“Make a Splash: Read” Program Ideas for 2010 Presented by Penny Peck, San Leandro Public Library
Storytime Ideas Songs: Ain’t Gonna Rain Down by the Bay Yellow Submarine Themes Simple Crafts Kindergarten Readiness
Rain Theme Craft: Make Cloud pictures based on “It Looked Like Spilt Milk” by Charles Shaw.
Ocean Theme Craft: Shark Hats (p. 120) or Octopus Windsock.
Pirate Theme Craft: Little Critter Pirate or Pirate Spyglass.
Water/Science Theme Craft: Water Cycle Wheel (p. 93) or make Water Cycle bead bracelets.
Swimming and Surfing Craft: Paper frog (Froggy Learns to Swim) or Surfboards.
Fish Theme Craft: Japanese Carp Fish Windsock.
Island Fun Craft: Paper Hawaiian Leis.
Boat Theme Craft: Toy boats, or Origami boats.
Beach Theme Craft: Shell Game (p. 197) or Sand Paintings.
Book Discussion Groups For 4 th /5 th Grade groups, Middle School Groups Meeting Monthly
Shireen Dodson’s Mother Daughter Book Club. Multnomah County Library, OR
Tips for a Book Discussion Do publicity outside the library – press releases, flyers to outside groups, clubs, and schools. Have prepared discussion questions. Have refreshments.
Boys and Girls Discuss! Do Hands-on crafts relating to the book. Start the group in summer. Movie showings. Do games – icebreakers, games relating to the book. Meet at a consistent time/place/date.
Activity: Knot Tying, Tea, scones.
Activity: Movie Showing (movlic.com), Music Boxes.
Activity: Draw Ideal Water Fountain, Water science experiments.
Activity: Make paper canoes, black bead necklaces.
Activity: Fish Print T- shirts, fish pinatas.
Activities are Key!
Simple Do-It-Yourself Programs Use Teen Volunteers Set Up Stations Games and Crafts
Pirate Day! Pirate Scarves Pin the Tressure Chest on the X Treasure Chest Toss Eyeglass Craft
Beach Party Limbo! Beach Ball Relay Flip Flop Flip Shark Hats Musical Beach Towels
Bubble Day! Super Size Bubbles Painting With Bubbles Bubble Gum Contest Stomp the Bubble
THANKS! Penny Peck, San Leandro Public Library