Hinduism Review
What are Hindus? 1.monotheistic 2.polytheistic 3.atheists
Vishnu is the: 1.creator 2.destroyer 3.protector
What is Brahmanism? 1.An early religion of the Hittites 2.An early religion of the Aryans 3.An early religion that became Buddhism
The holy book of Hinduism is: 1. Sutras 2. Torah 3. Vedas
Brahma is the: 1.creator 2.destroyer 3.protector
Most Hindus are vegetarians because they believe 1.Animals don’t have feelings. 2.Animals taste bad. 3.Animals have the supreme life force.
Shiva is the: 1.creator 2.destroyer 3.protector
What does the term karma mean for Hindus? 1.Each person has many lives. 2.One’s deeds in life determine their next life. 3.Each person follows his or her own path to find God.
What is the term for the Hindu belief that each person has many lives? 1.Veda 2.karma 3.reincarnation
How is a person’s social class determined in a caste system? 1.By education 2.By job 3.By religion
What is the Bhagavad Gita? 1.The story of the Aryans’ conquest of the Harappans. 2.An ancient guide to meditation and yoga. 3.One of the most important texts of Hinduism.
What caste would you find a banker in? 1.Brahmana 2.Vaisya 3.Kasatriya
What caste would you find an artisan in? 1.Sudra 2.Vaisya 3.Ksatriya
What is the ultimate goal of Hinduism? 1.To be reincarnated forever. 2.To live a good life until you die. 3.To be reunited with the one supreme God.
Other Questions
A geographical feature is: 1.Agriculture and trade 2.Landforms and bodies of water 3.Organized cities and leaders
What central Asian people moved into India around 1500 B.C.? 1.Aryans 2.Harappans 3.Hittites