* *Injector GP13
Injector GP13 5 2 4 8 1 3 7 9 6 3 7 PTS Sensor Rail PTS Adapter Rail fitting Segeer Inlet Coil Outlet Coil Seeger
Injector GP13
Injector GP13
Comparison GP13 BRC MY09 (Normal type) Opening time (trap): 2.1 ms Closing time (tch): 1.3 ms Type of shutter: Floating shutter Stroke: Depends of injector type Coil: 1.66 ohm Minimum injection gas time near to 2.6 ms MY09 RAIL IG1 (Not MTM product) Opening time (trap): 3.7 ms Closing time (tch): 2.9 ms Type of shutter: Piston Stroke: 0.6 mm Coil: 3 ohm Minimum injection gas time near to 4 ms RAIL IG1 (Not MTM product) BRC GP13 Opening time (trap): 2.9 ms Closing time (tch): 2.3 ms Type of shutter: Piston Stroke: 0.45 mm Coil: 3 ohm Minimum injection gas time near to 3.6 ms GP13