for mainstreaming with a support teacher Links established with District Government and District Education Committees formed/strengthened. Policy and Education Financing for sustainability through annual district education plans and active advocacy
AN INTERNATIONAL PREPARATORY WORKSHOP ON Annual Status of Education Report (ASER) Pakistan A National Initiative for Quality Education August 6 th –10 th, 2008 Institute of Education and Research, University of the Punjab SAFED and its Maiden Initiatives – ASER Pakistan 2008
The 5-day preparatory workshop had the following basic plan: Day (1) Introductions; why, how, experiences of ASER in India; issues of sampling Day (2) Practice mapping, selection of households, testing and discussions Day (3) Doing ASER in a village; practice surveys in a village Day (4) Reporting results and analyzing information; creating a district report card Day (5) Suggestions and modifications; communication and planning ahead Objectives To get reliable estimates of the status of children’s schooling and basic learning (reading and arithmetic) at the district level; To measure the change in these basic learning and school statistics from last year; and, To leverage this workshop as a launching pad for ASER Pakistan in the latter part of 2008 through a national survey on measuring quality education annually until This workshop is the first step towards ASER Pakistan, an annual exercise in measuring learning levels. Starting from 2008, SAFED will conduct this exercise annually till at least 2015, thereby making it an important national statistical tool for educational quality and learning levels measurement.
Press Coverage for ASER
Twenty Pakistani Educators Completed a Four Week Workshop at Plymouth State University (PSU) in USA – A year teacher education initiative “ Teachers Without Frontiers” Sponsored by the Bureau of Education and Cultural Affairs (ECA) USA, implemented by PSU and Facilitated by Idara-e-Taleem-o-Aagahi (ITA)
The fifth round of Pakistan Education Leadership Institute (PELI) ended successfully at the Plymouth State University, New Hampshire USA on July 25th, Twenty participants completed an intensive four weeks of training and received Certificates of Professional Development in Demonstrating Active and Responsible Citizenship through Education in Environmental Stewardship and Cultural Heritage Preservation. To date 100 secondary educators have completed this program from All 20 participants of PELI 2008 were awarded for: session attendance, sessions participation, and the completion of an effective master plan. All 20 participants hailing from: Sindh, Punjab, Islamabad Capital Territory, NWFP, FATA and AJ&K are to implement the master plan uniquely developed for their respective institutions/regions in Pakistan. They will receive a modest grant to facilitate various activities of the master plan
Services Performed by ITA – Generating Resources through Skills Over the past few years, due to growing demand, the directory of services being offered by ITA has expanded. Currently, services being offered by ITA include: Training of teachers, head teachers as leaders and managers, school councils/ SMCs and CCBs District Education Planning, Markaz (cluster of UCs) Education Planning and School Development Planning (SDPs) Capacity building for running school enrichment programs (reading, health, environmental clubs, summer camps, after school remedial programs, and non-formal programs Materials and module development Strategy design and institutional needs assessment in the education sector Research and evaluation studies Conference and workshop management Documentation services for conferences Logistics and arrangements for visitors to education projects Program design, Selection Criteria design through consultation, Selection, Visa and N.O.C facilitation, pre- departure orientation and post training follow up for teachers and students for out of country visits (USA especially). Design of media and communication strategies Production of Documentaries Website development and management Tailor made services for specific clients Our CLIENTS include: Government of Punjab, Department of Education: Directorate of Staff Development (DSD) Punjab Education Foundation (PEF) City District Government Faisalabad GHK, London, UK Plymouth State University USA and State Department USA UNICEF UNILEVER Sanjan Nagar Public Education Trust South Asia Forum for Education Development
“Change” is Possible…What do You think?