Senate Bill 530 Region I Presentation - October 31, 2007 Clara Contreras – Region I Liz Avitia – Brownsville ISD Marilyn Mitton – Brownsville ISD Region I Presentation - October 31, 2007 Clara Contreras – Region I Liz Avitia – Brownsville ISD Marilyn Mitton – Brownsville ISD
Senate Bill 530 Presentation Outline SB 530 Legislative Issues Clara Contreras CATCH Support for Legislative Changes Liz Avitia Fitness Assessment Implementation Marilyn Mitton Q & A SB 530 Legislative Issues Clara Contreras CATCH Support for Legislative Changes Liz Avitia Fitness Assessment Implementation Marilyn Mitton Q & A
Legislative Issues Raises Accountability standards for PE programs –data collection and analysis Students K-5 required to participate in 30 minutes of vigorous activity daily In students 6-8 th grade will participate in 30 minutes of vigorous daily activity for a total of four semesters in the three years Raises Accountability standards for PE programs –data collection and analysis Students K-5 required to participate in 30 minutes of vigorous activity daily In students 6-8 th grade will participate in 30 minutes of vigorous daily activity for a total of four semesters in the three years
Legislative Issues All districts shall assess fitness in students grades 3-12 annually The FITNESSGRAM software will be provided to each district The assessment will include: aerobic capacity (PACER), body composition (skin fold and BMI), muscular strength (curl ups, push ups) and flexibility (trunk lift, sit & reach, shoulder stretch) All districts shall assess fitness in students grades 3-12 annually The FITNESSGRAM software will be provided to each district The assessment will include: aerobic capacity (PACER), body composition (skin fold and BMI), muscular strength (curl ups, push ups) and flexibility (trunk lift, sit & reach, shoulder stretch)
Legislative Issues Criterion referenced standards specific to the students age and gender are incorporated into the software and will be utilized to assess each student’s level of fitness Summary reports will be sent from each LEA to TEA each year Analysis at the state level will be conducted with the fitness data Criterion referenced standards specific to the students age and gender are incorporated into the software and will be utilized to assess each student’s level of fitness Summary reports will be sent from each LEA to TEA each year Analysis at the state level will be conducted with the fitness data
Legislative Issues Fitness data will be analyzed for correlation with student academic achievement, attendance, obesity, disciplinary problems and the school meal program The state level analysis will check effectiveness of coordinated health programs and recommendations will be developed to modify health program requirements or related curriculum Fitness data will be analyzed for correlation with student academic achievement, attendance, obesity, disciplinary problems and the school meal program The state level analysis will check effectiveness of coordinated health programs and recommendations will be developed to modify health program requirements or related curriculum
Legislative Issues Information will be made available through the student handbook or similar documentation and the district website The amount and level of physical activity required by the legislation Local policy in regard to restricting student access to vending machines Local policy in regard to penalties for tobacco use Information will be made available through the student handbook or similar documentation and the district website The amount and level of physical activity required by the legislation Local policy in regard to restricting student access to vending machines Local policy in regard to penalties for tobacco use
CATCH The Essentials Coordinated Approach To Child Health It is now the LAW! Coordinated Approach To Child Health It is now the LAW!
GETTING STARTED Organization of Activities: Who’s Involved? Your CATCH Team! - Physical Education Teacher, Classroom Teacher, Nurse, Cafeteria Manager, Counselor, Parents, Wellness Coordinator, Safety Coordinator & Students, etc. Organization of Activities: Who’s Involved? Your CATCH Team! - Physical Education Teacher, Classroom Teacher, Nurse, Cafeteria Manager, Counselor, Parents, Wellness Coordinator, Safety Coordinator & Students, etc.
Physical Education Implementing 30 minutes of physical education daily or 135 minutes weekly Certified physical education teacher in every campus Implementing 30 minutes of physical education daily or 135 minutes weekly Certified physical education teacher in every campus
Health Education Curriculum Classroom implementation K-12 th grade CATCH curriculum K-5 Health Education 6-12 Classroom implementation K-12 th grade CATCH curriculum K-5 Health Education 6-12
School Health Services Monitoring the obese population Implementing the P.A.S.T. (diabetes prevention curriculum) Communicates with students, parents, and staff Monitoring the obese population Implementing the P.A.S.T. (diabetes prevention curriculum) Communicates with students, parents, and staff
Food Services Is meeting dietary guidelines Provides foods that are lower in fat, saturated fat and sodium Promotes healthy foods through signage of Go, Slow, & Whoa cafeteria tours, food tasting fairs Is meeting dietary guidelines Provides foods that are lower in fat, saturated fat and sodium Promotes healthy foods through signage of Go, Slow, & Whoa cafeteria tours, food tasting fairs
Counseling Services Implementing of F.A.C.T.S. (tobacco education & prevention) Provides emotional support for the obese population Communicates with parents Implementing of F.A.C.T.S. (tobacco education & prevention) Provides emotional support for the obese population Communicates with parents
Family Program Student assignments are done with the help of the parent Family Fun Nights- allows for parents, students & community to participate Families In Training- F.I.T. program where parents exercise and learn how to stay healthy. Student assignments are done with the help of the parent Family Fun Nights- allows for parents, students & community to participate Families In Training- F.I.T. program where parents exercise and learn how to stay healthy.
Wellness Wellness For Everyone 9:00-11:00 for parents 3:00-5:30 for students 4:00-7:30 for all adults Wellness For Everyone 9:00-11:00 for parents 3:00-5:30 for students 4:00-7:30 for all adults
SAFETY Teach about: Fire Drills Lock Downs Shootings Evacuations Bus Safety Teach about: Fire Drills Lock Downs Shootings Evacuations Bus Safety
CATCH Activities Be resourceful Get Creative Make Learning FUN! Staying Healthy is A Lifetime Commitment Be resourceful Get Creative Make Learning FUN! Staying Healthy is A Lifetime Commitment
Fitness Assessment FITNESSGRAM software Distributed by Human Kinetics for TEA contact: Cheri Scott extension: 2412 Sandi Shelton extension: 2422 (tech) Districts may chose stand-alone, or school server or district SQL server version FITNESSGRAM software Distributed by Human Kinetics for TEA contact: Cheri Scott extension: 2412 Sandi Shelton extension: 2422 (tech) Districts may chose stand-alone, or school server or district SQL server version
Fitness Assessment All students 3 rd – 12 th grade; unless student has IEP, 504 or similar - related to health needs that make assessment inappropriate Middle schools eligible for TEXAS FITNESS NOW grants were advised to pre-test by October 15 th or as soon as software was delivered; then post-test to assess change in fitness level All students 3 rd – 12 th grade; unless student has IEP, 504 or similar - related to health needs that make assessment inappropriate Middle schools eligible for TEXAS FITNESS NOW grants were advised to pre-test by October 15 th or as soon as software was delivered; then post-test to assess change in fitness level
Fitness Assessment Fitness Assessment includes: Aerobic capacity Body composition Muscular strength Flexibility Fitness Assessment includes: Aerobic capacity Body composition Muscular strength Flexibility
Fitness Assessment Local Education Agency (LEA – local districts) are to submit their summary report to TEA this summer Results are to be treated as all other types of assessments – confidential Legislation requires notification to parents advising that results are available Local Education Agency (LEA – local districts) are to submit their summary report to TEA this summer Results are to be treated as all other types of assessments – confidential Legislation requires notification to parents advising that results are available
FITNESSGRAM Software 8.0
Fitness Assessment Implementation Introduction: August 22, 2007 UTB Dr. Mata, Dr. Hart, Dr. Wittenburg 200 participants - teachers & paraprofessionals Agenda: Fitness Testing Legislative Updates Curriculum – Revised Frameworks CATCH Training Human Performance Lab Tour Introduction: August 22, 2007 UTB Dr. Mata, Dr. Hart, Dr. Wittenburg 200 participants - teachers & paraprofessionals Agenda: Fitness Testing Legislative Updates Curriculum – Revised Frameworks CATCH Training Human Performance Lab Tour
Fitness Assessment Implementation Fitness Assessment Training at UTB September 18 or 19 th Dr. Hart and Dr. Wittenburg Agenda Implementing the FITNESSGRAM Using FITNESSGRAM Software Teaching PE Concepts with Technology Using Technology to Develop Self Regulation Developing Physical Fitness Fitness Assessment Training at UTB September 18 or 19 th Dr. Hart and Dr. Wittenburg Agenda Implementing the FITNESSGRAM Using FITNESSGRAM Software Teaching PE Concepts with Technology Using Technology to Develop Self Regulation Developing Physical Fitness
Fitness Assessment Implementation Brownsville ISD teachers and para-professionals become PE students for one day at UTB
Fitness Testing Implementation Distribute information to campus administrators, main office administrators, technology dept., health services dept. etc. Introduce Legislation to PE staff PE staff FITNESSGRAM training Parental newsletter (English/Spanish) Campus visits esp. middle school CATCH training all campuses Submit grant application by October 1 st Distribute information to campus administrators, main office administrators, technology dept., health services dept. etc. Introduce Legislation to PE staff PE staff FITNESSGRAM training Parental newsletter (English/Spanish) Campus visits esp. middle school CATCH training all campuses Submit grant application by October 1 st
Fitness Assessment Implementation