M ARCH 7, 2014 Homework: On pg. 87 in Notebook Review notes on Pascal’s Principle Go to Online Active Art site : Look at pg. 92- for info: Visit: Phschool.com use the web-code in your textbook—cgp-3033 Do Now: Update T.O.C: Pg: 86: Pascal’s & Hydraulics: pg. 87 Pascal’s & Hydraulics Open Notebooks to pg. 84 & review Answers to reading check points with a friend.
P ASCAL ’ S P RINCIPLE -H YDRAULIC D EVICES - F IG PG. 92 -According to Pascal’s Principle, both pistons experience the same fluid pressure. -They have the same surface area, so they will experience the same force. Apply force to one piston. Force is transmitted through to the other piston.
H OW IS FORCE MULTIPLIED IN S YSTEM B?–( F IG. 15: PG. 92) Force is applied to the piston The force applied to the left piston is multiplied on the right piston because the right piston has a larger surface area. Force on the larger piston is multiplied
T O GET A GREATER FORCE, THE SURFACE AREA OF THE SECOND PISTON MUST BE BIGGER -If the surface area is too small there won’t be enough space for the force to spread out upon to lift a heavier object. Pressure in a fluid is transmitted equally to all parts…
M ARCH 10, 2014 Homework : Section Assessment Questions: pg. 94 Problem #’s 1C and 2C Do Now: -Write down homework -Open textbook to pg. 92 -Open Notebook to pg. 86 Begin copying down System B from fig. 15 on to pg. 86 in notebook- w/ arrows & labels leave space underneath
H OW IS FORCE MULTIPLIED IN S YSTEM B?–( F IG. 15: PG. 92) Force is applied to the piston The force applied to the left piston is multiplied on the right piston because the right piston has a larger surface area. Force on the larger piston is multiplied due to its larger surface area
o H YDRAULIC SYSTEMS USE LIQUIDS TO TRANSMIT PRESSURE IN A CONFINED FLUID It multiplies force by applying the force to a smaller area The Increase in pressure is then transmitted to another part of the confined fluid, which pushes on the larger surface area Hydraulic brakes and lift systems
A NSWER IN N OTEBOOK ON PG. 87 How does a hydraulic system apply Pascal’s Principle? A Hydraulic system is a device that uses pistons with different surface areas to multiply a force that is transmitted through a fluid
H YDRAULIC B RAKES - PG. 94 F IGURE 16 A car’s brake system is a hydraulic system The hydraulic brake system of a car multiplies the force exerted on the brake pedal