Talk Like a Pirate David Reed Creighton University Captain Jack Sparrow Captain Blackbeard Captain Redpen
2 Talk Like a Pirate Day International Talk Like a Pirate Day – September 19th founded by John Baur and Mark Summers in 1995 popularized by columnist Dave Barry see for more official Web site had a simple pirate translator poorly done, but inspiring "nifty" characteristics can be used to introduce/demonstrate a variety of programming concepts GUI event-driven programming meta-programming string methods, regular expressions can be used in a variety of classes using different languages CS0 with HTML/JavaScript CS1 or CS2 with C++/Java Web Design/Programming it's fun!
3 Pirate Translator (version 1.0) used in a Web-based CS0 course students critiqued the design of the official page developed a "better" translation page one button per word/phrase when user clicks on button, translation appears in a text box note: this could easily be done in Java using AWT/Swing advantages: simple & intuitive easy to extend (just add more buttons) minimal "programming" open for creativity (layout, images, extended vocabulary, …)
4 Pirate Translator (version 2.0) disadvantage of version 1: button repetition adding a new word/phrase meant adding a new button – danger of inconsistencies more general solution: metaprogramming store words/phrases in a list structure to extend the vocabulary, simply add to the list use JavaScript to dynamically generate the buttons PHRASES = [["Greetings", "hello", "ahoy", "pardon me", "avast", "excuse me", "arrr"], ["People", "sir", "matey", "madam", "proud beauty", "miss", "comely wench"], ["Questions", "where is", "whar be", "can you help me find", "know ye", "is that", "be that", "how far is it to", "how many leagues to"],... ]; for (var i = 0; i < PHRASES.length; i++) { document.write(" " + PHRASES[i][0] + ": "); for (var j = 1; j < PHRASES[i].length; j+=2) { document.write("<input type=\"button\" value=\"" + PHRASES[i][j] + "\" onClick='document.PirateForm.Output.value += \"" + PHRASES[i][j+1] + " \";'>\n"); } could use a Java/C++ program to generate the HTML document
5 Pirate Translator (version 3.0) disadvantage of version 2: translation is limited to provided buttons would like to take entire phrases, translate "piratey" parts, leave rest alone alternative approach used in upper-level Web Programming course user enters text to be translated string methods used to search for words/phrases to translate utilize regular expressions to match word boundaries, ignore case replace matched word/phrase with pirate translation PHRASES = [["hello", "ahoy"], ["hi", "yo-ho-ho"], ["pardon me", "avast"], ["excuse me", "arrr"], ["yes", "aye"], ["my", "me"],... ]; for (var i = 0; i = "A" && text.charAt(index) <= "Z") { text = text.replace(toReplace, Capitalize(PHRASES[i][1])); } else { text = text.replace(toReplace, PHRASES[i][1]); } index =; } } here in JavaScript, but could be any language with strings (regular expressions a plus)
6 It be fun! in conclusion: a pirate translator is fun and engaging can be used in a multiple courses to illustrate multiple concepts can provide an open-ended challenge to students critique/design a user interface add to the vocabulary of the translator add new features e.g., insert random Arrrrrrr 's explore regular expressions e.g., translate words ending in ing to in' (but not swing or handspring ) Give it a try in your class, or walk the plank like the lily-livered landlubber you are!