VOCABULARY Mad: loco/loca Prevend: evitar, impedir
MAIN DATES 1469: Catholic Monarchs’ wedding 1504: Isabella dies 1516: Charles I became King of Castile and Aragon
7.2. CATHOLIC MONARCHS Dynastic union –In 1469, Ferdinand, son of the king of Aragon, married Isabella, sister of the king of Castile. In 1477, Isabella became Queen of Castile, and two years later, Ferdinand became King of Aragon. –Isabella and Ferdinand, the Catholic Monarchs, governed their territories together, but each kingdom had its own laws and institutions. There wasn’t a real union, just only a political union. continue
7.2. CATHOLIC MONARCHS (continue…) –On Isabella’s death in 1504, the throne of Castile passed to her daughter, Joanna the Mad, but Ferdinand continued as King of Aragon. –Queen Joanna’s insanity prevented her from occupying the throne, and Ferdinand became regent until he died, in –Later, during one year, Cisneros Cardenal became regent until Charles I, Joanna’s son, took over both Crowns in The dynastic union was finally confirmed in the person of Charles I and his successors
7.2. CATHOLIC MONARCHS Territorial Expansion –Nasri Kingdom of Granade: the conquest war ended in Boabdil, last king of Granada, gave the kees of the city at the beginning of 1492 –Navarre Kingdom: old France friend, was invaded by Castile army in 1515 and passed to Castile Crown, keeping its own laws and institutions –Portugal: there were several marriages between Portugal and Catholic Monarchs’ sons. continue
7.2. CATHOLIC MONARCHS (…continue) –The Catholic Monarchs also expand their territories: In 1504, they annexed the kingdom of Naples to the Crown of Aragon. They conquered cities, such as Melilla and Oran in North Africa (1509) They captured the Canary Island ( ) in the Atlantic Ocean and began the conquest of the Americas
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