TIENEN 5 MINUTOS Objective: I can use prepositions and places to describe a location Vocab/Ideas: Preposition rhyme (review) Places vocabulary (review) Directions vocabulary (review) Vámonos: Give the following GPS directions: 1. Go 2 blocks. 2. Turn right on Yellow Street. 3. Walk on Cruiseship Street. 4. Continue 3 blocks, then turn left.
VÁMONOS 1. Go 2 blocks. 2. Turn right on yellow street. 3. Walk on Cruiseship Street. 4. Continue 3 blocks, then turn left. Vaya dos cuadras. Doble a la derecha en Calle Amarillo. Camine en Calle Crucero. Siga tres cuadras, entonces doble a la izquierda.
C OPY DOWN THE S PANISH P REPOSITION RHYME !!! Spanish Prepositions: Use them to tell where things are located. Izquierda (de)______________, derecha (de)______________,delante(de) ____________, detrás(de) ________________, cerca(de) ______________, y lejos(de)_______________, Y algo más... abajo(de)________________, arriba(de)_____________, enfrente(de)________________, encima(de)_______________, debajo(de)__________________, entre_______________, al lado(de)______________ y ya
P LACES V OCABULARY La tienda El banco El estadio El restaurante El café La iglesia La sinagoga El templo La mezquita El supermercado La panadería El kiosco El museo El vecindario El hospital The store The synagogue The temple The mosque The supermarket The bakery The kiosk The museum The neighborhood The hospital The church The cafe The restaurant The stadium The bank
D IRECTIONS V OCABULARY Calle Doble Vaya/ Camine Montar Siga Cuadra
Short QUIZ We will be taking the quiz on the computer. Listen patiently for directions on how to complete the quiz. During the quiz you will complete the work that is in front of you to be turned in at the end of class. You will not be talking or distracting others. You may not use your notes or other devices to complete the work. Stop when you get to Part II and raise your hand.
P ART II Now work with a partner to talk about which streets different buildings are located on: Ask where different buildings are located: ¿Dónde está el/la [place]? Respond with: [Place] está en la calle [Name of Street].
P ART III Tell where different places are in reference to other places. Use prepositions to be as precise as possible. Modelo: El Hotel Embajada está delante del Restaurante Paloma. (Minimum 10 sentences)
L ISTENING C OMPREHENSION Using the map you were given, listen to the instructions. For each number, write down where you end up.
TAREA Reflect on your quiz today and answer the following questions: 1. How did you prepare for the quiz? 2. Did you feel prepared for the quiz? Why or why not? 3. How well do you think you did on the quiz? Why? 4. What could you have done differently in the future to prepare?