The Ray Model of Light & The Law of Reflection Also Known As… Two Wicked Ideas for the Price of One!
The Ray Model of Light Light is represented as straight lines called rays, which show the direction that light travels. Light rays are drawn using arrows…and a ruler! The rays are drawn so they travel from the source of light toward the object they strike.
Light-ning Strike! The ray model of light can help us understand what happened when light strikes objects that are opaque, translucent and transparent. Opaque Objects
Lighting Strike! Translucent Object Transparent Object
Mirrors A flat mirror, like the one you have at home, is called a plane mirror. When you look into a plane mirror your image appears to be as far behind the mirror as you are in front of it. We can actually diagram how it is that we are able to see our image in a plane mirror quite easily. BUT – we must first know the Law of Relfection!
The Law of Reflection
Here’s The Proof
Seeing Ourselves Always be yourself…unless you can be a pirate…then be a pirate!
The End Matey!