The Study on Adsorption Capability of Heavy Metal Ions from Aqueous Solution by Oyster Shell Powder Geotechnical & Geoenvironmental Lab., Seoul Natl. Univ. Ph.D Candidate XUXIN
Contents 1 Introduction 2 Materials and Methods 3 Results and Discussions 4 Conclusions and Follow-up research plan
1 Introduction Large amounts of oyster shells are produced as a byproduct of shellfish farming in coastal regions without beneficial use options. Large amounts of oyster shells discharging from the restaurant as waste Cause the environmental problem. The recycling of the abundant oyster shells into the useful materials can be the method to reduce the oyster shells wastes. Producing: ton Recycling: fertilizer ton oyster cultivation ton Landfill & stacked : ton (2014 standard) Necessity of adsorption of heavy metal from aqueous solution by OSP
1 Introduction Possibility of adsorption of heavy metal from aqueous solution by OSP AdsorbentCu 2+ Pb 2+ Cd 2+ Zn 2+ Ni 2+ reference Chabazite Kaolinite Flyash+wollastonite Fly ash Chitosan Blast-furnace slag Oyster shell powder This study Hsu, Ting-Chu. "Experimental assessment of adsorption of Cu 2+ and Ni 2+ from aqueous solution by oyster shell powder." Journal of hazardous materials171.1 (2009): Adsorption capacities of heavy metal on various low-cost adsorbents
1 Introduction Adsorption mechanism of heavy metal from aqueous solution by OSP In the presence of CaCO 3, upon higher Cd addition, CdCO 3 (PbCO 3 ) was attained by divalent cation exchange. Solid solutions could be achieved by the following equation. CaCO 3 +Cd 2+ → CdCO 3 +Ca 2+ CaCO 3 +Pb 2+ → PbCO 3 +Ca 2+ CaCO 3 + H 2 O → Ca 2+ + CO 3 2- CO H 2 O → HCO 3 - +OH - M n+ + n(OH) - → M(OH) n M : Metal The following chemical reactions are involved in the conversion of CaCO 3 to heavy metal compounds
2 materials and methods Waste oyster shell powder( OSP) (1) The WOS were washed and heated at 95 0 C for 5h using distilled water to remaining materials (2) The WOS were dried at C for 72h and then pulverized using a mortar and pestle. (3)The pulverized WOS were passed through a #16 sieve(1.18mm) no passed a #20 sieve(0.85mm) to obtain a homogeneous size. Heavy metal contaminated solution (1)Cd, Cu,Pb (nitrate salt) + DI water heavy metal solution (2) pH of the solution adjusting to by adding amounts of dilute NaOH or HNO 3 solution.
2 materials and methods Experiment methods and Equipment
3 Results and Discussions Effect of contact time (60mg/L, 40mL, OSP 0.5g, Room temp. pH 5.5~6) Time(min) Cd Cu Pb
3 Results and Discussions Effect of initial concentration ( 40mL, OSP 0.5g, Room temp. pH 5.5~6, 24h) C 0 (mg/L) Cd Cu Pb
3 Results and Discussions Effect of temperature ( 60mg/L, 40mL, OSP 0.5g, pH 5.5~6, 24h) Temperature(°C) Cd Cu Pb
3 Results and Discussions Effect of pH (60mg/L, 40mL, OSP 0.5g, Room temp., 24h) pH Cd Cu Pb
3 Results and Discussions Langmuir model Freundlich model Adsorption isotherm
4 Conclusion and Follow-up research plan Conclusion 1 As the contact time increased the amount of adsorbed and removal ratio also increased and will reach a plateau at some time. 2 On increase the initial solute concentrations, the total metal uptake increased and the removal ratio decreased. 3 As the temperature increased the amount of adsorbed and removal ratio also increased.The amount of absorbed Pb with the biggest increasing. 4 Metal uptake increased with increasing pH and reached maximum in the of 6 for both metal ions. 5 The capacity of OSP adsorbed heavy metal ions: Pb > Cd > Cu.
4 Conclusion and Follow-up research plan Follow-up research plan OSP at higher initial metal concentration adsorption behaviourCompetitive heavy metal sorption by OSP OSP
4 Conclusion and Follow-up research plan Smart PRB Turner, Matthew, et al. Permeable Reactive Barriers: Lessons Learned/New Directions. INTERSTATE TECHNOLOGY REGULATORY COOPERATION WASHINGTON DC, Sampling Parameters Water level pH Temperature Redox potential Dissolved oxygen Alkalinity Turbidity salinity