Steps 1. Have students create questions for seminar (split the questions in half, one for each round). 2.Partner students up 3. One of partners starts at inner circle while the other sits in outer circle taking notes. 4.Display half the questions for inner circle, switch inner/outer circle and display the other half of questions. 5. I grade them on a scale (slide #4) must talk 3 times - 2x just answering a question and 1 with a critical thinking response (connection, clarification, evidence, or asking a high-level question).
Socratic COSTAS questions (10 minutes) Create 3 questions about the topic of water using the quotes from your 4 lenses of ES (a level 2 and a level 3). Format: Source, “Quote”, level 2 or 3 question. In the film Globalization Tapes it states that “a man has a 30 year contract and has been working on minimum wage for 20 years” Judge the company’s decision to make long-term contracts for their employees. Format: Source, “Quote”, level 2 or 3 question. In the film Globalization Tapes it states that “a man has a 30 year contract and has been working on minimum wage for 20 years” Judge the company’s decision to make long-term contracts for their employees. LEVEL 2LEVEL 3 Analyze, group, synthesize, compare/contrast, infer, sequence Evaluate, judge, apply, speculate, imagine, predict, judge
Do Now Take 5min to summarize your perspective of human impact on the globe. “Overall, human impact on the planet has been…”
To find yourself, think for yourself.” “I cannot teach anybody anything. I can only make them think” Purpose of a Socratic Seminar is to learn from each other and build on each other’s knowledge. Facilitators: 1 st – Marvin M/Jayda L 3 rd – Nico H/Steph S 4 th – Elijah H/Natalie C 5 th – Andrea P/Ben D 6 th – Cesar/Jorge H. Facilitators: 1 st – Marvin M/Jayda L 3 rd – Nico H/Steph S 4 th – Elijah H/Natalie C 5 th – Andrea P/Ben D 6 th – Cesar/Jorge H. Graders: 1 st – Carla H/Karen M 3 rd – Andrea/Raymond 4 th – Israel/Marlene 5 th – Evelia/David 6 th – Zoily/Jackie Graders: 1 st – Carla H/Karen M 3 rd – Andrea/Raymond 4 th – Israel/Marlene 5 th – Evelia/David 6 th – Zoily/Jackie
Norms: Grading: Socratic Seminar (40 minutes) DOsDON’Ts Make eye contact Follow speaker Wait for other’s to finish their thoughts Allow those that haven’t spoken a chance to speak Complete your handout Use academic language Side conversations Slouching Interrupt ActionPoints Complete partner handout2 Respond to 2 questions4 Critical Thinking response (look at handout for examples) 2
Final Socratic Seminar Questions (Questions taken from each period) 1.Imagine if the dirt on the earth were to disappear or become unusable, how would our lives be affected? 2.What would be the effect on the planet if humans went extinct? 3.What would happen if we used up all of our coal, oil, and other fossil fuels. 4.Which would be more unethical: if the government forced birth rate reduction, or to allow birth rates to increase exponentially? 5.Why do informed humans continue to ignore the destructive impact on the globe? 6.Compare and contrast modern farming techniques and their advantages and disadvantages to traditional farming methods. 7.Predict what reforms would be necessary to maintain ecological sustainability. 8.How is the global economy affected by human’s impact on ecosystems? 9.Are we headed to a future where it is too late to change to a more sustainable existence? 10.What will the future likely look like if we continue our methods of unsustainable consumption? 11.What are some methods we could employ a more sustainable cycle of production, consumption, and waste? 12.If you were the CEO of a major corporation, how might you run your company more sustainably, but still maintain profit?
Period 1 SocSem Questions 1.What change would happen without water? 2.Analyze the effect fossil fuels have had on the planet. 3.What can be said about the well-being of countries with the highest populations in the world? 4.Imagine if trees would be mined to extinction. How would this impact the earth? 5.Imagine if the dirt on the earth were to disappear or become unusable, how would our lives be affected? 6.Predict what would happen to the earth if human populations reaches 10 billion by What would be the effect on the planet if humans went extinct? 8.Compare and contrast the human populations pre-industrialization and now. 9.Predict what would happen if we continued unsustainable fossil fuel consumption. 10.What would happen if we used up all of our coal, oil, and other fossil fuels. 11.Imagine if humans had worldwide birth reduction; how would that affect the globe and societies? 12.Which would be more unethical: if the government forced birth rate reduction, or to allow birth rates to increase exponentially? 13.Predict what would happen if humans stopped all meat consumption. 14.What is the impact of humans polluting fresh waters?
Period 3 SocSem Questions 1.Should population growth be regulated by world governments? What might be the results if population growth is unregulated? 2.How does soil affect every level of the ecosystem? 3.If human population continues to increase, what will be the global impact? 4.Why do informed humans continue to ignore the destructive impact on the globe? 5.Compare and contrast modern farming techniques and their advantages and disadvantages to traditional farming methods. 6.What is the importance of soil preservations? 7.Is there a replacement for earth’s soil? 8.If we continue to develop cities what impact will it have on human survival? 9.How does overpopulation benefit and harm societies and the planet? 10.Can we infer the importance of dirt on human existence? 11.How would the world be affected by American’s reducing consumption and production? 12.Predict what reforms would be necessary to maintain ecological sustainability. 13.Predict the impact to ecosystems if only autotrophs existed. 14.What might be some solutions to the human impact on fresh water systems?
Period 4 SocSem Questions 1.What impact would there be on humans if detritivores went extinct? 2.How is the global economy affected by human’s impact on ecosystems? 3.Predict the advantages and disadvantages to the world’s ecosystems if human’s went extinct. 4.Predict the impact of the world if there were a higher predator to humans. 5.What possible future methods would humans need to utilize for human’s to feed growing populations, if human’s continue to farm unsustainably? 6.Explain the necessity of new agricultural technology and method. 7.In what ways can humans help repair the damages we’ve made to the earth? 8.Why is it important to protect our soil as opposed to cover it up/damage it? 9.What would be the outcome of corporation’s overuse of resources? 10.Are we headed to a future where it is too late to change to a more sustainable existence? 11.Imagine a world without petroleum. What would be the consequences to such a world? 12.Identify possible solutions to overpopulation? 13.Imagine if other countries bonded togther to deny land to Western corporations (say no to America). How might this effect those western nations and the global economy/well being as a whole? 14.How could our curtrent state of ecologgical crisis have been prevented?
Period 5 SocSem Questions 1.How can sustainable composting be incorporated with future technologies. 2.What will the future likely look like if we continue our methods of unsustainable consumption? 3.What would the world look like without decomposers? 4.Predict the impact on earth without healthy dirt. 5.Explain different ways we can preserve our earth’s soil. 6.Speculate what would happen is human population growth continues to increase. 7.What are some methods we can sustainably spend and consume? 8.What are some methods we could employ a more sustainable cycle of production, consumption, and waste? 9.What are some methods governments could use to reduce population growth. 10.How might the world be different with half the humans exisiting on it? 11.How does the over-exploitation of resources affect our global economy? 12.What are the ways human overpopulation affects our planet and society?
Period 6 SocSem Questions 1.What measure’s could be taken to ensure sustainable agriculture? 2.Predict the effect on the environment if companies reduced productions of toxins substances? 3.Describe the human effect on dirt. 4.What global factors contributed to the suicides of 200,000 Indian farmers? 5.What can we do as global citizens to help stop the destruction of the earth? 6.Explain the cause and effect of fresh water supplies being polluted? How can this be fixed? 7.How can individuals reduce their impact on the earth’s ecosystems? 8.Is it possible for humans to fix our mistakes in the next 50 years, or are we heading towards certain doom? 9.How does dirt affect each level of an ecosystem’s complexity? 10.Explain why informed individuals continue to practice unsustainable agricultural practices. 11.If you were the CEO of a major corporation, how might you run your company more sustainably”?