CASCADE COURSING CLUB Christy Maxfield, Test Sec Point Fosdick Dr NW Gig Harbor WA (253) Dated Material DIRECTIONS TO THE FIELD FROM THE NORTH OR SOUTH ON I-5 - Take the Auburn Exit (Exit 18). Go to Auburn and take the Enumclaw Exit to Highway 164. Follow the signs to Enumclaw (Highway 410), just before Enumclaw, turn right on 244th, go to 456th and turn left. It becomes Warner. Stay on Warner to the fairgrounds. GOING SOUTH ON I-405 OR COMING FROM THE RENTON AREA – Go east on Maple Valley Highway (Highway 169), go through Black Diamond, continue on until 416th SE, turn left, then follow signs to fairgrounds. Licensed by the American Kennel Club AKC ALL BREED LURE COURSE EVENT Event # (s) Pre-Entry Fees Pre-entries close 6 p.m. Wednesday, August 12th, 2009 Test, PER HOUND $25.00 Test, ANY ADDITIONAL HOUND (same owner)$23.00 Day of Trial Fees: $25.00/ENTRY Phone, fax, and entries will NOT be accepted. Send entries to Christy Maxfield, 1024 Point Fosdick Dr NW, Gig Harbor WA LICENSED BY THE AMERICAN KENNEL CLUB Permission has been granted by the American Kennel Club for the holding of this event under AKC Rules and Regulations. James Crowley, Secretary Two AKC Lure Tests : Saturday, August 15, :30am (# ) Saturday, August 15, :30pm (# ) FIRST CLASS MAIL August 15 th, :30am August 15 th, :30pm Enumclaw Expo Center, Enumclaw WA th Ave SE, Enumclaw WA. (South Field)
Officers Nancy Aiken AKC# 5522 Susan Fegan ACK# ZC N Myrtle Rd.PO Box 1096 Myrtle Creek OR 97457Laconner WA Saturday-Test #1, 08:30am All BreedSaturday-Test #2, 12:30pm All Breed AKC Field Committee PresidentCarol S Chittum Vice PresidentChristine D. Maxfield Recording SecretaryDeb Vondetti Corresponding SecretaryDeb Vondetti TreasurerNancy MacLean Board Alan MacLean, Sandi Anderson Chairman:Carol Chittum, 515 – 286 th SE, Fall City, WA Assistant Chairman: Sandi Anderson, Issaquah WA Secretary:Christy Maxfield 1024 Point Fosdick Dr NW Gig Harbor WA Lure Operator:Nicklas Pisias Hunt Master:Carol Chittum, Sandi Anderson, Pam Heeke Paddock Master:Alan MacLean, Don Ellis, Deb Vondetti Inspection:Deb Vondetti, Sandi Anderson, Nancy Maclean Cell phone on the field: or Judges and Assignments JUNIOR COURSER TEST: Open to all hounds of an eligible breed. A hound running alone shall receive a certification from a Judge on one date and a second certification from a different Judge at a later time, stating that the hound completed a six hundred (600) yard course with a minimum of four (4) turns. The hound must complete the course with enthusiasm and without interruption. CCC will make every attempt to facilitate that JC entrants will be accommodated with regard to their conformation show times, but it is also the responsibility of each entrant to make an effort to be ready when their hound is called to the line. HOUNDS ENTERED IN BOTH TESTS MUST BE INSPECTED FOR EACH TEST. Eligible Breeds & Registry Only purebred Afghan Hounds, Azawakhs, Basenjis, Borzois, Greyhounds, Ibizan Hounds, Irish Wolfhounds, Italian Greyhounds, Pharaoh Hounds, Portuguese Podengos, Rhodesian Ridgebacks, Salukis, Scottish Deerhounds, Sloughis, Thai Ridgebacks and Whippets that are one year of age or older, that have been registered with The American Kennel Club, or part of an AKC-registered litter, or otherwise, if whelped outside of the United States of America and owned by a resident of the USA, or of a country with a foreign registry organization whose pedigrees are acceptable for AKC registration and is registered with that registry, or that have been granted an Indefinite Listing Privilege (ILP), are eligible to participate in lure coursing tests and trials. Hounds may not be entered as “registration pending” or “ILP Pending.” Soughis one year of age or older, that have been recorded with the Foundation Stock Service, or that have been granted an ILP are eligible to enter in Lure Coursing Tests and may participate in Lure Coursing Trials on an Exhibition Only basis. Breed disqualifications apply **Note: Italian Greyhounds are not eligible to compete for Best in Field.** Ribbons & Prizes Ribbons.CCC will offer: Qualifying Course- Green Ribbon General: 1.All entries must be one year of age or older on the day of the test. 2.Each entry will be examined at inspection for breed disqualifications. Bitches in season and lame hounds will be excused. Entry fee for hounds excused, during inspection, for bitches in season, lameness or breed disqualification shall be refunded. Spayed or neutered hounds, without breed disqualifications, may be entered. 3.Battery powered continuous loop machines will be used. Lure will consist of white plastic bags. Backup equipment will be available. 4.The course will be reversed for the second test. 5.The field committee reserves the right to alter the course plan as required by weather and/or field conditions on the day of the trial. 6.THE FIELD COMMITTEE RESERVES THE RIGHT TO BAR KNOWN AGGRESSIVE HOUNDS FROM THE TRIAL SITE. 7.THERE WILL BE A $5 FINE ASSESSED FOR ANY LOOSE HOUND NOT TAKING PART IN THE COURSE IN PROGRESS, OR FOR ANYBODY CAUGHT NOT PICKING UP AFTER THEIR DOG OR LEAVING GARBAGE ON THE FIELD. 8.NO ONE, EXCEPT THE FIELD COMMITTEE, WILL BE ALLOWED ON THE FIELD WITHOUT THE EXPRESS PERMISSION OF THE FIELD CHAIRMAN, EXCEPT THE APPOINTED FIELD COMMITTEE. 9.Anybody exhibiting unsportsmanlike behavior will be excused from the field and may be subject to further disciplinary action. 10.Please bring your own shelter and water. 11.No cigarette smoking on the field. CASCADE COURSING CLUB EVENTHOURSDAY OF TEST ENTRIES ACCEPTED ROLLING INSPECTION ROLL CALL & START Saturday- Test #1 Nancy Aiken 8:30am until 12:00PM While each test is in progress. Rolling inspection begins: 8:30 a.m. 8:30 a.m. Saturday- Test #2 Susan Fegan 12:30 p.m. until completion While each test is in progress Rolling inspection begins: 12:30 p.m. 12:30 p.m. Veterinarian Information:Sumner Veterinary th St. E Sumner WA (253) Accommodations: Park Center Motel, 1000 Griffin Ave, Enumclaw, (360) West Main Motor In, 466 W Main St, Buckley, (360) Auburn Val-U Inn, 9 14th NW, Auburn, (253) Travelodge Suites, 9 16th St NW, Auburn, (253) Motel Puyallup, 1412 Meridian St S, Puyallup, (253) Northwest Motor Inn, 3518 Meridian St E, Puyallup, (253) Best Western Park Plaza, 620 South Hill Park Dr, Puyallup, (253)
Special Events __________________________ FUN RUNS-ALL BREEDS WELCOME! Fun Runs will be conducted at the conclusion of each Test. Fun Runs will be $4.00 each, straights only, available to all breeds, and but the duration may be limited by CCC depending on the JC Test time requirements. CCC will require that each Fun Run dog owner fill out a hold- harmless form when they pay. Fun Run dog owners must arrange for their own person to release or catch their dog and provide a separate lead for catching their dog.