Gods and Goddesses The Creation of Mankind The Heros The Myths- True or False VocabularyWild Card $100$100$100$100$100$100 $200$200$200$200$200$200 $300$300$300$300$300$300 $400$400$400$400$400$400 $500$500$500$500$500$500
This god ruled the underworld, which later was named for him. He was the god of wealth, and was married to Persephone.
This goddess was both the wife and the sister of Zeus. She was the protector of marriage.
This goddess had no mother, but was the daughter of Zeus. She sprang from his head. Her symbol was the owl, and she was the goddess of wisdom.
This Titan is responsible for giving animals all of their special “gifts,” or special characteristics.
Also known as Diana, this goddess was Apollo’s twin sister. She was the goddess of the hunt and the protector of youth.
Why does mythology exist?
To explain the unknown reasons behind how the world works
List the three sets of “children” for Oranos/Uranus and Gaea/Gaia.
hecatonchires & titans & cyclops
What did Uranus do with his first two sets of children, and why?
imprisoned because they were too ugly
How were the Olympians able to defeat the Titans?
they release the hecatonchires & titans & cyclops and Epimetheus & Prometheus fought with Olympians
How did Zeus and his siblings decide how each would rule the universe?
rolled dice or drew straws
Who was Hercules’ father?
What two gods/goddesses helped Perseus achieve his task?
Hermes and Athena
Instead of sailing to Athens to meet his father, Theseus chooses to walk. Why?
He wants to be like Hercules/ prove valor
Why is Medea willing to help Jason?
She fell in love with him
What are the five gifts Perseus gets in order to kill Medusa?
Magic wallet Cap of invisibility Bronze shield Sword Winged sandals
Persephone’s mother controls the seasons.
Pandora was sent as a punishment for Epimetheus’ action of giving all the gifts to the animals.
Eurydice dies at the hands of a hunter.
Echo is a nymph of Hera’s who plays music to entertain Hera.
Zeus and Hera travel to earth in human form, asking for food and shelter
a society in which females, especially mothers, have the central roles of political leadership, moral authority, and control of property.
Skill or talent that a hero possesses
A universally understood symbol, term, or pattern of behavior, a prototype upon which others are copied, patterned, or emulated. Archetypes are often used in myths and storytelling across different cultures.
A deadly weakness in spite of overall strength, that can actually or potentially lead to downfall.
Achilles Heel
Egotism, vanity, conceit, or simple selfishness
This Titan stole fire from the gods and gave it to mankind. It was also his job to create mankind.
What was Perseus’ destiny?
To one day kill his grandfather
What is Theseus’ quest?
Find father/slay Minotaur
What creature brought up Jason?
Chiron or the centaur
Why did Hercules have to do his 12 labors?
Forgiveness for killing wife and children