By Claire Persina & Kai Chan Gunpowder & Silk By Claire Persina & Kai Chan
We are going to teach you about how gunpowder and silk is made, what it’s used for, and much more about gunpowder and silk. So watch and read this slideshow and you will learn a lot about gunpowder and silk. So sit back, relax, and in joy the slideshow.
What gunpowder is used for Gunpowder dust Gunpowder is used for guns, mines, bombs, fireworks, ammo, firecrackers, and rockets. Gunpowder was discovered by doctors who were trying to find the elixir of life. Instead they found no, not the elixir of life, they found gunpowder.
How to make gunpowder 1) Flying powder Used for jetpacks, rockets, and fireworks 2) Blinding powder used for smoke bombs. 3) Poison powder used for poisoning people 4) Violent powder used for weapons 5) Bruising powder which I don’t know the use. The Chinese made gunpowder by mixing together sulfur, charcoal, and saltpeter. It’s used for everything I said in the first page. There 5 titles for gunpowder.
Odd things Gunpowder was used for the bomb and flamethrower. The flamethrower shoots out burning oil to burn the enemy. The bomb burned instead of exploding, when it hit something made out of wood it set off a fire and sprayed out poisonous gas. Gunpowder burns quickly and causes explosions. Gunpowder was invented in 900 Ce. They made a ton of weapons in 1100 Ce. It only took them 200 years to make a ton of weapons.
1) You need to find 40,000 silkworms to produce 12 pounds of silk. 2) Baby silkworms eat mulberry leaves until they are fat. 3) The silkworms produce a jelly-like substance. 4) Workers steamed or baked to kill the pupas, so it can loosen up the woven strands. 5) The silkworms spin a cocoon around themselves until they look puffy. 6) Each cocoon is made out of a thread between 1968 and 2,953 feet. 7) Finally, the workers unwoven the cocoon and there he/she made silk. How Silk is made Making silk takes a lot of work to do. You have to learn how to explore and find 40,000 silkworms to produce 12 pounds of silk. Also you need to be brave because silkworms are really slimy. Ok, lets move on, here are the instructions of how silk is made.
How Silk was used Silk was used in many ways. For example, silk was used for fishing lines, cloths, strings for bows, and also it’s used for special paper. Silk was also, used for trade so people can have silk too. So that is how silk is used for.
Silk Trading Silk was traded differently. it was traded by the Silk Road and more things too. The Chinese had to walk with camels all the way to Rome. It took a lot of work to do. The road that they were traveling on was the Silk Road.