1 C OMPOUNDING 101: B EYOND THE B ASICS Speakers: Gina Molina - General Manager Donna Chrystian - Alberta Account Rep
2 O BJECTIVES Introduction to the “Art of Compounding” Assisting Pharmacy Technicians to understand individual needs of clients with special pharmacy requirements. Learn prescription compounding practices.
3 “ THE A RT O F C OMPOUNDING ” Medications before manufactured drugs Tablets o Ointments o Balms o Oils o Pastes o Solutions Triad Relationship o Physician – Patient – Pharmacist o Specific dosage strength for patient o Convenient dosage forms Compounding is the History of Pharmacy Compounding for Today
4 W HY C OMPOUND ? Patient medication problem Commercial product does not meet patient needs Standard manufactured strengths for all Meet patients special needs individualize dose Component allergy to manufactured product Flavored preparation to increase compliance Specialized dosage form Provide a different strength, size or packaging Manufactured Products Temporary manufactured drug shortages Manufactured drug discontinuations Group Specific Dosing Elderly patients Pediatric patients Veterinary patients Required Therapeutic Result Hormone replacement therapy Pain management Hospice care Dental applications Dermatological applications
5 C OMMONLY U SED C OMPOUND A PPLICATIONS Natural Hormone Replacement Therapy Pain medications Veterinary Dental Combination therapies Cosmetic products Surgical medications Food supplements Men’s health Herbal remedies Preservative / Dye free medications Lactose free medications The possibilities are endless…
6 E QUIPMENT – B EYOND THE M ORTAR & P ESTLE EMP – Electronic Mortar and Pestle Liquids Gels Creams Ointments Powders 15gr to 1000gr capabilities Consistent results every time Unguator Demo
7 E QUIPMENT EXAKT 50 Ointment Mill Offers the highest level of functionality for the preparation of topical compounds Breaks up powder nests and reduces the size of particles Produces homogenous compounds with a clearly increased active chemical surface enhancing effectiveness. EXAKT DEMO
8 E QUIPMENT Profill Capsule Machine Fill up to 2000 capsules an hour Designed for occasional and frequent users User-friendly design that results in high output quickly Tool-free, snap-in parts make capsule size changes easy Long-life metal construction Profill Demo
9 E QUIPMENT Hot Plate with Stirrer Suppositories Lip balms Lozenges Solutions Lotions
11 P ROGESTERONE C REAM Equipment used: Scale Unguator Exakt Ointment Mill
12 DICLOFENAC IN PLO Equipment used: Scale Unguator
13 B ORIC ACID SUPPOSITORY Equipment used: Scale Hot plate / Stirrer
14 T RI - EST CAPSULES Equipment used: Scale Mortar & Pestle Profill Capsule Machine
15 Thank you for your participation!