10-Years Air Pollution Research In London
Sources of particles from a vehicle Emissions dependent upon vehicle speed (resuspension, tyre and road surface wear) engine revs and load (exhaust) driving mode (exhaust, brake, tyre, road surface) materials (brakes, tyres, road surface) fuel and lubricant (exhaust) vehicle weight and aerodynamics (resuspension) road surface silt loading (resuspension) exhaust resuspension tyre wear road surface wear brake wear
6 Road Transport Projections: April 2009 Base Tim Murrells & Yvonne Li Air Pollution Research in London – Transport & Noise Group Meeting Imperial College 6th July 2009
ACTUAL “Buildings don’t just withstand climate, they change it” Aim: to challenge urban engineering practice by incorporating urban climate knowledge Funded by EPSRC under the Challenging Engineering programme Advanced Climate Technology Urban Atmospheric Laboratory (5 years, started March 2009)
Measurement sites (REPARTEE I & II) Regent’s Park BT Tower
REPARTEE campaign 2007 Regents Park Lidar Site BT Tower DAPPLE roof site Aim: Intensive observations of aerosols, trace gases and boundary layer dynamics to quantify variability in urban pollutants due to both chemical and meteorological processes. Special Issue in Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics! Collaborators: Birmingham, York, Manchester, Salford (FGAM), Reading, CEH, Lancaster, Leicester, Cambridge, Environment Agency, Bristol c. 1.6 km
The use of the BT Tower in Environmental Research in London APRIL meeting, 26 th Jan 2010
Site geometry –Buildings different heights so expect asymmetries. Open arc may add to complexity. Site 2 further into canyon than site 1. With Permission of Microsoft Virtual Earth 1 2 3
APRIL Members
10-Years Air Pollution Research In London Current Projects : Pollution from Outdoor Sources in the Indoor Environment (POSIE) - planned : Clean Air for London (ClearfLo) : Advanced Climate Technology Urban Atmospheric Laboratory (ACTUAL) 2010: PM10 Source Apportionment Study : Open Air Laboratories (OPAL) ?: 3D London Air Quality
Past Projects : Dispersion of Air Pollution and its Penetration into Local Environment (DAPPLE2) : Dispersion of Air Pollution and its Penetration into Local Environment (DAPPLE1) : Regent’s Park and BT Tower Environmental Experiment (REPARTEE) : Air Quality Management in London and Moscow (PECE) : 3D Pollution Mapping : Epping Forest: Air Pollution Impact Study
Outputs ew=maps
Recent APRIL Meetings 2010 May: POSIE project development meeting (May: Natural Environment group day-out) April: PM10 Source Apportionment Workshop (March: Modelling Workshop – Imperial) March: DAPPLE Workshop January: BT Tower Research Meeting January: Steering Committee Meeting
2009 Dec: Climate Change – GHG Measurements sub-group meeting Nov: Natural Environment group meeting Oct: POSIE project development meeting Sep: POSIE project development meeting Sep: Steering Committee meeting Jul: Transport and Noise group meeting Jun: Health and Exposure group meeting Mar: Steering Committee meeting Mar: Climate Change – GHG Measurements sub-group meeting Jan: APRIL-NIAM Conference
10-Years Collaboration: 2009: NIAM/APRIL workshop on Reducing Environmental Impacts of Transport with Behavioural Change 2009: Defra/APRIL workshop on Economic Valuation of Ecosystems 2008: USEPA/APRIL workshop on Exposure Science Dissemination: 2010 DAPPLE2 end-of- project meeting 2010 BT Tower Air Pollution Research meeting 2006 DAPPLE1 end-of- project meeting