1 The Divided Kingdom A Survey of the Bible 1-2 Kings, 2 Chronicles


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Presentation transcript:

1 The Divided Kingdom A Survey of the Bible 1-2 Kings, 2 Chronicles

2 The Divided Kingdom Division Between Israel and Judah People Request Freedom (1 Kings12:1-5; 2 Chron 10:1-5) – ca 931 BC – in Shechem Rehoboam asks Advice (1 Kings 12:6-11; 2 Chron 10:6-11) Greater Burdens Levied (1 Kings 12:12-15; 2 Chron 10:12-15) All but Judah Rebel (1 Kings 12:16-19; 2 Chron 10:16-19) In Israel Jeroboam King of Israel (1 Kings 12:20) – 931 BC In Judah Prophet thwarts Civil War (1 Kings 12:21-24; 2 Chron 11:1-4) – in Jerusalem In Israel Altars at Dan and Bethel (q Kings 12:25-33; 2 Chron 11:15) – in Shechem In Judah Levites flee to Judah (2 Chron 11:13,14) Orthodox flee to Judah (2 Chron 11:16,17) – Jerusalem

3 The Divided Kingdom Division Between Israel and Judah (continued) In Israel Prophesy against Altar (1 Kings 13:1-3) – in Bethel Jeroboam’s hand Withered (1 Kings 13:4-6) Prophet refuses Hospitality (1 Kings 13:7-10) Prophet Lies (1 Kings 13:11-19) Man of God Killed (1 Kings 13:20-24) Prophet buries his Victim (1 Kings 13:25-32) Jeroboam continues Idolatry (1 Kings 13:33,34) Jeroboam’s Son Sick (1 Kings 14:1-4) Prophecy against Jeroboam (1 Kings 14:5-16) Jeroboam’s Son Dies (1 Kings 14:17,18)

4 The Divided Kingdom Division Between Israel and Judah (continued) In Judah Rehoboam fortifies Judah (2 Chron 11:5-12) Rehoboam’s Family (2 Chron 11:18-23) Judah turns to Idolatry (1 Kings 14:22-24; 2 Chron 12:1,14) Invasion from Egypt (1 Kings 14:25; 2 Chron 12:2-4) Shemaiah explains Reason (2 Chron 12:5-8) Gold Shields taken (1 Kings 14:26-28; 2 Chron 12:9-11) Judah not all Bad (2 Chron 12:12) Constant War with Israel ( 1 Kings 14:30, 15:6; 2 Chron 12:15b) Record of Rehoboam’s Reign (1 Kings 14:21,29; 2 Chron 12:13,15a) Death of Rehoboam (1 Kings 14:31; 2 Chron 12:16)

5 The Divided Kingdom Division Between Israel and Judah (continued) In Judah Abijah King of Judah (1 Kings 15:1,2; 2 Chron 13:1,2a) – ca 914 BC War between Judah and Israel (1 Kings 15:7b; 2 Chron 13:2b,3) Abijah’s message to Jeroboam (2 Chron 13:4-12) – Hill country of Ephraim Judah survives Ambush (2 Chron 13:13-20a) Abijah’s Family ( 2 Chron 13:21) Abijah’s Character (1 Kings 15:3-5) – Jerusalem Death of Abijah (1 Kings 15:7a,8a); 2 Chron 13:22, 14:1a) – 911 BC

6 The Divided Kingdom Two Kingdoms in Contrast In Judah Peace under Asa (1 Kings 15:8b-10; 2 Chron 14:1b) – ca 911 BC Asa reforms Judah (1 Kings 15:11; 2 Chron 14:2-5) Asa refortifies Judah (2 Chron 14:6-8) In Israel Jeroboam Dies ( 1 Kings 14:19,20a; 2 Chron 13:20b) Nadab King of Israel (1 Kings 14:20b, 15:25) – 910 BC Nadab’s Character (1 Kings 15:26) Nadab Assassinated (1 Kings 15:31,27) – 909 BC Baasha King of Israel (1 Kings 15:28) – 909 BC Jeroboam’s Family Killed (1 Kings 15:29,30) Baasha’s Character (1 Kings 15:33,34) – in Tirzah

7 The Divided Kingdom Two Kingdoms in Contrast (continued) In Judah Judah repels Ethiopians (2 Chron 14:9-15) – at Marashah Warning from Azariah (2 Chron 15:1-7) Asa Reforms Judah Again (1 Kings 15:12,14,15; 2 Chron 15:8,17,18) Four more peaceful years (2 Chron 15:19) Renewal of Covenant ( 2 Chron 15:9-15) Mother removed as Queen ( 1 Kings 15:13; 2 Chron 15:16) Baasha threatens War ( 1 Kings 15:16,17, 32; 2 Chron 16:1) Asa enlists Syria’s Aid (1 Kings 15:18-21; 2 Chron 16:2-5) Rajah Dismantled ( 1 Kings 15:22; 2 Chron 16:6) Hanani rebukes Asa (2 Chron 16:7-9) Asa responds Angrily (2 Chron 16:10)

8 The Divided Kingdom Two Kingdoms in Contrast (continued) In Israel Jehu warns Baasha (1 Kings 16:7,1-4) Baasha Dies (1 Kings 16:5,6a) – 886 BC Elah King of Israel (1 Kings 16:6b,8,14) – 886 BC Elah Assassinated (1 Kings 16:9,10) – 885 BC – in Tirzah Zimri King for a Week (1 Kings 16:15a) – in Tirzah Baasha’s family Killed (1 Kings 16:11-13,20) Zimri commits Suicide (1 Kings 16:15b-19) Omri and Tibni Compete (1 Kings 16:21) – 885 BC Omri arranges marriage (1 Kings 16:31a) – 885 BC Omri gains full Control (1 Kings 16:22,23) – 880 BC Samaria made Capital (1 Kings 16:24) – Samaria Omri’s Character (1 Kings 16:25,26) Omri Dies (1 Kings 16:27,28a) – 874 BC

9 The Divided Kingdom Two Kingdoms in Contrast (continued) In Israel Ahab King of Israel (1 Kings 16:28b,29) – 874 BC Ahab the Worst King (1 Kings 16:30,31b-33, 21:25,26 Jericho Rebuilt (1 Kings 16:34) – Jericho In Judah Asa’s diseased Feet (1 Kings 15:23b; 2 Chron 16:12) Death of Asa (1 Kings 15:23a,24a; 2 Chron 16:11,13,14) – 870 BC – in Jerusalem Jehoshaphat King of Judah (1 Kings 15:24b; 22:41,42; 2 Chron 17:1; 20:31) 870 BC Character of Jehoshaphat (1 Kings 22:43,46,47; 2 Chron 20:32,33) Judah Prospers (2 Chron 17:2-6) Law taught in Juday (2 Chron 17:7-9) Jehoshaphat becomes Wealthy (2 Chron 17:10-13a, 18:1a) Strong Military Power (2 Chron 17:13b-19) Treaty with Ahab (1 Kings 22:44; 2 Chron 18:1b)

10 The Divided Kingdom Elijah the Prophet In Israel Elijah foretells Drought (1 Kings 17:1) Elijah fed by Ravens (1 Kings 17:2-7) – at the Brook Kerith Widow’s unlimited Meal (1 Kings 17:8-16) – at Zarephath Widow’s Son Raised (1 Kings 17:17-24) Elijah sent to Ahab (1 Kings 18:1,2a) – Samaria Obadiah given Mission (1 Kings 18:2b-6) Elijah and Obadiah Meet (1 Kings 18:7-15) Priests of Baal Summoned (1 Kings 18:16-21) – Mount Carmel Elijah proposes Test (1 Kings 18:22-25) Elijah mocks Priests (1 Kings 18:26-29)

11 The Divided Kingdom Elijah the Prophet (continued) In Israel God’s power Demonstrated (1 Kings 18:30-39) Baal’s priests Slain (1 Kings 18:40) Rain ends Drought (1 Kings 18:41-45) Jezebel threatens Elijah (1 Kings 18:46, 19:1,2) – Jezreel Elijah prays to Die (1 Kings 19:3,4) – Beersheba Elijah sent to Horeb (1 Kings 19:5-8) – Mount Horeb God appears on Horeb (1 Kings 19:9-12) Elihah’s mission Told (1 Kings 19:13-18) Elisha called as Prophet (1 Kings 19:19-21)

12 The Divided Kingdom Ahab and Jezebel In Israel Syria besieges Samaria (1 Kings 20:1) – in Samaria – ca 857 BC Negotiations Fail (1 Kings 20:2-12) God assures Ahab (1 Kings 20:13,14) Ahab defeats Syrians (1 Kings 20:15-22) Israel prevails Again (1 Kings 20:23-30a) – at Aphek – ca 856 BC Ahab spares Ben-Hadad (1 Kings 20:30b-34) Prophet rebukes Ahab (1 Kings 20:35-43) Peace with Syria (1 Kings 22:1) Ahab covets Vineyard (1 Kings 21:1-3) – in Samaria Jezebel’s deadly Scheme (1 Kings 21:4-16) Elijah tells Punishment (1 Kings 21:17-24) Repentance brings Stay (1 Kings 21:27-29) Amaziah becomes Co-regent (1 Kings 22:51) – in Samaria Jehoshaphat joins Ahab (1 Kings 22:2-4; 2 Chron 18:2,3) – 853 BC

13 The Divided Kingdom Ahab and Jezebel (continued) In Israel Prophets promise Victory (1 Kings 22:5,6,10-12; 2 Chron 18:4,5,9-11) Micaiah’s Prophecy (1 Kings 22:7-9,13-28; 2 Chron 18:6-8,12-27) Ahab killed in Battle (1 Kings 22:29-36; 2 Chron 18:28-34) – at Ramoth Gilead – 853 BC Jeshoshaphat Rebuked (2 Chron 19:1-3) – in Jerusalem Ahab Buried (I Kings 22:37-40a) – in Samaria Ahaziah Rules Alone (1 Kings 22:40b) – 853 BC Ahaziah’s Character (1 Kings 22:52,53) Moab Revolts (2 Kings 1:1, 3:4,5) In Judah Justice System Reformed (2 Chron 19:4-11) – in Jerusalem Moabites Invade Judah (2 Chron 20:1,2) Jehoshaphat Prays (2 Chron 20:3-12) God’s Spirit Answers (2 Chron 20:13-19)

14 The Divided Kingdom Ahab and Jezebel (continued) In Judah Moabites Destroyed (2 Chron 20:20-24) – Desert of Tekoa Triumphant Return (2 Chron 20:25-30) – Valley of Beracah Limited Shipping Alliance (2 Chron 20:35-37; 1 Kings 22:48,49) – Jerusalem In Israel Ahaziah falls Ill (2 Kings 1:2) – in Samaria Elijah brings Prophecy (2 Kings 1:3-8) Messengers Killed (2 Kings 1:9-14) Ahaziah told of Death (2 Kings 1:15,16) Ahaziah Dies (2 Kings 1:17a,18) – 853 BC Joram (Jehoram) becomes King (2 Kings 1:17b, 3:1) – BC Joram’s Character (2 Kings 3:2,3)

15 The Divided Kingdom Elisha the Prophet Elijah Taken Up (2 Kings 2:1-11) Elisha receives Spirit (2 Kings 2:12-15) No Trace of Elijah (2 Kings 2:16-18) – Jericho Elisha purifies Water (2 Kings 2:19-22) Children Jeer Elisha (2 Kings 2:23-25) – in Samaria Miracle of Increased Oil (2 Kings 4:1-7) Son promised to Shunammite (2 Kings 4:8-17) Elisha purifies Stew (2 Kings 4:38-43) – in Gilgal Hundred fed with Loaves (2 Kings 4:42-44) Shunammite’s Son Raised (2 Kings 4:18-37) – in Shunem Famine Foretold (2 Kings 8:1,2) Axhead made to Float (2 Kings 6:1-7

16 The Divided Kingdom Miracles and Massacres In Judah Jehoram Co-regent Again (2 Kings 8:16,17; 2 Chron 21:5) – 853 BC? Jehoram kills Brothers (2 Chron 21:2-4) Judah joins against Moab (2 Kings 3:6-9) Water and Victory Promised (2 Kings 3:10-20) Moabites Defeated (2 Kings 3:21-27) Death of Jehoshaphat (1 Kings 22:45,50a; 2 Chron 20:34, 21:1a) – 848 BC? Jehoram (Joram) reigns Alone (1 Kings 22:50b; 2 Chron 21:1b,20a) – 848 BC Character of Jehoram (2 Kings 8:18,19; 2 Chron 21:6,7,11) Mysterious Letter from Elijah (2 Chron 21:12-15) Foreign Armies Invade (2 Chron 21:16,17) Edom and Libnah Revolt (2 Kings 8:20-22; 2 Chron 21:8-10)

17 The Divided Kingdom Obadiah’s Prophecy Against Edom Preface (Obad 1) Pride Rebuked (Obad 2-4) Vulnerability Exposed (Obad 5-7) Reason for Punishment (Obad 8-14) Future Destruction (Obad 15-18) God’s People Restored (Obad 19-21)

18 The Divided Kingdom Miracles and Massacres (continued) In Judah Jehoram Struck Ill (2 Chron 21:18) In Israel Syria’s Plans Thwarted (2 Kings 6:8-12) Syrians Blinded (2 Kings 6:13-18) – in Dothan Syrians Released in Samaria (2 Kings 6:19-23) – in Samaria Woman’s Land Restored (2 Kings 8:3-6) Naaman Healed of Leprosy (2 Kings 5:1-14) – Jordan River Naaman expresses Faith (2 Kings 5:15-19a) Gehazi’s Sin (2 Kings 5:19b-27) Second Siege of Samaria (2 Kings 6:24) – Samaria Famine brings Sufferings (2 Kings 6:25-31) Promise of Plenty (2 Kings 6:32-7:2)

19 The Divided Kingdom Miracles and Massacres (continued) In Israel Discovery by Lepers (2 Kings 7:3-8) Discovery Reported (2 Kings 7:9-11) Discovery Confirmed (2 Kings 7:12-16) Prophecies Fulfilled (2 Kings7:17-20) In Judah Jehoram Dies (2 Kings 8:23,24a; 2 Chron 21:19,20b) – 841 BC – Jerusalem Ahaziah (Jehoahaz) King (2 Kings 8:24b-26, 9:29; 2 Chron 22:1-2) – 841 BC Character of Ahaziah (2 Kings 8:27; 2 Chron 22:3,4) In Israel Elisha meets with Hazael (2 Kings 8:7-13) Hazael Kills Ben-Hadad (2 Kings 8:14,15) Ahaziah Aids Joram (2 Kings 8:28; 2 Chron 22:5) – 841 BC Joram Wounded (2 Kings 8:29a, 9:14b,15a; 2 Chron 22:6a)

20 The Divided Kingdom Miracles and Massacres (continued) In Israel Ahaziah Visits Joram (2 Kings 8:29b; 2 Chron 22:6b) Jehu Anointed Israel’s King (2 Kings 9:1-33) – Ramoth Gilead – 841 BC Jehu Kills Joram (2 Kings 9:14a, 15b-26) Ahaziah also Wounded (2 Kings 9:27; 2 Chron 22:7) Jezebel Killed (2 Kings 9:30-37) – in Jezreel Ahab’s Princes Massacred (2 Kings 10:1-11) – in Samaria Ahaziah’s Princes Massacred (2 Kings 10:12-14; 2 Chron 22:8) – at Beth Eked Ahaziah found and Killed (2 Kings 9:28; 2 Chron 22:9) – to Jerusalem Jehonadab joins Jehu (2 Kings 10:15,16) Ahab’s Family Killed (2 Kings 10:17) – Samaria

21 The Divided Kingdom The Era of Joash in Judah In Judah Athaliah usurps Throne (2 Kings 11:1; 2 Chron 22:10) – 841 BC Joash saved from Coup (2 Kings 11:2,3; 2 Chron 22:11,12) In Israel Jehu destroys Baal Worship (2 Kings 10:18-28) God’s promise to Jehu (2 Kings 10:30) Jehu like Jeroboam (2 Kings 10:29,31) In Judah Jehoiada plans for Joash (2 Kings 11:4-11; 2 Chron 23:1-10) – Jerusalem Joash Crowned (2 Kings 11:12; 2 Chron 23:11) – 835 BC Athaliah Killed (2 Kings 11:13-16; 2 Chron 23:12-15) – 835 BC Joash becomes Child-King (2 Kings 11:21, 12:1; 2 Chron 24:1) People feel Renewal (2 Kings 11:17-20; 2 Chron 23:16-21) Jehoiada’s Influence (2 Kings 12:2; 2 Chron 24:2) Traces of Paganism (2 Kings 12:3)

22 The Divided Kingdom The Prophecy of Joel Preface (Joel 1:1) Devastation by Locusts (Joel 1:2-12) Call for Repentance (Joel 1:13-20) Day of the Lord (Joel 2:1-11) Call for Rededication (Joel 2:12-17) Promise of Blessing (Joel 2:18-27) Promise of God’s Spirit (Joel 2:28-32) Punisment of Enemies (Joel 3:1-8) Promise of Victory (Joel 3:9-17) Restoration of Judah (Joel 3:18-21)

23 The Divided Kingdom The Era of Joash in Judah (continued) In Judah Joash takes Wives (2 Chron 24:3) Order to Repair Temple (2 Kings 12:4,5; 2 Chron 24:4,5) – Jerusalem In Israel Foreign Armies Attack (2 Kings 10:32,33) Jehu Dies (2 Kings 10:34,35a,36) – 814 BC Jehoahaz King of Israel (2 Kings 10:35b,13:1) – 814 BC Character of Jehoahaz (2 Kings 13:2) In Judah Repairing of the Temple (2 Kings 12:6-16; 2 Chron 24:6-14) Death of Jehoiada (2 Chron 24:15,16) Joash accepts Paganism (2 Chron 24:17-19) – Jerusalem Jehoiada’s Son Killed (2 Chron 24:20-22)

24 The Divided Kingdom The Era of Joash in Judah (continued) In Israel Israel oppressed by Syrians(2 Kings 13:3) Jehoahaz Repents (2 Kings 13:4) Israel suffers Greatly (2 Kings 13:7) In Judah Judah Punished by Syrians (2 Chron 24:23,24) Syrians Bought Off (2 Kings 12:17,18) In Israel Jehoahaz Dies (2 Kings 13:8,9a) – 798 BC – Samaria Jehoash King of Israel (2 Kings 13:9b,10) – 798 BC Character of Jehoash (2 Kings 13:11) Elisha’s Deathbed Prophecy (2 Kings 13:14-19) Elisha Dies (2 Kings 13:20a) In Judah Joash Assassiinated (2 Kings 12:20,21a,19; 2 Chron 24:25-27a) – 796 BC – Beth Millo

25 The Divided Kingdom Era of Jeroboam II in Israel In Judah Amaziah King of Judah (2 Kings 12:21b, 14:1,2; 2 Chron 24:27b, 25:1) – Jerusalem Amaziah’s Character (2 Kings 14:3-6; 2 Chron 25:2-4 In Israel Surprise in Elisha’s Tomb (2 Kings 13:20b,21) Success against Syrians (2 Kings 13:22-25) In Judah Amaziah plans Edom Campaign (2 Chron 25:5) Mercenaries sent Back (2 Chron 25:6-10) Edomites Destroyed (2 Kings 14:7; 2 Chron 25:11,12) Mercenaries wreak Havoc (2 Chron 25:13) Amaziah sets up Idols (2 Chron 25:14-16) Judah Beaten by Israel (2 Kings 14:8-14; 2 Chron 25:17-24)

26 The Divided Kingdom The Preaching of Jonah Against Nineveh God Calls Johah (Jon 1:1,2) Jonah Runs Away (Jon 1:3) Thrown Into the Sea (Jon 1:4-16) Swallowed by Fish (Jon 1:17) Jonah’s Prayer (Jon 2:1-9) Jonah put on Ground (Jon 2:10) Mission ordered Again (Jon 3:1,2) Ninevites Repent (Jon 3:3-5) King orders Righteousness (Jon 3:6-9) God Has Compassion (Jon 3:10) Jonah Angry at God (Jon 4:1-4) Gourd shows God’s Concern (Jon 4:5-11) In Israel Israel Restored (2 Kings 13:5, 14:25-27) Israel Continues Sin (2 Kings 13:6)

27 The Divided Kingdom The Prophecies of Hosea Preface (Hos 1:1) Hosea’s own Family (Hos 1:2-9) Hope for Future (Hos 1:10-2:1) Anger against Wife (Hos 2:2-13) Forgiveness and Acceptance (Hos 2:14-23) Hosea takes Gomer Back (Hos 3:1-3) Israel’s own Redemption (Hos 3:4,5) Charge Against Israel (Hos 4:1-6a) Sins of the Priests (Hos 4:6b-9) Adultery of Idolatry (Hos 4:10-19) Judgment Pronounced (Hos 5:1-15)

28 The Divided Kingdom The Prophecies of Hosea (continued) Israel Expresses Repentance (Hos 6:1-3) Repentance Short-lived (Hos 6:4-11) Israel’s Wickedness (Hos 7:1-7) Foreign Relations (Hos 7:8-16) Censure for Calf Idols (Hos 8:1-14) Punishment in Store (Hos 9:1-17) Prediction of Captivity (Hos 10:1-15) God’s Love for Israel (Hos 11:1-11) Recitation of Israel’s Sins (Hos 11:12-13:3) The Wrath of God (Hos 13:4-16) Promise of Forgiveness (Hos 14:1-9)

29 The Divided Kingdom Era of Jeroboam II in Israel (continued) In Judah Amaziah Renews Reign (2 Kings 14:7; 2 Chron 25:25) Amaziah Assassinated (2 Kings 14:18-20; 2 Chron 25:26-28) – 767 BC Uzziah (Azariah) Made King (2 Kings 14:21,15:1,2; 2 Chron 26:1,3) – Jerusalem Uzziah’s Character (2 Kings 15:3; 2 Chron 26:4,5) High Places Remain (2 Kings 15:4) Elath Rebuilt (2 Kings 14:22; 2 Chron 26:2) Success against Philistines (2 Chron 26:6-8) Uzziah’s Industries (2 Chron 26:9,10,15) Uzziah’s Military Strength (2 Chron 26:11-14)

30 The Divided Kingdom The Prophecies of Amos Preface (Amos 1:1) Judgment Against Nations (Amos 1:2) Against Syrians (Amos 1:3-5) Against Philistines (Amos 1:6-8) Against Tyre (Amos 1:9,10) Against Edomites (Amos 1:11,12) Against Ammonites (Amos 1:13-15) Against Moabites (Amos 2:1-3) Against Judah (Amos 2:4,5) Against Israel (Amos 2:6-16) God’s Plans Revealed (Amos 3:1-10) Promise of Punishment (Amos 3:11-15) God’s Many Warnings (Amos 4:1-11) Need to Prepare (Amos 4:12,13) Cry Against Injustice (Amos 5:1-15)

31 The Divided Kingdom The Prophecies of Amos (continued) Day of The Lord (Amos 5:16-20) Emptiness of Ritual (Amos 5:21-26) Prediction of Captivity (Amos 5:27) Rebuke for Complacency (Amos 6:1-7) Rebuke for Pride (Amos 6:8-14) Vision of Locusts (Amos 7:1-3) Vision of Fire (Amos 7:4-6) Vision of Plumb Line (Amos 7:7-9) Vision of Ripe Fruit (Amos 8:1-3) Unethical Religion (Amos 8:4-6) Promise of Punishment (Amos 8:7-14) Vision of the Altar (Amos 9:1-10) Promise of Restoration (Amos 9:11-15) Priest’s Angry Response (Amos 7:10-13) Amos’ Answer (Amos 7:14-17)

32 The Divided Kingdom Era of Jeroboam II in Israel (continued) In Israel Death of Jeroboam II (2 Kings 14:28,29a) – 753 BC Zechariah King of Israel (2 Kings 14:29b,15:8) – Samaria Zechariah’s Character (2 Kings 15:9) Zechariah Assassiinated (2 Kings 15:10,11) – 752 BC Promise to Jehu Fulfilled (2 Kings 15:12) Shallum Assassinated (2 Kings 15:13-15) – 752 BC Menahem King of Israel (2 Kings 15:16,17) – 752 BC Menahem’s Character (2 Kings 15:18) Era of Uzziah and Jotham in Judah In Judah Sin Makes Uzziah Leprous (2 Kings 15:5a; 2 Chron 26:16-21a) – Jerusalem Jotham Co-Regent (2 Kings 15:5b; 2 Chron 26:21b)

33 The Divided Kingdom The Prophecies of Isaiah Preface (Isa 1:1) Judah’s Sinful State (Isa 1:2-9) Parable of Vineyard (Isa 5:1-7) Sin of Religious Formalism (Isa 1:10-17) Sin of Injustice (Isa 1:21-26) Sin of Idolatry (Isa 2:6-9) Sin of Pride (Isa 2:10-18) Sin of the Leaders (Isa 3:8-15) Sin of the Women (Isa 3:16-4:1, 32:9-11) Sin of Greed (Isa 5:8-10) Sin of Revelry (Isa 5:11-14) Sin of Arrogance (Isa 5:15-17)

34 The Divided Kingdom The Prophecies of Isaiah (continued) Sin of Rationalization (Isa 5:18-21) Sin of Drunkenness (Isa 5:22) Sin of Injustice (Isa 5:23) Anger of God (Isa 5:24,25) Destructive Forces Summoned (Isa 5:26-30) Punishment for Unrepentant (Isa 1:27-31) Idols Cannot Save (Isa 2:19-21) Men Cannot Save (Isa 2:22-3:7) A Call for Reason (Isa 1:18-20) A Spiritual Restoration (Isa 4:2-6) The Last Days (Isa 2:1-5)

35 The Divided Kingdom Era of Uzziah and Jotham in Judah (continued) In Israel Tiglath-Pileser Challenges (2 Kings 15:19,20) Death of Menahem (2 Kings 15:21,22a) – 742 BC Pekahiah King of Israel (2 Kings 15:22b,23) – 742 BC Pekahiah’s Character (2 Kings 15:24) Pekahiah Assassinated (2 Kings 15:25,26) – 741 BC Pekah begins Sole Rule (2 Kings 15:27) – 741 BC Pekah’s Character (2 Kings 15:28) In Judah Death of Uzziah (2 Kings 15:6,7a; 2 Chron 26:22,23a) – 739 BC Jotham begins Sole Reign (2 Kings 15:7b,32,33; 2 Chron 26:23b, 27:1,8) – 739 BC Jotham’s Character (2 Kings 15:34; 2 Chron 27:2a) Judah’s Spiritual Condition (2 Kings 15:35a; 2 Chron 27:2b)

36 The Divided Kingdom Isaiah’s Mission Told in Vision Isaiah’s Vision (Isa 6:1-13) Jotham’s Buildings (2 Kings 15:35b; 2 Chron 27:3,4) Ammonites Subjucated (2 Chron 27:5,6) The Prophecies of Micah Preface (Mic 1:1) First Discourse Judgment Against Israel (Mic 1:2-7) Judah Like Israel (Mic 1:8-16) Sin of Covetousness (Mic 2:1,2) Reward of Greed (Mic 2:3-5) Desire for False Prophets (Mic 2:6-11) Deliverance Promised (Mic 2:12,13)

37 The Divided Kingdom The Prophecies of Micah (continued) Second Discourse Leaders Rebuked (Mic 3:1-4) False Prophets Rebuked (Mic 3:5-7) Micah has God’s Spirit (Mic 3:8) Sins of the Rulers (Mic 3:9-12) Coming of Messiah (Mic 4:1-5) Restoration of Remnant (Mic 4:6-13) Birthplace of Messiah (Mic 5:1-5a) Judgment Against Assyria (Mic 5:5b-9) Paganism to be Destroyed (Mic 5:10-15) Third Discourse God’s Charge Against Judah (Mic 6:1-5) What God Really Wants (Mic 6:6-8) Judah’s Sin and Punishment (Mic 6:9-16)

38 The Divided Kingdom The Prophecies of Micah (continued) Third Discourse Misery of Judah’s Sin (Mic 7:1-7) The Renewal of Israel (Mic 7:8-13) Prayer and Praise (Mic 7:14-20) Early Beginnings of Captivity In Israel First Captives Taken (2 Kings 15:29; 1 Chron 5:23-26) – Assyria

39 The Divided Kingdom War Between Syria, Israel, and Judah In Judah Syria and Israel Threaten (2 Kings 15:37) In Israel Pekah Assassinatged (2 Kings 15:30,31) – 732 BC Hoshea King of Israel (2 Kings 17:1) – 732 BC Hoshea’s Character (2 Kings 17:2) In Judah Death of Jotham (w Kings 15:36,38b; 2 Chron 27:7,9a) – 730 BC Ahaz Begins Sole Reign (2 Kings 15:38b, 16:1,2a; 2 Chron 27:9b, 28:1a) Character of Ahaz (2 Kings 16:2b-4; 2 Chron 28:1b-4)

40 The Divided Kingdom Isaiah Prophecies About a Savior Ahaz Learns of Alliance (Isa 7:1,2) God’s Message to Ahaz (Isa 7:3-9) Ahaz Refuses a Sign (Isa 7:10-12) Savior to be Immanuel (Isa 7:13-15) Assyria to Destroy (Isa 7:16-25) Syria and Israel to Fall (Isa 8:1-10) Call to Trust God (Isa 8:11-18) Others Cannot be Trusted (Isa 8:19-22) Savior’s Kingdom Coming (Isa 9:1-7) God’s Wrath Against Israel (Isa 9:8-21) Anger Against Injustice (Isda 10:1-4) Assyria’s Punishment (Isa 10:5-19)

41 The Divided Kingdom Isaiah Prophecies About a Savior (continued) Remnant to be Saved (Isa 10:20-23) Captivity will be Overcome (Isa 10:24-34) Savior’s Lineage from David (Isa 11:1-9) Savior to Gather Remnant (Isa 11:10-16) Praise for Deliverance (Isa 12:1-6) Judah defeated by Allies (2 Kings 16:5,6; 2 Chron 28:5-8) Captives’ Release Secured (2 Chron 28:9-15) Ahaz seeks Assyrian Support (2 Chron 28:16-21)

42 The Divided Kingdom Isaiah Prophecies Against Nations Wrath Against Nations (Isa 34:1-4) Judgment Against Assyria (Isa 14:24-27) Judgment Against Moab (Isa 15:1-9, 16:1-14) Judgment Against Damascus (Isa 17:1-14) Judgment Against Edom (Isa 21:11,12) Second Judgment Against Edom (Isa 34:5-17) Judgment Against Arabia (Isa 21:13-17) Judgment Against Tyre (Isa 23:1-18)

43 The Divided Kingdom War Between Syria, Israel, and Judah (continued) In Judah Ahaz Promotes Syria’s Fall (2 Kings 16:7,8) Tiglath-Pileser Takes Damascus (2 Kings 16:9,10a) – 732 BC – Damascus Ahaz Orders Syrian Altar (2 Kings 16:10b,11) Sacrifices on New Altar (2 Kings 16:12-14) – Jerusalem Instructions for Use (2 Kings 16:15,16) Use of Old Altar (2 Kings 16:17,18) Extent of Ahaz’s Corruption (2 Chron 28:22-25) Death of Ahaz (2 Kings 16:19,20a, 2 Chron 28:26,27a)) – 725 BC? Hezekiah Begins Sole Reign (2 Kings 16:20b,18:1,2; 2 Chron 28:27b, 29:1) – 725 BC? Hezekiah’s Character (2 Kings 18:3-7a; 2 Chron 29:2)

44 The Divided Kingdom More of Isaiah’s Prophecies Against Nations Judgment Against Philistines (Isa 14:28-32) Judgment Against Babylon (Isa 13:1-8) Babylon’s Satanlike Fall (Isa 14:3-11) Another Babylon Judgment (Isa 21:1-10)

45 The Divided Kingdom The Reforms of Hezekiah In Judah Temple Ordered Cleansed (2 Chron 29:3-11) – Jerusalem Levites Obey Order (2 Chron 29:12-19) Temple Reconsecrated (2 Chron 29:20-36) Israel Invited to Passover (2 Chron 30:1-9) Some Come from Israel (2 Chron 30:10-12) Passover Observed (2 Chron 30:13-22) Second Week Observed (2 Chron 30:23-27) Idolotry Attacked (2 Chron 31:1) Other Religious Reforms (2 Chron 31:2-21)

46 The Divided Kingdom Isaiah Tells of “Last Days” The Earth’s Devastation (Isa 24:1-23) Praise for Salvation (Isa 25:1-12) Praise for Deliverance (Isa 26:1-7) Commitment of Believers (Isa 26:8,9) Condemnation of Wicked (Isa 26:10,11) The One God (Isa 26:12,13) Eternal Death of the Wicked (Isa 26:14-18) Resurection of Faithful (Isa 26:19) Destruction of Wicked (Isa 26:20-27:1) Kingdom of Righteousness (Isa 32:1,2) No Place for Wicked (Isa 32:3-8) Rejoicing of the Saved (Isa 35:1-10)

47 The Divided Kingdom Isaiah Warns Against Relapse Ephraim Like Fading Wreath (Isa 28:1-6) Spiritual Leaders Judged (Isa 28:7-15) Worship is Meaningless (Isa 29:13) Justice is Coming (Isa 28:16-22) Reasonable Punishment (Isa 28:23-29) Jerusalem Warnings Ignored (Isa 22A:1-14) Jerusalem Will Fall (Isa 29:1-4) Judgment Against Oppressors (Isa 29:5-8) Oppressors to be Destroyed (Isa 33:1) Understanding is Lost (Isa 29:9-12) Man’s Wisdom Fails (Isa 29:14-16) Understanding Will Come (Isa 29:17-21)

48 The Divided Kingdom Isaiah Warns Against Relapse (continued) Understanding Will Come (Isa 29:17-21) A Spiritual Reawakening (Isa 29:22-24) Vineyard to be Restored (Isa 27:2-13) Blessings Will Return (Isa 32:12-20) Sins Will be Forgiven (Isa 33:2-24) Shebna to Lose Position (Isa 22:15-19) Eliakim to Replace Him (Isa 22:20-25)

49 The Divided Kingdom The Fall of Israel In Israel Vassal to Shalmaneser (2 Kings 17:3) Alliance Discovered (2 Kings 17:4a) Hoshea Imprisoned (2 Kings 17:4b) Three-Year Siege (2 Kings 17:5, 18:9) – BC Samaria Falls (2 Kings 18:10) 723 BC Israel Taken Captive (2 Kings 17:6, 18:11) – BC Reason for Israel’s Fall (2 Kings 17:7-12) Prophet’s Warnings Ignored (2 Kings 17:13,14) Israel’s Sins (2 Kings 17:15-17) Judah Not Perfect (2 Kings 17:18-20) Jeroboam’s Guilt (2 Kings 17:21-23)

50 The Divided Kingdom The Fall of Israel (continued) In Israel Foreigners Inhabit Samaria (2 Kings 17:24) – Samaria Lions Attack Settlers (2 Kings 17:25,26) Jeroboam’s Guilt (2 Kings 17:21-23) Foreigners Inhabit Samaria (2 Kings 17:24) – Samaria Lions Attack Settlers (2 Kings 17:25,26) Samaritans mix Religion (2 Kings 17:27-41) In Judah Rebellion Against Assyria (2 Kings 18:7b) – 721 BC? Defeat of Philistines (2 Kings 18:8)