O UTLINE Project Organization Vehicle Design Payload Design Recovery System Simulations Future Work
O UTLINE Project Organization Vehicle Design Payload Design Recovery System Simulations Future Work
M ATERIAL AND D IMENSIONS Material: Reinforced Phenolic Diameter: 4 inches Length: inches Weight: lbs ComponentWeight (lbs) Fins/ Motor Mount7.6 Electronics Bay8.61 Recovery System1.26 Nose Cone1.54 Airframe/Paint3.49 Total22.55 SectionLength (in) Nosecone15.75 Upper Airframe28 Middle Airframe13 Lower Airframe40 Total96.75
S YSTEM B REAKDOWN Main Parachute Main Piston Avionics Bay Aileron Deflection Package Drogue Parachute Drogue Piston G10 Fins LFD Fins Nosecone Flight Computer
S TABILITY C HARACTERISTICS CG CP The center of pressure (CP) is located " from the nose tip The center of gravity (CG) is located " from the nose tip Static Stability Margin of 1.68 increasing to 2.20 at motor burnout
V EHICLE V ERIFICATION Vehicle verification focused on safe recovery and reliable platform for LFD payload Testing will be done to allow triple redundancy for drogue and main separation events Accurate Stress analysis for all components
O UTLINE Project Organization Vehicle Design Payload Design Recovery System Simulations Future Work
L ATERAL F LIGHT D YNAMICS P AYLOAD Study of Lateral Dynamics of Rocket during flight Attempts to quantify natural roll dampening of rocket Compares natural roll dampening to dampening due to AIM 9M passive stabilization system Determine resulting couple moment due to unlocked rollerons Consists of LFD Fin, ADP, and Electronics
LFD F INS PC Fin Halves Trim Potentiometer Rolleron Linear Actuator G10 Mount ¼” Barrel Bolts G10 Mount epoxied to motor tube 2 fin halves bolted to permanent mount Linear Actuator and Rolleron integrated separately
A ILERON D EFLECTION P ACKAGE Aileron Servo Motor Bevel Gears Torsional Springs Gearbox
E LECTRONICS Raspberry Pi Controls servo motor for ADP Commands unlocking of Rollerons Collects flight dynamics data from gyros and trim potentiometers
P AYLOAD V ERIFICATION Ensure Launch Vehicle will be stable with integrated Payload. Reliability of all systems allows for quality data acquisition.
O UTLINE Project Organization Vehicle Design Payload Design Recovery System Simulations Future Work
R ECOVERY All payload systems remain with launch vehicle Drogue parachute released at apogee Wires unplug from LFD fins using umbilical connection Main parachute released at 700 ft AGL
V EHICLE R ECOVERY Drogue parachute 24 inches in diameter (x-form) Descent velocity: 65 ft/s Main parachute 96 inches in diameter (circular) Descent velocity: 17 ft/s Component Descent Velocity (ft/s) Mass (slugs)Kinetic Energy (ft-lbf) Nosecone Upper Airframe Lower Airframe Kinetic Energy at Landing
R ECOVERY S YSTEM I NTEGRATION Drogue parachute housed in lower airframe, below electronics bay First separation event utilizes piston ejection and drag generated by fins for reliable separation Main parachute housed in upper airframe, above electronics bay Second separation event utilizes piston ejection Shear pins prevent premature separation of nosecone and of lower airframe
R ECOVERY R EDUNDANCY Dual PerfectFlite StratoLogger altimeters Two-way communication via Raspberry Pi allows use of manual charge detonation system. System will be tested thoroughly before put into use. Ground/Software Testing Flight Testing
O UTLINE Project Organization Vehicle Design Payload Design Recovery System Simulations Future Work
F LIGHT S IMULATIONS OpenRocket and MATLAB used to simulate the rocket’s flight MATLAB code is 1-DOF that uses ode45 Allows the user to vary coefficient of drag for different parts of the rocket Wind tunnel testing and full-scale demonstration will allow more accurate Cd values
P RELIMINARY R ESULTS MATLAB code is compared with OpenRocket Maximum altitude approximately 190 ft. lower than OpenRocket but still near target High target altitude to account for drag due to LFD Payload
M OTOR C HOICE Cesaroni L1720 Max Thrust 394 lb Impulse 831 lb-s Powerful motor allows altitude to be met with increased drag due to LFD Payload. Gives a thrust to weight ratio of 13.1
O UTLINE Project Organization Vehicle Design Payload Design Recovery System Simulations Future Work
F UTURE W ORK Refine designs and tolerance all components Successfully fulfill subscale flight requirements while testing flight software Begin manufacturing of rollerons, LFD fins, and ADP Continue community outreach and educational engagement functions Name Rocket