Chinese Calligraphy 中國書法 林肯 [Li Shu] Official Script 林肯 [Kai Shu] Regular Script 林肯 [Xing Shu] Semi-Cursive Script 林肯 [Cao Shu] Cursive Script 林肯 [Yin Zhuan] Ancient Seal Script
印篆 [Yin Zhuan] Ancient Seal Script 林肯六年班 It is an ancient style of Chinese calligraphy. It evolved out of the Zhou 【周】 dynasty, arising in the Warring State of Qin 【秦】. It was widely used for decorative engraving and seals. There are two types of zhuan, larger zhuan & small zhuan. Sadly, most people today can not read the seal script.
隸書 [Li Shu] Official Script 林肯六年班 It is also called the clerical script. It evolved since 220BC in the Warring States period to the Qin 【秦】 dynasty, was dominant in the Han 【 漢】 dynasty, then remained in use through the Wei-Jin 【晉】 periods. It’s a common Chinese calligraphy script with writing a little wide and flat effects. It has long horizontal strokes but with short vertical strokes.
楷書 [Kai Shu] Regular Script 林肯六年班 It is the standard script, also commonly known as standard regular. It became dominant from the early Southern & Northern Dynasties, in the 5 th century. It split into three types, small kai [1-2cm], medium kai [2-5cm] & larger kai [5+cm]. It was transformed from li shu.
行書 [Xing Shu] Semi-Cursive Script 林肯六年班 It is partially cursive style of Chinese calligraphy. Also referred to in English as running script. It was derived from clerical script, and was for a long time after its development in the first centuries AD the usual style of handwriting.
草書 [Cao Shu] Cursive Script 林肯六年班 It is literally translated as grass script, but actually an abbreviation for caoshuai shu, meaning “sloppy script.” It is faster to write than other styles, yet harder to read. It was originated during the Han 【漢】 dynasty. There are four types, zhang cao [early form], jin cao [modern form], kuang cao [wild form] & xing cao [between cursive & semi-cursive form].
Ancient Seal Script
Official Script
The most famous calligrapher in the Chinese history was Wang Xi Zhi 【王羲之】 [ AD], who was known as the Sage of Calligraphy. He excelled in every script, particularly in the semi-cursive script. It was the highest point of the Chinese calligraphy transitional period during his era. It was transformed from official script to the standard script, the semi-cursive and the cursive scripts. His youngest son [7 th son], Wang Xian Zhi 【王獻之】, was also a well-known calligrapher as Junior Sage of Calligraphy. He learnt the key of how to turn his wrist while writing by observing how the geese move their neck. The writing on the left is one of his standard script works. Standard Script
Semi-Cursive Script
Cursive Script 不須室 在大雅 多花何 香 流行 水雲
Seals commonly make from stone, jade or ivory. People use it to prove identity & ownership on important documents, art works, & etc. Seals are typically used with red oil-base ink -- zhu-sha 【朱砂】. Besides carving the names, people also carve figure on the top. Most common ones are dragons & lions. Above: Right-left: Peach tree from heaven, lion, budda. Bottom: Lions playing balls, representing as protector of the seal.
Chinese Brush Painting
Holding The Brush 1. Hold the brush with two fingers. 2. Hold the brush with three fingers. 3. Hold the brush with all five fingers, three hold the brush and two fingers rest behind the brush to stabalize it.
Bamboo Painting