The Secret Kingdom for Educators Alan Arroyo and W. George Selig Regent University FEBRUARY 17,2012
Secret Kingdom for Educators
Law of Use “If talents and abilities are not used you will lose them” Secret Kingdom, 137, 1992
Law of Use Educators should know: Assess gifts and abilities in 5 major areas in themselves Assess gifts and abilities in 5 major areas in students Mustard Seed principle Demonstrate the exponential curve Practice does make perfect Parable of the Talents Secret Kingdom for Educators, 180
Law of Reciprocity “Give and it will be given to you” “Expressions of kindness will yield kindness in return, while expressions of criticism will produce criticism in return.” Secret Kingdom, 113, 114, 1992
Law of Reciprocity Educators should know: Reciprocal teaching Effective teaching = effective learning Reciprocity in content areas Reciprocity in social relationships Mutual process adaptation and accommodation (Devine Pedagogy) Secret Kingdom for Educators, 180
Law of fidelity “whoever can be trusted with very little can be trusted with much; and whoever is dishonest with very little will also be dishonest with much.” Secret Kingdom, 203, 1992
Law of fidelity Educators should know: To recognize that God is faithful and true To teach righteousness, character development, and moral behavior You are a model for your students, make sure it is positive Do what you say you will do Treatment fidelity Excellence is contagious Secret Kingdom for Educators, 181
Law of Unity “Great creativity occurs where there is unity, agreement, and harmony.” Secret Kingdom, 192, 1992
Law of unity Educators should know: How to create a culture of shared purpose without losing individual identity- Body of Christ I-Thou vs. I-It That unity begins with our relationship with God Cooperative Learning-unity and diversity Secret Kingdom for Educators, 180
Law Responsibility “Jesus made it clear that with blessings also come responsibilities. He summed it up succinctly: ‘unto whomsoever much is given, of him shall be much required’.” Secret Kingdom, 180 (ref. Luke 12:48 KJV),, 1992
Law of Responsibility Educators should know: You are morally obligated to perform with the highest quality How to stay watchful for opportunities to bless others- nobility obliges (explain things, build up with explicit feedback, scaffold) That those who have shown enough to teach can be expected to practice what they teach (James 3:1 paraphrase) Secret Kingdom for Educators, 181
Law Of Dominion “God wants man to have authority over the earth Law Of Dominion “God wants man to have authority over the earth. He wants him to rule the way he was created to rule.” Secret Kingdom, 227,, 1992
Law of dominion Educators should know: Use your authority responsibly, always treating others with dignity and honor as a good steward Assert God’s Dominion over ourselves- Self-control, Self- regulation Build up the students to take authority over their lives Possess authority over content, skills, and procedures Secret Kingdom for Educators, 181
Law of Perseverance “Success in life comes through industry…Industry refers to dedication, commitment, patience, self discipline, and hard work that brings positive results.” Secret Kingdom, 153, 1992
Law of perseverance Educators should know: To be industrious is to be dedicated, committed, patient, and self- disciplined Satan attempts to disrupt the kingdom by fostering discouragement and depression Working hard over long periods of time often creates positive results How to build resilience Secret Kingdom for Educators, 180
Law of change “no man puts new wine into old skins, lest the skins break and all will be lost.” “God is always the same; His plan is always the same. But the vehicles, the organizations, and techniques of carrying out His program will always be changing.” Secret Kingdom, 210 (ref. luke 5:36-38), 1992
Law of change Educators should know: New developments in: technology, global awareness, social media God built the need to change into his order of things –surprises Pray for necessary changes in yourself Pray for God’s wisdom in responding or leading change Keep God’s principles in focus and pray as you move forward Secret Kingdom for Educators, 181
Law of greatness “The greatest person in the kingdom of heaven is the one who makes himself humble like this child.” Secret Kingdom, 180 (ref. Matt 18:2 NCV),, 1992
Law of greatness Secret Kingdom for Educators, 181 Educators should know: To be humble, open, and receptive of new ideas and innovations to be successful Following these behaviors towards students, colleagues, and supervisors will foster collaboration, cooperation, and inspiration to lead to mutual accomplishment of goals Secret Kingdom for Educators, 181
Law Of Miracles “Override the way in which things are normally done to achieve a greater outcome. Miracles point out the mysteries and unexplainable things of science such as bumble bees flying when their bodies far outweigh their wings and birds migrating 7,000 miles non-stop.” Secret Kingdom, 221,, 1992
Law of Miracles Educators should know: You have great influence that can make a huge impact on student’s lives Be innovative in all that you do and all those you collaborate with; you will achieve amazing outcomes Strive for the miraculous transformation of students Secret Kingdom for Educators, 181
Laws of the Secret Kingdom for Educators The Law of Use The Law of Reciprocity The Law of Perseverance The Law of Fidelity The Law of Unity The Law of Change The Law of Greatness The Law of Responsibility The Law of Miracles The Law of Dominion