Heat treating - Plating - Powder coating
Regional Need: “Regarding … heat treating, plating and powder coating services, (we) lose a lot of bids because the cost associated with sending them out … is way too expensive.” -Northland Machine Itasca County, MN GrowMN Survey
The Survey: 100 Regional Businesses – Manufacturing – Machining – Aviation Supply and Demand – Heat Treating – Plating – Powder Coating
Industry Insight: “Poor steel with a superior heat treating will outperform a part made of good steel with poor heat treating. Proper heat treating for the intended use of a part is the single most important characteristic of that quality part.” -Precision Manufacturing Journal October 2013
The Results: 46 out of 100 surveyed responded 25 Businesses utilize at least one metal treatment 11 Businesses utilize all three metal treatments
The Results: The average distance businesses in the region currently source these treatments is over 270 miles, one way.
The Results: $4MM per year spent on heat treating $5.5MM per year spent on plating $2.5MM per year spent on powder coating
The Bottom Line: Over $12 MILLION of untapped revenue leaves our region each year
Marketing: 16 Potential Expansion & Attraction Prospects
Expansion & Attraction: Heat treating o Regional expansion prospect Powder Coating o Regional capacity: Northstar Aerospace Plating o Attraction prospect: MD&M Conference