Covering the Periods of Before the Flood, The Flood, Scattering of the People, Patriarchs Foundational Study From The Foundational Study From The Book of Genesis
SSS Foundational Study of the Book of Genesis – Lesson Ten Genesis Review: Before the Flood – Creation 2.Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden 3.First Sin 4.Cain and Abel 5.Generations of Adam Flood – Preparations 7.The Flood Itself 8.Waters Recede 9.Laws and Promises / Noah’s Sin 10.Generations of Shem, Ham, and Japheth Scattering of the People – 11
SSS Foundational Study of the Book of Genesis – Lesson Ten The Creation Stories: Generations – Adam to Noah Adam Seth Enos Cainan Mahalaleel Jered Enoch Methusalah Lamech Noah
SSS Foundational Study of the Book of Genesis – Lesson Ten The Generations: Generations – Shem to Abraham Shem Arphaxad Salah Eber Peleg Reu Serug Nahor Terah Abram (Abraham)
SSS Foundational Study of the Book of Genesis – Lesson Ten Review of Lesson Nine: Abraham and Lot Separate Herds too Great Strife Developed Lot chose Well Watered Jordan Valley As the Garden of the Lord / Egypt Lot pitched his Tent towards Sodom Abraham Rescues Lot Kings of Mesopotamia – Kings of Plains Took Lot Captive Abraham (318 servants), Mamre, Eschol, Aner Rescue Lot Abraham meets Melchizedek King of Salem, Priest of the Most High God Antitype of Christ Heb.7:
SSS Foundational Study of the Book of Genesis – Lesson Ten God Makes a Covenant with Abram Gen.15 1.Shield and Exceeding Great Reward Shield – Protector Exceeding Great Reward Gen.24:1 Physically - Lived to 175 years old Gen. 25:7 Materially – Exceedingly Rich Gen.24:35 Spiritually – Counted Righteous Heb.11: Abraham’s Question – How going to Happen? Belief – Righteous Rom.4:3; Gal.3:6; Jam.2:23 3.God makes a Covenant with Abram Dividing of the Animals Ex.24:9-11; Jer.34:18 Repeat of the Land and Nation Promises God Appears - Smoking Firepot / Burning Torch
SSS Foundational Study of the Book of Genesis – Lesson Ten River of Egypt Euphrates River
SSS Foundational Study of the Book of Genesis – Lesson Ten The Birth of Ishmael Gen.16 1.Sarai is Barren 2.Ten years have passed in the Land of Canaan Hagar Given as Wife. Hagar Concieved Showed Contempt for Sarai Sarai Realized Mistake Dealt Harshly with Hagar Hagar Fled Angel Appeared at Beer-la-ha-roi God’s Promises Concerning Ishmael Abraham was 86 years old 75 Years Old when entered the Land Had been in the Land for 11 years
SSS Foundational Study of the Book of Genesis – Lesson Ten
SSS Foundational Study of the Book of Genesis – Lesson Ten
SSS Foundational Study of the Book of Genesis – Lesson Ten The Covenant of Circumcision Gen.17 1.Repeat of the Promises God’s Everlasting Covenant Repeat of Nation Promise Name Changed to Abraham Abram – Exalted Father Abraham – Father of Multitudes I will be Your God Descendants – Everlasting Covenant Repeat of the Land Promise Covenant of Circumcision Family and Slave Sign they were to be Different
SSS Foundational Study of the Book of Genesis – Lesson Ten The Covenant of Circumcision Gen.17 1.Repeat of the Promises Sarai will have a child Name Changed Sarai – Princess Sarah – Noblewoman Abraham Did Not Doubt Desire for Ishmael Abraham, Ishmael, House Circumcised Abraham 99 years old Ishmael 13 years old Had been in the land 24 Years
SSS Foundational Study of the Book of Genesis – Lesson Ten God 1. Elohim(Diety) 2. Yahwah(Jehovah) 3. El Roi(God Who Sees) 4. El Shaddai(God Almighty)
SSS Foundational Study of the Book of Genesis – Lesson Ten Genealogy: Terah Haran Nahor AbrahamSarah Iscah Lot Milcah Hagar Ishmael (Ishmaelites) Adam Seth Noah 1556 yrs after creation 1848 yrs after creation
SSS Foundational Study of the Book of Genesis – Lesson Ten The Patriarchs – Gen.11:17-50:26 Abraham 11:27-25:18 1. Generations of Terah 11: Abram moves to Canaan 12: Abram lies to Pharaoh 12: Abraham and Lot Separate 13:5-13:13 5. God repeats the Land Promise 13:14-13:18 6. Abraham Rescues Lot 14:1-14:17 7. Abraham meets Melchizedec 14:18-14:20 8. God makes Covenant with Abram 15:1-15:21 9. The Birth of Ishmael 16:1-16: The Covenant of Circumcision 17:1-17:27
SSS Foundational Study of the Book of Genesis – Lesson Ten