Your Guide to Successfully Using Scientific Method! Created for the teachers at Mauro-Sheridan Interdistrict Magnet School by Monique M. Gibbs
So, you have decided to enter a science project using the scientific method in the science fair? It is really not that hard as long as you take it step by step. Let’s Get Started!
The scientific method is a process for experimentation that is used to explore observations and answer questions.Just as it does for a professional scientists, the scientific method will help you to focus your science project question, construct a hypothesis, design, perform, and evaluate your experiment. The Scientific Method
Star Advice Hot Tips To Look For! Stop here and get your teacher’s approval to go on. Important Definitions Think About This Careful to follow these directions.
Dependent Variables Control Group Independent Variables Experimental Group Important Definitions A dependent variable is what you measure in the experiment (temperature, weight, height, etc.) It is a variable that isn't changed by the dependent variable you are trying to measure. (The Independent variable causes a change in the Dependent variable) The group that does not have the dependent variable applied in order to validate the results of the test A group that is exposed or treated with the dependent variable
Brainstorming Think about some science topics. (Motion, weather, materials, etc.) What kinds of things make your wonder? (What makes things work or why do things work) Look in science books or on the internet. Browse the science section in the library and check out the books that interest you.
1. (Write your first idea.) 2. (Write your second idea.) 3. (Write your third idea.) 4. (Write your fourth idea.) 5. (Write your fifth idea.)
Now, look at your five ideas. Decide on two ideas that you like the best. Write them below. It is time to check in with your teacher. Your teacher will help you choose one of your ideas to use as your science project topic. 1. (Write your best idea.) 2. (Write your second best idea.) stop You can not proceed until your teacher has initialed here.
Write all facts or interesting background information you find about your topic here. Research Notes
Write all facts or interesting background information you find about your topic here. Research Notes
Write all facts or interesting background information you find about your topic here. Research Notes stop You can not proceed until your teacher has initialed here.
Bibliography Notes 1. Author’s name Book title Pages used Publisher Publisher city Year it was published 2. Author’s name Book title Pages used Publisher Publisher city Year it was published 3. Author’s name Book title Pages used Publisher Publisher city Year it was published stop You can not proceed until your teacher has initialed here.
There are many ways to develop a workable project. Don’t get frustrated. You will find a topic to study that interests you and can be tested. It takes creativity but that’s the key to a winning science project. You Are Doing Great!
Investigative Questioning While researching your topic, think of two questions that can be measured. Keep in mind how much money your project might cost, how much time you need, or how safe it will be. Your teacher will help you determine the best investigative question. 1.(Investigative question) 2. (Investigative question) 3. (Investigative question) You can not proceed until your teacher has initialed here. stop
Hypothesis The scientific method requires that you state a possible answer to the investigative question before you begin. This statement is called the hypothesis. It is what you think your results will show.
(Write your investigative question) (Write your Statement of Topic) I performed this experiment because… ((Write your hypothesis) I think or I believe (the independent variable will affect the dependent variable)… Putting It Altogether
CONGRATULATIONS! You have completed the first part of the scientific method.
Congratulations! You have completed the first part of the scientific method! You are almost ready to perform your experiment!
Materials The materials is a complete list of items needed to perform your experiment. It is also important to include the quantities or how much you used. Other measurements may include the length, the volume, and the mass.
The Material List should follow these rules: 1. Remember to be very specific about the amount, size, or length of each item used 2. List measurements in metric units when appropriate An example of a poor material listAn example of a great material list Water Ruler Dirt 20 Liters of water Metric Ruler with millimeters listed 3 cubic meters of potting soil Fill in the blanks below to create a quality Materials List. Quantity: Description of Item: ____________________________________________________
Procedure The procedure is a step- by-step set of instructions that tell how to complete your experiment. These should be written so that anyone can repeat your exact experiment. Be very specific; don't assume that the reader knows anything about science.
Follow these rules to write the procedure: 1. Label each step with a number 2. Write your procedures as if you were writing a recipe in a cookbook 3. Be very specific with quantities, amounts, and the order that things need to be done Don’t forget to include: Repeated to experiment 3 times
You are ready to perform your experiment!
While experimenting, think about this… A good scientist keeps careful and detailed records of findings and test results. Use a notebook to write down all the things you have done on your project each day. Record everything you do or all procedures you carried out during the experiment. Be sure to include the date and time. Take photos and have them printed on photo paper.
(Write your Materials) Putting It Altogether (Write your procedure)
Results The results explain and guide the reader through the information or the data which answers the hypothesis you investigated.
Follow these rules to write the results: 1.Write what you wanted to accomplish or prove during your experiment. 2.Describe and report the data you collected. It is important to show this data even if it did not support your hypothesis. 3.The Results section is to objectively present your results, without interpretation. The process of completing the experiment with true data is what is important. You can not proceed until your teacher has initialed here.
Conclusion The conclusion is comparing your hypothesis with the data reported in the results. The conclusion will also describe how the results prove or disprove the hypothesis. It might include how you would change your experiment if you were to continue this topic or explore the questions that you developed during the experiment.
Include the following to create a good conclusion: My hypothesis was___________________________________________________________ The Results indicate that this hypothesis should be considered_______________________ Because of the results of this experiment ________________________________________
Putting It Altogether Results Conclusion You can not proceed until your teacher has initialed here.