Paul Lees Deputy Head Teacher Tim Maguire Assistant Head Outreach New Regent’s College Hackney
Notification from admissions Initial interview – personalised Base line assessment – English, Maths, ICT and learning styles Skill focussed observations Placement meeting Transition
ILP initiated by end of induction Initial priorities agreed Within 6 weeks all students have a personalised learning programme in place and targets set to address priorities ILP summary ILP summary ILP targets ILP targets
New Regent’s College (NRC) runs KS4 alternative provision across Hackney. We have approx 200 year 10 and 11 students on role. Students are referred to us from a variety of institutions at the end of KS3 and during KS4. These referrals come from the PRU panel, new to borough or country or students with special circumstances. We have 20 providers in and around the borough, who offer a range of courses, from re- engagement, ESOL, GCSE courses, as well as Vocational courses.
Our Induction programme identified a group of students that our Menu of providers didn’t accommodate. These students were high ability GCSE students who we unable to be placed as they were year 11. We discussed this situation with a provider and they devised a course to meet these students’ needs.
Our curriculum offer has changed dramatically over the last 3 years. The evolution of the Music course at NRC is a good example of how our thinking has changed on how and what our students learn. 2006 – 2008 BTEC First Certificate in Music 2008 – 2009 Pilot OCN Units 2009 – 2010 Offered full range of OCN Step Up and Progression Qualifications 2010 – 2011 Expanded curriculum to Creative Media and the Performing Arts and also offer BTEC Foundation Learning Qualifications
Creative Media Production Edexcel BTEC Entry Level Award in Creative Media Production (Entry 3) (QCF) Edexcel BTEC Level 1 Award in Creative Media Production (QCF) Edexcel BTEC Level 1 Certificate in Creative Media Production (QCF) Edexcel BTEC Level 1 Diploma in Creative Media Production (QCF) Edexcel BTEC Level 2 Certificate, BTEC Level 2 Extended Certificate and BTEC Level 2 Diploma in Creative Media Production (QCF) Performing Arts Edexcel BTEC Entry Level Award in Performing Arts (Entry 3) (QCF) Edexcel BTEC Level 1 Award in Performing Arts (QCF) Edexcel BTEC Level 1 Certificate in Performing Arts (QCF) Art and Design Edexcel Entry Level BTEC Award in art and Design (Entry 3) (QCF) Edexcel Level 1 BTEC Award in Art and Design (QCF) Edexcel Level 1 BTEC Certificate in Art and Design (QCF)
Music Edexcel BTEC Level 2 Certificate in Music (QCF) Edexcel BTEC Level 2 Extended Certificate in Music (QCF) Edexcel BTEC Level 2 Diploma in Music (QCF) Creative Media in a Digital World NOCN Entry Level Award in Skills Towards Enabling Progression(Step-UP) (Entry 3)(QCF) NOCN Entry Level Certificate in Step-Up (Entry 3)(QCF) NOCN Entry Level Diploma in Step-up (Entry 3)(QCF) NOCN Level 1 Award in Step-Up (QCF) NOCN Level 1 Certificate in Step-Up (QCF) NOCN Level 1 Diploma in Step-Up (QCF) NOCN Level 2 Award in Progression (QCF) NOCN Level 2 Certificate in Progression (QCF) NOCN Level 2 Diploma in Progression (QCF)
1 topic with differentiated outcomes and assessment (support levels and Bloom’s taxonomy) 1 task with multiple roles Independent learners?
We had a identified from data that students weren’t being accredited in PSD as much as they should/could be. Sent our PSD specialist to visit our providers who had shared our concerns. Discussed with providers, observed lessons, SOW, talked to students, etc. Identified PSD opportunities that were being delivered already - fully/partially. Identified which qualifications to accredit these opportunities with. Identified what evidence was already being gathered, which could also be used for PSD accreditation.
Attendance Student attendance prior to entry 0% of students with attendance at or above 93% 84% of students with attendance below 75% 60% of students with attendance below 50% 47% of students with attendance below 25% Student attendance as of end of January 2011 18% of students with attendance at or above 93% 49% of students with attendance below 75% 28% of students with attendance below 50% 12% of students with attendance below 25%
Behaviour Exclusions Autumn term 2009/ Exclusions Autumn term 2010/ Serious Incidents Autumn term 2009/ Serious Incidents Autumn term 2010/ % of students who disrupt their learning Autumn term 2009/ % % of students who disrupt their learning Autumn term 2010/2011 – 4.33%
Learner Needs Learning Needs Interests Engagement level Personalised programme