How to be a Tour de Cure Captain Sandi Hassett LifeScan / Johnson & Johnson
Agenda Set goals & plan Recruit helpers Recruit riders Educate riders & sponsors Utilize available tools to get your riders self sufficient Market the event and communicate on-going progress Offer incentives Provide training & additional information in preparation
Set goals & plan Determine the amount of money you’d like to raise and/or how many riders you’d like to have on your team (if your team was around last year - use that as a baseline) S - Specific M - Measurable A - Attainable R - Realistic T - Timely Plan your time and activities leading up to and after the ride Include major milestones and key deliverables
Recruit helpers You can’t (and probably don’t want to) do it all yourself if you really want to reach as many people you can Consider folks who have a different reach and/or skill set than you do to compliment and gain more Ideas on roles you might need: Executive sponsorship (support & $$$) Communication specialist (access!) Experienced group or TDC riders (training) Event helpers (kick-off, bbq’s, sign up day, etc.)
Recruit riders Don’t limit yourself - expand to work, family, friends, gym mates, people at your place of worship, neighbors, go “global” Focus your recruiting message on the ADA’s mission and reach Emphasize that ANYONE can participate Many ride options: 25k (<16 mi), 50k, 75k, 120k Ride your own tour option Lead by example
Educate riders & sponsors Prepare a welcome packet of all needed information FAQ’s (event time, location, lengths, etc.) Links to ADA resources on the web Links to centralized repository of information (promotion events, kick- off, training tips, safety guidelines) Matching gift information Captain contact information Store the information in a location with most access Guidelines for fundraising (riders getting sponsors) Again back to ADA’s mission & value Identification of sponsors (those who are riding & those who aren’t - Facebook / My Space?) Utilize ADA website Take advantage of Matching Gift Programs
Utilize available tools ADA website & links On-line donation management Team Captain guides Recruiting guidelines Incentives & gifts Other programs (Red rider, Lunch n Learn, etc.) Your tools from... Work (intranet, bulletin boards, mail slots, etc.) Friends & family (Facebook, My Space, reunions, neighborhood meetings, church communications, etc.)
Market the event & communicate on-going progress Executive level support Communication channels Events Kick-off Training / information sessions Centralized “thermometer” poster with progress
Offer incentives Bike jerseys with company logos Company wide raffles for riders who have signed up as well as fundraising activities (ex. raffle off iPod with proceeds going to the team or directly to the ADA) Department competitions Publication of participants Promote ADA gifts ***Work with department leaders for funding these incentives***
Provide training & additional information New this year - ADA to coordinate group riding clinic given by League of American Bicyclists Have experienced riders give overview and / or training clinic Organize training rides Utilize local cycling clubs ***Always focus on safety***
Have fun !!! Feel free to contact me for any questions’s all about helping the people with diabetes Good luck!