2 INDEX 1. About the Office of the Public Protector 2. Vision 3. Mission 4. Core values 5. Performance on 2005/06 Strategic Objectives /06 Statistical overview /06 Financial performance 8. Challenges for 2005/06 9. Performance on 2006/07 Strategic objectives /07 Financial performance 11. Collaboration with other institutions 12. Challenges for 2006/ Way forward 2007/08
3 MANDATE OF OPP To assist Parliament to strengthen constitutional democracy by investigating matters such as maladministration, undue delay, abuse of power and/or any conduct resulting in improper prejudice by an organ of State in order to enhance fairness and efficiency in public administration.
4 STRUCTURE OF THE OFFICE OF THE PUBLIC PROTECTOR National Office 9 Provincial offices Regional offices: N West: Rustenburg, Kuruman, Vryburg, Mabopane W Cape: George Mpumalanga: Siyabuswa To be opened N Cape: Upington E Cape: Mthata KZN F State
5 Performance on Strategic Objectives for 2005/06 1. Investigations and Reporting; 2.Corporate Services; 3. Communications; 4.Outreach; 5.The Learning Organisation and Information Technology.
6 Investigations and Reporting 6 Strategic objectives defined and performance was as follows: 1. Service delivery indicators defined and piloting and testing completed; 2. 9 Systemic investigations underway and three finalised; 3. All 9 Systemic investigations classified as projects.
7 Investigations and Reporting 4. Reporting Closing reports in all finalised cases; 24 formal and special reports issued. 5. Remedial action All cases signed by Public Protector that have recommendations and or findings; Managers follow-up on all recommendations.
8 Investigations and Reporting 6. Investigative guidelines and procedures Manual drafted & will be finalised in 2006/ Framework for costing investigations Classification of cases done, input will be utilised to develop costing model in 2006/07.
9 Corporate Services 1. Human Resource Management OPP Remuneration policy and strategy adopted. Skills audit conducted and needs analysis deferred to 2006/07. HIV/AIDS strategy and policy: healthcare consultant appointed. Coaching and mentoring of 8 female senior managers. Preliminary audit of HRM business process done. Review of Performance Management System achieved and ongoing.
10 Corporate Services 2. Admin and Support Appropriate delegations to be finalised after training. Review of OPP support requirements ongoing. Review of OPP security strategy ongoing & Security Manager appointed.
11 Corporate Services 3. Financial Management Sizwe Ntsaluba appointed as Internal Auditors; Internal controls reviewed to ensure compliance and avoid risks; Divisional budgeting strategy developed; All financial policies developed and adopted; SCM unit established in May 2005 and is fully functional.
12 Communications Communication strategy drafted and will be finalised in 2006/07; International relations- OPP hosted African Ombudsman Association conference; Established relations with GCIS; Dept of Foreign Affairs provided protocol training;
13 Outreach Workshop conducted to discuss Outreach strategy – will be finalised in 2006/07. Regional offices in Siyabuswa and George; 78 clinics in all nine provinces and 1634 complaints received; CSAP: Programme Focal Manager based at OPP appointed; Programme Co- coordinator appointed in Limpopo.
14 Outreach
15 Learning Organisation and Information Technology 1.Knowledge Management Due to financial constraints objectives deferred to 2006/ Information Technology Case Management system defunct due to coding errors; Audit of IT systems-done by Sizwe Ntsaluba; IT policies developed and adopted; IT Disaster recovery plan adopted.
16 Statistical Overview (New Cases) Received: Brought forward to April 2005: Total no of cases for investigation: Total finalised:
17 Statistical Overview (New Cases)
18 Statistical Overview (Finalised cases)
19 Sample of Turnaround times for finalised cases
20 Representation at Senior Management
21 Overall representation in OPP
22 Financial Performance 2005/06 R’000 Budget Allocation Other Funding - Interest Received628 Additional Allocation from DOJ3 500 Other 3 Total amount available for spending
23 Amount spent during the year R’000 Expenditure per audited Income statement Less: Non-cash items Depreciation Add: Capital Expenditure (included in Balance Sheet Capital Expenditure (Machinery & Equipment) Total amount spent during the year58 889
24 Economic Classification
25 Challenges for 2005/06 Funding for appointment of appropriate personnel, Outreach programme is generating more complaints in some Provinces; Due to vastness of most Provinces investigators travel long distances leading to delays; Costing of Investigations.
26 Performance on 2006/07 Strategic Objectives Following strategic goals defined : 1. Investigations and Reporting; 2. Communication services; 3. Corporate Support Services; 4. Knowledge Management and Information Technology.
27 Investigations and Reporting 8 Strategic objectives defined and performance is as follows: 1. Conduct investigations with adherence to SDI On average there is 90% adherence. 2. Identify and conduct systemic investigations 5 new systemic investigations initiated.
28 Investigations and Reporting 3. Conduct own initiative investigations 22 own initiative investigations initiated & 9 finalised. 4. Develop investigation techniques Draft process manual developed. 5. Reduce turnaround times 95% of cases received finalised within target period.
29 Investigations and Reporting 6. Reporting on all finalised cases Formal and closing reports in all finalised cases. 7. Monitor and report on remedial actions 80% of cases received positive feedback only 2 cases that are followed up. 8. Effective co-ordination of provincial offices Manual developed and being discussed.
30 Statistical Overview (cases received)
31 Non-jurisdictional cases cases
32 Cases finalised
33 Sample of gender breakdown of cases received
34 % Complaints received –top 10 State institutions
35 Average turnaround times within which investigations were finalised
36 Communications and Marketing Senior Manager Communication appointed; Draft communication strategy developed; Communication with media strengthened through press conferences, media releases and media engagement; Branding- corporate manual drafted; Staff trained on protocol.
37 Outreach Outreach strategy developed and adopted; 73 clinics conducted during the year and 1759 complaints received; 167 Information sessions conducted (target was 45); Opening of regional offices in N Cape and E Cape deferred to 2007/08; Collaboration- areas of collaboration identified and discussion ongoing.
38 Outreach clinics and Information sessions ProvWCMPKZNECLIMNWMABFSGAUNCTOT Clinic s Info sess No of case s
39 Corporate Services 1. Human Resources Implementation of Remuneration Strategy ongoing; Performance Management System- in the process of appointing service provider; Workplace Skills plan submitted to PSETA HRD strategy will be developed during 2007/08; Employee Wellness Programme:-Careways appointed.
40 Corporate Services 2. Finance and Supply Chain Management Costing model for Investigations – Levels of complexity of cases defined & costing model will be developed in 2007/08; All financial management policies implemented; 50% achievement of divisional budgeting process; All significant findings by AG have been attended to; Implementation of cost-effective procurement processes ongoing.
41 Corporate Services 3. Administration Support a) Optimum utilization of resources. All OPP fleet vehicles fitted with Netstar Vigil Fleet management device; In the process of implementing comprehensive telephone management system that including Least cost routing. b) Effective and efficient Registry. OPP Records management manual approved by National Archivist and being implemented.
42 Corporate Services 3. Administration Support c) Additional Regional offices: deferred to the next financial year; d)Relocation of offices: W Cape relocated, Mafikeng to be refurbished; e) Strong rooms for N Cape and E Cape to be finalised in 2007/08.
43 Information Technology and Knowledge Management Due to resignation of key personnel all objectives could not be achieved and have been deferred to 2007/08.
44 Human Resources: Representation at Senior Management
45 Gender breakdown at Senior Management
46 Collaboration with other institutions OPP, HRC, CGE identified 3 areas of synergy : Infrastructure Investigations Advocacy / Outreach. All 3 jointly implementing CSAP. OPP accommodating CGE in Kimberley, George and Siyabuswa office space left for CGE and HRC
47 Challenges 1. Decline in Statistics IT infrastructure including CMS is priority for 2007/08; Physical audit of all finalised and current files will be done to get correct statistical data; Need for funds hence OPP has requested to defer funds to 2007/08.
48 FINANCIAL OVERVIEW 2006/07 (UNAUDITED) R’000 Budget Allocation -67,784 Other Funding - Interest Received 1,316 Roll Over 360 Total amount available for spending69,460
49 Amount spent during the year (Unaudited) R’000 Compensation of employees41,400 Goods and Services16,487 Capital Expenditure 3,500 Total amount available for spending 61,387
50 Economic Classification
51 Draft Unaudited Surplus Draft Unaudited Surplus from Operations per the Statement of Financial Performance in the Annual Financial Statements for the period ended 31 March 2007 R Earmarked Funds Project 1Electronic Procurement & Case Management System:. R Project 2Refurbishment of Offices: Mafikeng & Kwazulu Natal R Project 3Strong Rooms: Eastern Cape R Project 4Opening of 2 additional offices R NETT SURPLUS AFTER COMMITMENTS
52 BUDGET OVERVIEW-PRIOR YEARS Fin Year2001/02 R’ /03 R’ /04 R’ /05 R’ /06 R’ /07 R’000 Budget Alloc 29,37135,13543,51949,16058,62767,784 % Increas e 20%24%13%19%16%
53 Budget Allocation
54 Percentage Increase
55 Budget Overview-MTEF Period Fin Year2006/07 R’ /08 R’ /09 R’ /10 R’000 Budget Alloc 67,78478,72286,47595,099 % Increase16%510%
56 Budget Overview-MTEF Period
57 Budget Overview-MTEF Period % increase
58 WAY FORWARD 2007/08 1. Strategic Framework Divided into Organisational and Operational 2.Organisational Lean; Professional; Concertina model.
59 WAY FORWARD 3. Operational Thematic approach for investigations each year; Project approach for investigations; Mobile Office of the Public Protector –piloted in Limpopo, KZN and E Cape during 2007/08.
60 Strategic Goals 2007/08 ProgrammeSub Programme Investigations and ReportingNational Investigations Provincial Investigations Special Investigations Executive ManagementStrategic Management Marketing and Communications Outreach Programme Corporate Support ServicesHuman Capital Finance and Supply Chain Management Knowledge Management Information Technology Administration Support Security and Risk Management
61 Investigations and Reporting 1. To conduct investigations with adherence to SDIs. 2. To identify and conduct systemic investigations. 3. To conduct own-initiative investigations. 4. To develop investigative techniques, processes and training. 5. To reduce the turnaround time to a maximum of one year to finalize all cases. 6. To ensure effective, relevant reporting in all finalized investigations. 7. To monitor and report on remedial actions recommended to organs of state. 8. Identify areas to be included in the Costing Model 9. To improve the effective and efficient coordination of provincial offices.
62 Executive Management Strategic Management 1. To conduct file inspections. 2. To improve on think-tank committee procedures and processes. 3. To define and review organisational strategic performance assessment and reporting. 4. To consolidate and continuously update the Policies into an integrated Corporate Manual. 5. Enhance collaboration with stakeholders. 6. To co-ordinate the OPP management meetings 7. Establish and migrate AORC. 8. Development of the Exchange programme Strategy. 9. To improve efficiency and effectiveness of the Investigation Process. 10. To develop the Service Delivery Charter.
63 Executive Management Sub-Programme: Marketing and Communications 1. Improve communication and routing of information to Stakeholders; 2. Effective communication to internal staff 3. Improve media relations; 4. Brand and Market the OPP; 5. Inculcate protocol knowledge within the OPP.
64 Outreach 1. Increase accessibility to OPP services; 2. Increase public awareness; 2. Manage Outreach Activities at National Office; 3. Taking the OPP to the People.
65 Corporate Support Services Human Resources Management and Development 1. Ensure attraction, maintenance and retention of high quality staff for OPP. 2. Continuous monitoring and evaluation of OPP PPMDS to ensure an improved and sustained PPMDS. 3. Training and development of staff according to OPP needs 4. Ensure the development, Implementation and utilisation of an EWP for the OPP. 5. Facilitate and monitor Change management, transformation, equity and diversity. 6. Improve the Human Resources Management Information System (HRMIS). 7. To improve, monitor and advise on Labour Relations.
66 Corporate Services Finance and Supply Chain Management 1. To develop a costing model for investigations. 2. Improve OPP financial management and reporting. 3. Ensure compliance of OPP with financial prescripts. 4. Develop and implement cost-effective procurement processes.
67 Corporate Services Administration Support 1. To enable the optimum application and utilization of resources. 2. To promote the effective and efficient functioning of the registry. 3. To establish and maintain suitable office accommodation.
68 Corporate Services Security and Risk Management 1. To establish and implement processes for the protection of OPP information and assets, including staff. 2. Develop and implement Risk Management Strategy.
69 Corporate Services Knowledge Management 1. Create Knowledge Management Institution of the OPP. Information and Communications Technology 1. Develop Master Systems Plan (MSP).
70 CONCLUSION OPP would like to thank Honourable Chairperson and all members of the Committee for their unconditional and invaluable support THANK YOU