Implementing an Online Program of Success Sandi Atols, Ed.D. Manager of Distance Learning Chicago Public Schools Office of High School Programs.


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Presentation transcript:

Implementing an Online Program of Success Sandi Atols, Ed.D. Manager of Distance Learning Chicago Public Schools Office of High School Programs

2 Mainstreamed Distance Learning 80% of higher education institutions have online offerings 21 states now have statewide online programs, and cyber-schools and/or district-level online programs operate in almost every state (Watson, 2005) There is anecdotal and now quantitative evidence from the Dept. of Education that 36% of all public schools offer some form of distance education, and of those, 76% are high schools. Watson, J. (2005). Keeping Pace with K-12 Online Learning, Learning Points, Associates, Chicago.

3 Fueling this paradigm shift is the growth of internet connectivity in schools.  99% of schools are connected according to the US Dept. of Education, This shift provides more student responsibility and choice in their learning. The rapid expansion of distance learning has followed. Student-Centered Instruction

4 CPS – IVHS Partnership CPS and Illinois Virtual High School have partnered for 4 years. CPS online students’ successful completion rate was 65%; the rest of Illinois was above 80%. Why? We have learned much! Implementing of a model of support is vital!

5 Distance Learning Support The US Dept. of Education’s Technology Plan, 2005, lists supporting elearning and virtual schools as one of their major action steps (p. 41). Palloff and Pratt (2001) explain that just increasing number of distance learners is not sufficient. In order for students to succeed, conditions including building communities of support must be met.

6 CPS’ Distance Learning Plan The plan must include all students from accelerated, mainstreamed, recovery, alternative, and special needs. Similar strategies apply in all cases; one of these is providing support.

7 Distance Learning Support But what is support? Chicago’s goal is 90% online students’ success rate by implementing a strategy of support based on best practices from what we have learned.

8 Conditions for Success Understanding the expectations Proper environment  Students scheduled into a regular class period  Supported by a trained mentor during that period within the instructional day Regular access to working technology Students not afraid to try new things, but have tools to assist them to learn Local school team support

9 Community of Support Support is necessary in all areas that affect the students. These are made up of small communities within the global community. One can view it in a diagram of concentric circles.

10 Community Support System Peers Student Peers Online Teachers Local school personal The school environment The online course The Program Administration Parents The global community

11 CPS District Support Explain (students, parents, school personnel) Mentor (screen, coach, monitor) Environment (access) Tools (tutorial & help desk) Working Technology Administrative (school team) Support STUDENT

12 12 th Graders Perceptions Patrick, S. (2005, January 19). NACOL Webinar.

13 Re-engage Students Distance Learning (D.L.) provides the opportunity for choice, interactive communication, collaboration, and flexibility.  CPS online course enrollments have doubled each year.  Schools and school personnel are beginning to understand and implement a program of success.  Data on success is now being disaggregated to address specific needs of learners.  Workng to add CPS-VHS to Evening School and middle school.

14 Successful Results Technology based education at the secondary level enables school districts to expand the range of courses available to their students and facilitates more flexibility in students’ schedules and instructional delivery. By providing choice, addressing students’ individual needs and learning styles, and using the tools millenniums have grown up with, school becomes more meaningful and valuable. Online students are reengaged in learning and hone skills needed to succeed in today’s global society.

15 Strategies for Success CPS’ Two Pronged D. L. Approach: CPS students can choose to take online classes to meet their individual needs, learning styles, and choices. All CPS students in the future will have the opportunity to use online tools and resources for communication and collaboration within their traditional classrooms.

16 Strategies for Success In order to succeed, those small communities affecting students (counselors, teachers, administrators, Board of Education, and parents) must be addressed. Classes offered f-2-f and online  Mentor Training  Online Teacher Facilitation  Online Tools for Teachers  Online Tools for Administrators

17 Strategies for Success Chicago has been partnering with the Illinois Virtual High School to provide online course opportunities for its high school students. In a second prong of CPS’ distributed learning program, beginning this year a cadre of teachers will be trained to use on line tools and make these available to their tradition classes. All the students in these traditional classes will have the same 24 hour access to online tools giving the students opportunities for collaboration, communication, and sharing with their instructors, their peers, and experts, as well as access to posted resources and web links. Recognizing that teenagers are social beings that long to communicate, this should prove to be a catalyst for renewed interest in learning and subject matter understanding.

18 Strategies for Success NCLB requirements must be met  Students are taught by certified online instructors  Schools designate certified teachers of record Data must be gathered and analyzed to provide evidence of success.

19 Demographics Perceptions Student learning School processes Adapted from: Bernhardt, V. L. (1998). Data analysis for comprehensive schoolwide improvement. Larchmont, NY: Eye on Education. Multiple Measures of Data

20 Demographic Data Multiple Measures of Data Perceptions Data Student Learning Data School Processes Data Adapted from: Bernhardt, V. L. (1998). Data analysis for comprehensive schoolwide improvement. Larchmont, NY: Eye on Education. Enrollment, attendance, drop-out rate, ethnicity, gender, grade-level

21 Multiple Measures of Data Perceptions of learning environment, values and beliefs, attitudes, observations Demographic Data Perceptions Data Student Learning Data School Processes Data Adapted from: Bernhardt, V. L. (1998). Data analysis for comprehensive schoolwide improvement. Larchmont, NY: Eye on Education.

22 Multiple Measures of Data Adapted from: Bernhardt, V. L. (1998). Data analysis for comprehensive schoolwide improvement. Larchmont, NY: Eye on Education. Standardized tests, norm/ criterion- referenced tests, teacher observations of abilities, authentic assessments Demographic Data Perceptions Data Student Learning Data School Processes Data

23 Multiple Measures of Data Adapted from: Bernhardt, V. L. (1998). Data analysis for comprehensive schoolwide improvement. Larchmont, NY: Eye on Education. Descriptions of school processes and programs Demographic Data Perceptions Data Student Learning Data School Processes Data

24 Demographic Data Multiple Measures of Data Perceptions Data Student Learning Data School Processes Data Adapted from: Bernhardt, V. L. (1998). Data analysis for comprehensive schoolwide improvement. Larchmont, NY: Eye on Education. All four areas must be considered for student success.

25 Learning Communities Provide Gains in student achievement; high graduation rates; lower drop-out rates Quality solutions to problems Increased confidence Teacher, mentor, parent, school personnel and student’s support Collaboration and sharing among all stakeholders  New ideas, methods and materials  Expanded pool of ideas, materials and methods  Additional avenues for sharing, presenting and publishing Access to data

26 Support is a Community System 1. Distance Learning with its emphasis on community building is here to stay. 2. With best practices in place, distance learning provides an avenue to address the learning styles and multiple intelligences of today’s digital learners. 3. Online tools for community building (collaboration and communication) can be used within all classrooms: brick and mortar or virtual. 4. These communities provide increased understanding and hone skills needed to interact within our technologically advanced society.

27 Thank you! Do you have any questions? Contact information: Sandi Atols, Ed.D. Manager of Distance Learning Chicago Public Schools Cell: