The Bond Effectiveness Framework What we are hearing so far…. February 2010
The Bond Effectiveness Programme 2 What we are hearing…. Inception phase – three month process of consultation with members and others that finished with a meeting like this one and a programme design. Since then: Consulted with 20 members Talked with various other Quality initiatives and frameworks (e.g. DEC, HAP, PIA, PQASSO etc) Secondary research – reading/ meetings Set up steering group of CEOs or Senior Technical Specialists from 10 member NGOs In this meeting we will talk about what Bond thinks it is hearing from all of this and will check with you to see if we are on the right lines
The Bond Effectiveness Programme 3 Bond’s role is to bring people together…. Provide a common space to share – “a bigger cave” Help us develop a common language – “bricks and wheels” Bring other perspectives to the debate – “the tribe over the hill with spears”
The Bond Effectiveness Programme 4 Keep it simple and lightweight We all are busy with too much to do The Framework should be light – avoid new projects, staff and significant budget demands A straight forward framework is more likely to be adopted, easier to get working and a better help for busy managers and overworked staff Do what is practical and doable now and focus on getting something up and running. We can always add more later
The Bond Effectiveness Programme 5 Prioritise and balance Many excellent things to do – we do not get time to do them The Framework could prioritise a few things for joint action Promote consideration of how these prioritised areas of work relate to each other (E.g. hard data and partnership working) The framework could focus on three to five areas of effectiveness such as work with partners, capacity building, management, gathering results etc
The Bond Effectiveness Programme 6 Use as “road map” to choose from what is already there There are a lot of initiatives and projects out there already…. Rather than “yet another thing” the framework could be a “roadmap” to make sense of the broader landscape Instead of new things – a sign post to point to what is there Help equip you to make decisions about what to use Rather than “just another framework” – a way to show what is out there and how it fits together
The Bond Effectiveness Programme 7 Choose your own tools, systems and approaches Framework should identify common areas NGOs need to consider to be effective BUT NGOs free to choose what works for them to complete these areas Enables framework to work with all – those with well established things in place Road map could point to external options to give NGOs easier choices on what to adopt Work with different NGO choices about tools, systems and approaches. E.g. Common characteristics for M+E Systems – Action Aid already have ALPS but others may use external systems
The Bond Effectiveness Programme 8 Look at both Programme and Organisational Effectiveness We need to talk about the results that NGOs deliver –the top line contribution to development (Programme Effectiveness Good results across different contexts are as much due to as the quality of organisations as good project design (Organisational Effectiveness) Consideration of organizational systems and procedures will increase opportunities for the learning and growth needed to improve NGO contributions to development outcomes. The framework could help NGOs to show (or prove) the development outcomes of their work and improve PROVE + IMPROVE
The Bond Effectiveness Programme 9 Consider organisational effectiveness at field level Member interest in the framework looking at how UK NGOs could better support their field office/ local partner Work at field level is critical to good development outcomes To create best possible environment for field work – we could look at the most important attributes of a field office/ partner (org effectiveness) and how the UK NGO/ field work with each other (models of partnership) Part of the framework could focus on how the UK NGO works with the field and the org effectiveness of the field (This could include capacity, leadership, legitimacy, etc).
The Bond Effectiveness Programme 10 “Rigorous – yet flexible” in communicating diversity NGOs have their unique strengths that make them “fit for purpose” A common framework could provide a common language to describe diversity – a jockey and a basket ball player have the same skeletons Different organizations could be shaped differently for different purposes – e.g. some deal with Govt line ministries while others work with communities directly Help NGOs talk about their different strengths in a comparable way to enable joint working models, peer review and better communication of the benefits of diversity
The Bond Effectiveness Programme 11 Thank you Regent’s Wharf 8 All Saints Street London N1 9RL United Kingdom +44 (0)