INTERNAL USE ONLY Main Menu This demonstrator aims to provide you with an overview of the various tasks which can be performed via the website. To access the area which you require, click on the relevant box. Please note: This demonstrator is directed at professional financial advisers only. It should not be distributed to or relied upon by private clients. AXA is a worldwide insurance group. In the UK, one of the AXA companies is AXA Sun Life Services plc, which distributes and administers financial products and services. AXA Sun Life Services plc is authorised and regulated by the Financial Services Authority and is a company limited by shares, registered in England No , registered office: 107 Cheapside, London, EC2V 6DU. As part of our commitment to quality service, telephone calls will be recorded. Producing a Bond Quotation Retrieving a Bond Quotation Completing a Bond Application Servicing existing investment policies Savings and Investments Pensions Servicing existing pensions policies Servicing existing pension schemes
INTERNAL USE ONLY This is the homepage which is accessed via log in from All quotes are produced by clicking on the quotations button in the workspace. Select the ‘Quotations’ button to continue Producing a Bond Quotation The Homepage Main MenuContinue
INTERNAL USE ONLY This page allows you to produce an ‘Active Protector Bond’ quotation or an ‘Investment Bond’ quotation. Click on the ‘New Quotation’ button Producing a Bond Quotation The Workspace Main MenuContinueBack
INTERNAL USE ONLY Once you have selected the new quotation option, a series of boxes need to be completed which cover all of the clients’ personal details. You will only need to enter the date of birth OR the age next birthday, not both. (Please note, once you have entered information into a box which has a standard format e.g date the cursor will automatically move to the next box for you.) Click on the ‘Continue’ button Producing a Bond Quotation The Client Main MenuContinueBack These are hypothetical client details
INTERNAL USE ONLY Main MenuContinue This is the lower part of the client details entry screen. The application will only allow you to move to the next screen once all the mandatory field have been completed (marked with *). The website will highlight any missing data. Select the ‘Next’ button to continue Producing a Bond Quotation The Client Back These are hypothetical client details
INTERNAL USE ONLY Main MenuContinue This is the investment entry page, where the relevant funds can be selected against the investment amount. The quote will automatically show an investment term of ten years. You can select additional projection term(s) from six to 30 years. Select the ‘Next’ button to continue Producing a Bond Quotation Investment Back These are hypothetical client details
INTERNAL USE ONLY Main MenuContinue The site allows you to enter any withdrawal information. The minimum withdrawal payment is £50 per payment. Withdrawals can be annually, half yearly, quarterly or monthly. The amount to be entered is the annual amount rather than the amount required for each payment. Select the ‘Next’ button to continue Producing a Bond Quotation Withdrawals Back These are hypothetical client details
INTERNAL USE ONLY Main MenuContinue The quotations function provides the capability to change your commission levels if required. You can choose to select either standard commission terms, choose a commission percentage or choose to sacrifice a percentage of commission. Select the ‘Quote’ to continue Producing a Bond Quotation Commission Back These are hypothetical client details
INTERNAL USE ONLY Main MenuContinue From the quote you can print off a fully compliant output by selecting the ‘Generate Print’ button. Select the ‘Continue’ button Producing a Bond Quotation Quotation Results Back These are hypothetical client details
INTERNAL USE ONLY Main MenuExit From the quote output you have a number of options: 1. Select a requote to change the information in the current quote 2. Complete a new quote for a new customer 3. Proceed to an application Select the ‘Exit’ button Producing a Bond Quotation Quotation Results Back These are hypothetical client details
INTERNAL USE ONLY Main Menu The website stores any quotes that have been completed for 120 days. To retrieve a previously completed quote, all you need to do is access the quote archive via the workspace located on the right hand side of the screen. Select the ‘Quotations’ button to continue Retrieving a Bond Quotation Quotation Results Continue
INTERNAL USE ONLY Main Menu Previous quotes can be recalled via the quote reference, if this is not available, a complete list of quotes can be accessed. Select the ‘View Previous Quotations’ to continue Retrieving a Bond Quotation The workspace ContinueBack
INTERNAL USE ONLY Main Menu A complete list of all the quotes can be accessed by simply clicking on the relevant quote. Select the quote for Client by clicking on the ‘Quote’ button Retrieving a Bond Quotation The Quotation Archive ContinueBack These are hypothetical client details
INTERNAL USE ONLY Main Menu From this point, any changes can be made to the quote, or the quote information can be used to proceed to the application. Select the ‘Exit’ button Retrieving a Bond Quotation The Client ExitBack These are hypothetical client details
INTERNAL USE ONLY Main Menu The site can be used to process applications for new bond business, for both the Active Protector Bond and the Investment Bond. Select the ‘New Business’ button Completing a Bond Application The homepage Continue
INTERNAL USE ONLY Main Menu From this point, new business applications can be made in a number of ways. Proposals can be completed from a new quote (to learn about bond quotations click here), or they can be processed from a previous quote. here To process a proposal from an existing quote, select the quote from the ‘View Previous Quotations’ button Completing a Bond Application The workspace ContinueBack
INTERNAL USE ONLY Main Menu Any quote which has been generated in the previous 120 days can be used to generate a new proposal. All quotes generated by your agency can also be accessed for the previous 30 days. Select the quote for Client by clicking on the ‘Quote’ button Completing a Bond Application The Quotation Archive ContinueBack These are hypothetical client details
INTERNAL USE ONLY Main Menu The information from the quote will be used to pre- populate the application. A declaration reference should be entered from the declaration form. It should be made up of six random numbers (which you select) followed by the date and time of your clients’ signature. The adviser reference is optional and allows you to enter an internal reference to ease commission reconciliation. Any mandatory fields (marked *) must be filled in to successfully submit the application. Select the ‘Next’ button Completing a Bond Application Policy Details ContinueBack These are hypothetical client details
INTERNAL USE ONLY Main Menu All of the relevant client details need to be entered into the application. Processing of the application cannot proceed if the investor is not habitually resident in the UK or if the investor is not a UK national. Select the ‘Next’ button Completing a Bond Application Investor Details ContinueBack These are hypothetical client details
INTERNAL USE ONLY Main Menu Completing a Bond Application Life Assured Continue All of the details regarding the life assured will need to be entered. Select the ‘Continue’ button Back These are hypothetical client details
INTERNAL USE ONLY Main Menu Completing a Bond Application Life Assured Continue If more than one life is to be assured, the details for the second person will also need to be added. Select the ‘Next’ button Back These are hypothetical client details
INTERNAL USE ONLY Main Menu Completing a Bond Application Investment Continue Once the relevant life assured details have been added, the application will ask you to confirm the investment information that was entered in the original application. Select the ‘Next’ button Back These are hypothetical client details
INTERNAL USE ONLY Main Menu Completing a Bond Application Payment Continue Similarly, the withdrawal details will be included from the original application, the payment details will need to be added. Select the ‘Next’ button Back These are hypothetical client details
INTERNAL USE ONLY Main Menu Completing a Bond Application Regulations Continue In order to successfully process your application, anti-money laundering regulations need to be satisfied. Ensure that you have verified the individuals identity by : viewing the original documents, checking that any documents requiring signature were pre-signed and confirming that any associated photographs of the individuals have a good likeness to the individuals. Select the ‘Next’ button Back These are hypothetical client details
INTERNAL USE ONLY Main Menu Completing a Bond Application Summary Continue The summary provides an overview of all the information that has been entered into the application, if any of the information is incorrect, use the back button to return to the page where the mistake needs to be corrected. Select the ‘Continue’ button Back These are hypothetical client details
INTERNAL USE ONLY Main Menu Completing a Bond Application Summary Continue All of the information from the application will be featured in the summary including the life assured details. Select the ‘Continue’ button Back These are hypothetical client details
INTERNAL USE ONLY Main Menu Completing a Bond Application Summary Continue Once you have confirmed that all of the information in the form is correct select the next button to submit. Select the ‘Next’ button to submit. Back These are hypothetical client details
INTERNAL USE ONLY Main Menu Completing a Bond Application Summary Continue The site will confirm that the application has been processed. In order to meet with compliance regulations, an identity verification certificate and a declaration for Bonds will need to be printed off and signed and returned along with the cheque to the address given. Select the ‘View Summary’ button Back These are hypothetical client details
INTERNAL USE ONLY Main Menu Completing a Bond Application Printing Exit The site will give you the opportunity to print off the application for your records. Select the ‘Exit’ button Back These are hypothetical client details
INTERNAL USE ONLY Main Menu Servicing Existing Investment Policies The homepage Continue The following types of policy can be accessed via the website: AXA Investment Bond AXA Active Protector Bond AXA Capital Protection Distribution Bond Sun Life Capital Bond Sun Life Flexible Bond Sun Life Single Premium Bond Select the ‘Policy Servicing’ button
INTERNAL USE ONLY Main Menu Servicing Existing Investment Policies The Workspace Continue All of the website functions are accessed via the workspace on the right hand side of the page, the relevant plan reference will be required. Select the ‘View’ button Back
INTERNAL USE ONLY Main Menu Servicing Existing Investment Policies Customer Details Continue All of the policy details can be accessed. Primarily the customer details will appear, any other details can be selected from the options along the top of the page. Select the ‘Plan’ button Back These are hypothetical client details
INTERNAL USE ONLY Main Menu Servicing Existing Investment Policies Policy Details Continue All of the policy details for the relevant client can be accessed. Select the ‘Valuation’ button Back These are hypothetical client details
INTERNAL USE ONLY Main Menu Servicing Existing Investment Policies Policy Valuation Exit An up to date valuation for the policy can also be accessed, this provides details of the funds, units and current prices. Surrender values can also be viewed and any prints which are required will match the output from the customer contact centre. Select the ‘Exit’ button Back These are hypothetical client details
INTERNAL USE ONLY Main Menu Servicing Existing Pension Schemes The homepage Continue Any pension schemes which you manage can be accessed via the adviser website. Select the ‘Policy Servicing’ button
INTERNAL USE ONLY Main Menu Servicing Existing Pension Schemes The Workspace Continue All you need to do is enter the scheme reference of the policy that you are interested in. The following group schemes are supported by the adviser site: AXA Group Personal Pension AXA Group Occupational Pension AXA Group Stakeholder AXA Group AVC Sun Life Group Personal Pension Sun Life Flexible Retirement Account (Group) Sun Life Flexible Retirement Account (Voluntary) Select the ‘View’ button Back These are hypothetical client details
INTERNAL USE ONLY Main Menu Servicing Existing Pension Schemes The Scheme Continue The scheme basis information can be easily accessed via the site. Select the ‘Basis’ button Back These are hypothetical client details
INTERNAL USE ONLY Main Menu Servicing Existing Pension Schemes Scheme Basis Continue The scheme members can be selected and individually analysed, they can be viewed as an overall summary or basis groups. Select the ‘Summary’ button Back These are hypothetical client details
INTERNAL USE ONLY Main Menu Servicing Existing Pension Schemes Scheme Members Continue A list of the scheme members will be shown, either the plan reference or the name can be selected to view an individual scheme member. Select the ‘Jones D’ button Back These are hypothetical client details
INTERNAL USE ONLY Main Menu Servicing Existing Pension Schemes Customer Details Continue Once you have selected the required scheme member all of the policy details can be accessed. Primarily the customer details will appear, any other details can be selected from the options along the top of the page. Select the ‘Plan’ button Back These are hypothetical client details
INTERNAL USE ONLY Main Menu Servicing Existing Pension Schemes Plan Details Continue All of the scheme details for the relevant member can be accessed. Select the ‘Valuation’ button Back These are hypothetical client details
INTERNAL USE ONLY Main Menu Servicing Existing Pension Schemes Valuation details Continue An up to date valuation for the policy can also be accessed, this provides details of the funds, units and current prices. Select the ‘Continue’ button Back These are hypothetical client details
INTERNAL USE ONLY Main Menu Servicing Existing Pension Schemes Valuation details Continue Transfer values can all be accessed via the site, any prints which are requested match the output from the customer contact centre. Select the ‘Continue’ button Back These are hypothetical client details
INTERNAL USE ONLY Main Menu Servicing Existing Pension Schemes Illustration details Continue The site will accurately calculate illustrations based on the standard 5, 7 and 9 percentages. The basis of the illustration can be amended as required. Select the ‘Continue’ button Back These are hypothetical client details
INTERNAL USE ONLY Main Menu Servicing Existing Pension Schemes Illustration details Continue Retirement illustrations can be calculated for any required retirement age or date. Select the ‘Continue’ button Back These are hypothetical client details
INTERNAL USE ONLY Main Menu Servicing Existing Pension Schemes Scheme Information Exit All of the relevant scheme information can be accessed from the individual policy. Select the ‘Exit’ button Back These are hypothetical client details
INTERNAL USE ONLY Main Menu Servicing Existing Pension Policies The homepage Continue The following types of individual policy can be accessed via the website AXA Individual stakeholder AXA Individual Personal Pension Sun Life Individual Personal Pension Sun Life Rebate Only Personal Pension Sun Life Personal Transfer Plan AXA Equity and Law IPP AXA Equity and Law Personal MultiPension (excluding s226) Select the ‘Policy Servicing’ button
INTERNAL USE ONLY Main Menu Servicing Existing Pension Policies The Workspace Continue All of the website functions are accessed via the workspace on the right hand side of the page, the relevant plan reference will be required. Select the ‘View’ button Back These are hypothetical client details
INTERNAL USE ONLY Main Menu Servicing Existing Pension Policies Customer Details Continue Primarily the customer details will appear, any other details can be selected from the options along the top of the page. Select the ‘Plan’ button Back These are hypothetical client details
INTERNAL USE ONLY Main Menu Servicing Existing Pension Policies Plan Details Continue All of the scheme details for the relevant member can be accessed. Select the ‘Valuation’ button Back These are hypothetical client details
INTERNAL USE ONLY Main Menu Servicing Existing Pension Policies Valuation details Continue An up to date valuation for the policy can also be accessed, this provides details of the funds, units and current prices. Select the ‘Continue’ button Back These are hypothetical client details
INTERNAL USE ONLY Main Menu Servicing Existing Pension Policies Valuation details Continue Transfer values can all be accessed via the site, any any prints which are requested match the output from the call centre. Select the ‘Continue’ button Back These are hypothetical client details
INTERNAL USE ONLY Main Menu Servicing Existing Pension Policies Illustration details Continue The site will accurately calculate illustrations based on the standard 5, 7 and 9 percentages. The basis of the illustration can be amended if required. Select the ‘Continue’ button Back These are hypothetical client details
INTERNAL USE ONLY Main Menu Servicing Existing Pension Policies Illustration details Continue Retirement illustrations can be calculated for any required retirement age or date. Select the ‘Continue’ button Back These are hypothetical client details
INTERNAL USE ONLY Main Menu Servicing Existing Pension Policies Scheme Information Exit All of the relevant scheme information can be accessed from a policy which is part of a group scheme. Select the ‘Exit’ button Back These are hypothetical client details