Tutorial 1 8 January 2015
Review the tables in the next two slides and consult the map on pp. xx-xxi of Europe’s Tragedy. You should be able to identify the three major divisions of Habsburg Austria between 1564 and 1619.
HABSBURG AUSTRIA Austria Inner Austria = Styria Tyrol Upper AustriaStyriaTyrol Lower AustriaCarinthia Kingdom of BOHEMIACarniola Bohemia Moravia Silesia Upper Lusatia Lower Lusatia Kingdom of HUNGARY
ARCHDUKESOFAUSTRIA AustriaStyriaTyrol Emp. Maximilian II, Charles II, Ferdinand II, Rudolf V, Emp. Rudolf II Ferdinand III, 1590/ = Emp. Ferdinand II, Matthias, Matthias, Emp Maximilian III, = regent for Ferdinand III Maximilian III, = regent for Matthias Albert VII, 1619
Identify the following terms: Estates Utraquists, Bohemian Brethren Religious Assurance (1568, 1571) Pacification of Bruck (1578) Questions 1. Who represented the dominant force in the Estates? 2. What pattern emerged in the relationship between the Archdukes and the Estates? 3. How were Austrians different in the sixteenth century from the common perception of them today?
Identify the following terms Questions 1. How did the division of Austria into three help the Habsburgs? 2. What strategies did the Habsburgs use in favour of Catholicism in their territories? To what extent were these strategies successful? Rudolf IIMelchior KleslArchduke Carl Bishop Martin Brenner Munich programme Reformation commissions
1. What can we learn about the interaction of state and society from Chapter 3? 2. Does Chapter 3 confirm Wilson’s argument?