Some Reasons to Learn Another Language
School Requirements and Language Learning Regent’s Diploma Requirement Colleges want you to take at least 2-3 years Passing the Language Regent’s Exam, CLEP Exam, or AP course also looks good on your College Application, and the latter two may result in credits towards college graduation
Helps with other School Subjects English Language Arts Build Vocabulary & Verbal Expression Skills Understand Language & Grammar better Social Studies Learn about other Cultures & their Views Appreciate Diversity and Tolerance Acquire new Learning Strategies & Skills Combine Performance with Knowledge Use everything to leap beyond your language
Global Citizenship We have entered a Global Age International Communications & the Internet Trade, Finance, & Multinationals Global Consequences: Prosperity, Environment, Politics, & War A Global Age requires Global Citizens Language & Cultural Knowledge help us earn the Respect of other Nations & help us serve our country’s and community’s Needs
Career Opportunities International Jobs or Companies Business—International Trade or Finance Government—Foreign Service; CIA United Nations; World Bank Legal Travel Foreign News Consultant Translator or Interpreter
Careers—2 Jobs serving diverse populations What better way is there to serve your customers than to speak their language Information or Help Desk Social Services Academic & Research Country or Regional Expert International Training Programs Language Teacher