Use of Working Titles Broad unit authority with periodic central HR/unit review Used in directories, verification of work and business cards Working Title Parameters Do not use titles that are named in the Regent Bylaws unless applicable Do not use another official University classification Do not misrepresent the authority or function of the position Classify Positions Working Title Guidelines
Overriding Principles Consistency Clear definition of authority that accurately reflects responsibilities Clear direction Clarity of job posting information consistent with market Working titles can be approved and monitored at the Unit level Use of Working Titles Broad Unit authority with periodic Central HR/Unit joint review Clarifies management role definition Conveys appropriate message to the outside world Identifies with market positions Used in University directories Identifies correct role on business cards Identified in web site(s) Working Title Parameters Use of titles that are named in the Regents Bylaws. The title “Chief Financial Officer” outside of the formal employee acting in that capacity in the highest Management position in the Business Division or Health System Finance If creating a working title different from the default market title, avoid using an official University classification of the same name A working title cannot misrepresent the authority or function of the position Guidelines for Use of Working Title
Executive Director - Directs long-range strategic planning, operational, and/or marketing activities of several organizational units. Provides vision of the unit, management, and implementation of the vision to executive leaders organization- wide. Senior Director - Plans and directs administrative and operational activities with broad, cross functional responsibility for several organizational units. Director - Administrator of an organizational unit and/or function with broad responsibility. This assumes full financial and operating accountability and direction over multiple levels of employees. Associate Director - Provides comprehensive management assistance to the Director in all aspects of the unit’s operations; may act as the Director in periods of absence. Assistant Director - Provides management assistance to the Director in one or more aspects of the unit’s operations; may act as the Director in periods of absence. Definitions of Management Positions
Manager - Manager of subordinate employees in a functional unit area. This assumes the creation and monitoring of unit objectives, and evaluating employee performance, setting priorities, assigning tasks, managing assigned budget and other resources to accomplish unit objectives. Assistant Manager - Assists the manager of the unit in one or more aspects of unit management. Manager of Projects/Programs - Manage all aspects of a project or program that may or may not involve the administrative supervision of staff. Operations Manager - Manager who functions as the management representative who coordinates budgets, logistic issues, and overall coordination of a unit’s business functions. Supervisor - Functional and/or administrative supervisor of employees with moderate authority for decisions and accountability for results. This assumes authority to recommend the hire, evaluations, discipline, pay, and/or assign work. Coordinator - Coordinate the organizing, dissemination of information, programs, and projects. Functional coordination over work assignments may be exercised. Chief of Staff - (Commonly used title that conflicts with market definition). Typical use in the medical field to describe the top medical personnel. The current classification describes an employee who reports to executive officer level. Alternatives to use of Chief of Staff include Chief Administrative Officer, Chief Business Officer, or Chief Business Administrator. Definitions of Management Positions