God Is Our Protection (God Is Our Everything!) Lesson 7
Brief Review This lesson represents our seventh installment in this fifteen lesson series taken from (Psalm 23). Hopefully by now we know that our theme for this series is “God Is Our Everything!” We have undertaken this study so that we can come to the realization of all that God means to us and does for us so that we can in turn better appreciate and serve Him.
Previous Lessons God Is Our Leader God Is Our Provider God Is Our Rest and Refreshment God Is Our Restoration God Is Our Guide God Is Our Purpose
God Is Our Protection Designations of Our Protector Depictions of Our Protector Description of Our Protection Directions from Our Protector
Designations of Our Protector God is our shield. (Psalms 3:3; 84:11) God is our refuge. (Psalms 9:9; 46:1) God is our preserver. (Psalms 12:7; 31:23; 97:10; 121:7,8) God is our deliverer. (Psalms 18:17; 34:17,19; 50:15) God is our upholder. (Psalms 37:17,24; 145:14) God is our shelter and strong tower. (Psalms 61:3) God is our keeper. (Psalms 121:3,4)
Depictions of Our Protector Noah and his family (Genesis 6:8,13-21) Abraham and Sarah in Egypt (Genesis 12:17) Lot when Sodom was destroyed (Genesis 19) Joseph in Egypt (Genesis 39:2,21) Moses in his infancy (Exodus 2:1-10) Israel coming out of Egyptian bondage (Exodus 13:3,17-22) Joshua leading the people of Israel into the Promised Land (Joshua 6-11)
Depictions of Our Protector David in his victory over Goliath (I Samuel 17) Daniel’s friends from the fiery furnace (Daniel 3) Daniel from the lion’s den (Daniel 6) Jonah from drowning (Jonah 1:17) Jesus and His parents (Matthew 21:13) Peter from losing his head (literally that is) (Acts 12:3-17) Paul from many, many circumstances
Description of Our Protection God gives us His PROVIDENCE. (Romans 8:28) God gives us His PROMISE. (I Corinthians 10:13) God gives us His PRESENCE. (II Thessalonians 3:3) God gives us POISE. (I Peter 3:12-14)
Directions from Our Protector We must practice righteousness. (Proverbs 2:7; 11:8) We must fear Him. (Proverbs 14:26) We must love Him. (Psalm 145:20) We must trust Him. (Psalm 125:1-3)