Nelson Mandela The Events That Made Him a Revolutionary By Alexandra Santos
Nelson Mandela was born in Transkei, South Africa on July 18, His given name was actually Rolihlahla (which translates to ‘trouble maker’), but was given the name Nelson when he went to school. He was the first of his family to get an education. He worked in politics from a young age, being in the care of the regent of his tribe when his father died at age 9. The regent was chief Jongintaba Dalindyebo of the Thembu people. He joined the ANC in 1943 as an activist, but later founded and ran the ANC Youth League. He started a law firm with Oliver Tambo in After 1948, he showed resistance from the government and spoke against apartheid.
At the time, South Africa was ruled with apartheid. Apartheid is the separation of people according to race, caste, etc. In the case of South Africa, it was the lack of rights and segregation of non- white people in the country.
Nelson Mandela made it clear he did not agree with apartheid, and was accused of treason. His trial lasted from , but he was not charged. In 1960, the ANC was banned. In 1961, Nelson Mandela proposed to them the creation of a military force within the ANC. They told him that no members of the ANC would stop him. He formed ‘Umkhonto we Sizwe’. When the government saw he planned to overtake them by force, he was trialed and arrested. Madela’s sentence started in 1962 and was five years imprisonment with hard labour. Other people involved in the ANC and Umkhonto we Sizwe were arrested in he was brought to trial for plotting to overthrow the government and 8 of the accused, including Mandela were sentenced to life imprisonment on June 12, While Nelson Mandela was in prison his reputation grew and he was seen as a symbol of freedom for Africa. He would not change his mind to be released. He was discharged from prison in 1990 and continued working towards his goals from decades earlier. The ANC had its first national conference since being banned and elected Nelson Mandela as President.
Nelson Mandela petitioned so much against apartheid because he saw the injustice and unfairness of the law. He saw his people being punished for their race, something they did not choose. He knew he might be arrested, or even killed, but did it anyways. Growing up in politics helped give him the knowledge on how to proceed, and his origins are what spurred him on to try and free non-whites of South Africa.
After the ANC was deemed illegal, Nelson Mandela had to meet with the underground leaders in secret. He would disguise himself as servants and workers and move around to many different people’s houses to avoid being caught. He successfully avoided the police in many situations. At the trial for sabotage, he let everyone know he detested racialism. He was charged along for 5 years in prison. Just a while after this, other leaders from the ANC and Umkhonto we Sizwe were also accused of sabotage. Nelson Mandela and 7 others were found guilty and sentenced for life imprisonment. During the trial, Mandela said,
Nelson Mandela went about freeing South Africa with poise, and eventually got results. He went through suffering and imprisonment for the good of South Africa, and was given a Nobel Peace prize for his efforts. When he was released in 1990 by Pres. F.W. de Klerk, and they worked together in making a brighter country. They both received Nobel Peace prizes in When South Africa had the first democratic election in 1994, Nelson Mandela was elected President. By the time in he stepped down in 1999, he was internationally respected and an extremely important revolutionary.
There is no easy walk to freedom anywhere, and many of us will have to pass through the valley of the shadow of death again and again before they reach the mountaintop of our desires. -Nelson Mandela
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