8 th Grade Mrs. Debbie Ladeby & Ms. Brittani Siracusa
Daily Expectations In your seat by the time the bell rings Prepared with all supplies in class Homework written in planner daily Positive Attitude and Open mind SURGE Environment
Curriculum Focus on Common Core Emphasis on Literacy Reading Writing Critical Thinking Ability to support claims Discussions Informal Formal - Forums
Units of Study Elements of Narrative Response to Literature Expository Text Argument Writing Close Reading and Summary Writing
Keeping Track of Assignments Look for the agenda on the board – planner Class Website Class Website lms.sandi.net lms.sandi.net Check with class friends
“I don’t have any homework.” “Let me see your planner.” “Now, let’s check the class website.” “Show me your completed assignment.” “Is there anything else you can add?” “If you don’t have any homework, take out a book and read.” “Don’t forget to charge your iPad.”
Supplies 2 ½” Three Ring Binder w/ Dividers Binder paper Pencils/Pens (multiple) Highlighter Colored Pencils Ear buds iPad Charged Daily!!
Grading A standard grading scale will be used (A=100%- 90%; B=89%-80%; C=79%-70%; D=69%-60%; F 59% and below). Grade will consist of: Classwork Homework Written Work/Projects Assessments Participation
Posting Grades Grades are entered as soon as I can get to them Keep track of assignments on Power School and verify scores with returned documents (Students that submit “late work” must be patient for entering of points. Be persistent, but still polite.)
Daily Participation Contribute to class discussions constructively Listen quietly and respectfully Prepared with all materials Cooperate when working in small groups Following class expectations Positive attitude and pleasant demeanor Independent Reading iPads charged
Late Work Policy Once an assignment has been entered into Power School, students have one week to turn it in before it becomes a zero. Late work will receive no higher than a “C” After a week, an assignment can receive no more than 50%
Absences Attendance is crucial A student is responsible for missing work while out on an absence Help your child by checking the class website me if you or your child needs more clarification Most assignments can be completed and submitted online Your child will receive extra days according to absence
Student Progress Please check Power School account to make sure you’re on track!! Parent Login received at Tech Training Monthly Class Progress Reports home
Tutoring Every Monday, Tuesday, and Most Thursdays 3:00 – 4:00 p.m. Before school By appointment
Please contact me if you have any questions/concerns Please update Power School Profile with address through the office!!