Rutland High School Technical Review Visit Looking At Results Planning Next Steps Learning About Resources
HSTW Technical Review Visit What? is HSTW?? is a TRV? When? Who? Why? How Often? Other Questions
2006 TAV Results - Strengths RHS teaches have taken steps to raise expectations. A system of support is in place to advance school improvement. RHS has long standing success with work- based learning. RHS teaches actively engage students in learning.
TAV 2006 Results Challenges Require all students to complete the HSTW- recommended academic core along with a career or academic concentration and provide a structured system of extra help. Ensure that high expectations are evident in all classrooms and extra help is available to and accessed by all students. Continue to improve the system of guidance and advisement to involve parents and teachers in the career planning process
Technical Review 2008 – Overriding Challenge To advance the academic achievement of all students to the proficient level or above with the goal of closing gaps with the District’s subgroups.
Evidence of Progress All grade levels have met AYP status the past 5 years. RHS seniors taking the HSTW assessment showed improved in reading, math and science scores from 2006 to 2008 Seniors survey results on the degree of emphasis of the 10 Key Practices of HSTW increased significantly in high expectations, numeracy, importance of high school and extra help. Student composite score on the ACT increase significantly from 2007 and are now above the state and national averages. Students exceeded the state level in ACT College Readiness Benchmarks in English, math and social studies.
Data to Support Challenge RJHS female students perform better than male RJHS students in both math and reading. RJHS male students also perform lower than the male students in the rest of the state. Seniors surveyed on the degree of emphasis of the 10 Key Practices of HSTW decreased in engaging science, quality career technical studies and guidance, while integrating academics into CT and work-based learning remained at zero level of emphasis. The percent of students meeting ACT College Readiness Benchmarks was below the state average in science and the overall score was 17 for RHS compared to 28 statewide.
Technical Review 2008 Challenge #1 To raise expectations by requiring all students to complete an upgraded academic core and an academic or career concentration and provide a structured system of extra help.
Evidence of Progress RHS has followed the state of SD’s graduation requirements to include 4 years of English, 3 years of math, 3 years of science and 3 years of social studies. Over the past 3 years, three seniors have attained the Regent Diploma status. On the 2008 HSTW assessment, 71% of students reported that they often work hard to meet high standards on assignments.
Evidence of Progress On the 2008 HSTW assessment, 75% of teachers strongly agreed that they use data to continuously evaluate the school’s academic and technical programs and activities. On the 2008 HSTW assessment, 75% of teachers strongly agreed that teachers at RHS are continuously learning and seeking new ideas on how to improve student achievement.
Data to Support Challenge #1 Only 14% of Seniors met the English/Language Arts HSTW-recommended curriculum; 57% met the math curriculum and 14% met the science curriculum requirements. Seniors reported taking the ‘easy way out’ and not taking a rigorous course load. Only 57% of seniors reported that their teachers often set high standards and are willing to help them meet them. Only 63% of teachers reported that preparing all students with the academic knowledge and skills need to enter and be successful in college without taking remedial coursework is a very important goal at RHS.
Suggested Actions Challenge #1 Get at least 85% of students to complete the HSTW academic core. Strengthen the extra help options by making them mandatory for those students performing below a C level. Continue to upgrade the senior year.
Technical Review 2008 Challenge # 2 To raise expectations to help students reach proficiency levels on state/national assessments.
Evidence of Progress Both middle and elementary school have received the Distinguished school status. Rutland High School continues to meet AYP. Staff has been working on standards and gaps.
Data to Support Challenge #2 RHS staff and administration need to work together to realize consistently increased achievement.
Suggested Actions Challenge 2 Review and analyze the data. Continue to move toward the HSTW graduation requirements by evaluating the current core course offerings and by developing a rigorous academic core for all students. Initiate a school-wide Literacy Across the Curriculum program.
Make student-centered learning the focus of the school. Technical Review 2008 Challenge # 3
Evidence of Progress Staff have received training in multiple/learning strategies. Staff as received training on incorporating curriculum mapping, content standards, designing rubrics, etc. Teachers are beginning to use more technology as a results of the Laptop Initiative. More class bell ringers are used and more student work is displayed.
Data to Support Challenge #3 Students were observed using their laptops for activities other than school work. Little closure was noted in classes. In some cases, classroom assignments were drill-based and fill- in the blank.
Suggested Actions – Challenge #3 Teachers must implement new strategies that actively engage all students in learning new material and school leadership must make quality instruction a focus through out the school. Teachers need time to discuss ways in which to improve student achievement.
Technical Review 2008 Challenge # 4 Improve the system of guidance/advisement and the advisor/advisee program.
Evidence of Progress Current students feel like they are getting help from the Counselor. Career pathways have been established and students complete a four year plan.
Data to Support Challenge #4 An advisory program is not available for students. Results from the 2008 HSTW assessment indicate that only 13% of staff say they assist parents and students in developing a Program of Study
Suggested Actions Challenge #4 Implement a Teachers as Advisors program. Implement student-led conferences.
Technical Review 2008 Challenge # 5 Upgrade and expand career and technical education opportunities for students.
Evidence of Progress Current programs are state-certified. 57 students enrolled in CTE classes this first semester. 8 th grade students have a career exploration class. The Rambler Stop is a source of pride for students and the community. Both technical and research writing are being implemented in CTE classes. Students volunteered many hours to work on the construction of the new shop.
Suggested Actions Challenge #5 Establish a CTE Advisory Committee. Offer industry certification options for CTE classes. Implement project-based learning strategies Offer end of course exams.
Planning Next Steps Revisit the HSTW report. Organize the challenges by priority. Develop committees and action plans. Use monthly faculty meetings to report on progress.
Contact Information Marsha Kucker E 14 th Street Sioux Falls SD