October 23-25, 2013 Mesa, Arizona
Welcome to everyone! Kim Knox-Lawrence (ME) –Chair APC Lt. Jennifer Brown (AZ) - Chair LEC Laurie Glenn (NE) – Chair IRP Education Committee
Workshop house cleaning Please show our presenters respect by: Giving the presenters your undivided attention Placing your phones on vibrate or turning them off Taking any calls outside the conference room Turning your notepads/lap tops off while speakers are doing their presentations Please keep sidebar discussions to a minimum If you have a question please use the microphone and speak up so everyone can hear your questions
Agreement Procedure Committee Kim Knox-Lawrence (ME) Chair Carolyn Evanston (IN) Vice-Chair Marie Stark (MT) Cindy Swanson (CA) Glenn Boyette (MS) Ghyslaine LePage (QC) Kim Plante (VT) Karen Smith (IA) Pamela Marshall (KY) Sandi Ackerblade (ON) Cindy Arnold (NV) Ex-Officio Ron Hester (ON) Board Liaison
IRP EDUCATION COMMITTEE Laurie Glenn (NE) - Chair Kim Russell (MO) -Vice Chair Laurel Hooton (PA) Renée Kyser (AL) Jay Sween (WI) Darlene Lott (SK) Sandra Christenson (MN) Portia Manley (NC) Debra Hill (CA) -Past Chair Shaun Hammond (AB) -Board Liaison Claudia Trapp (VA) -Staff Liaison INDUSTRY Brian Lehane (IN) Nancy Cardone (NC)
Law Enforcement Committee Lt Jennifer Brown (AZ) Chair Inspector Andrew Markle (ON) Vice-Chair Bill Bralley (VA) Michael Calfee (NC) Robert Chapple (SK) David Couprie (MB) Anthony Hatcher (MD) William Haynes (NH) Trent Knoles (IL) Joseph Noland (OH) Stuart Zion (CO) Lead Board Liaison Chuck Ulm (MD) Board Liaison
IFTA Inc. Thank you! Debora Meise Tammy Trinker Lonette Turner For all your help over the past year.
HAVE FUN AND WE HOPE YOU ALL LEARN A LOT! On behalf of the APC, LEC and IRP we hope you all enjoy yourselves this year and have a great time! Please be sure to fill out the online survey form for us, to let us know how we did this year and what we can do to make a better workshop next year. We look forward to seeing you again next year too.
Next Year’s event will be hosted by IRP Inc. Time and place to be announced at a later date!