IR-UV PHOTOIONIZATION AND DEPLETION SPECTROSCOPY OF Al- AND Cu-ETHYLENEDIAMINE COMPLEXES Yuxiu Lei, Jung Sup Lee, and Dong-Sheng Yang Department of Chemistry, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY
Motivations Probe N-H and C-H stretch modes Structural identification (compared to ZEKE results) Larger clusters (multiple-ligand and multiple-metal)
Al-(Ethylenediamine) Cu-(Ethylenediamine) Ethylenediamine (en) Previous ZEKE Studies 1. Xu Wang and Dong-Sheng Yang, J. Phys. Chem. A, 2004, 108, Shenggang Li, Jason F. Fuller, Xu Wang, Bradford R. Sohnlein, Paragranjita Bhowmik, and Dong-Sheng Yang J. Chem. Phys., 2004, 121, 7692.
IR-UV Experimental Schemes IE ν = 1 ν = ns ν = 1 ν = ns ν=0 Resonant 2-photon ionization(R2PI)ZEKE dip IR UV IR
R2PI Spectra of Cu- and Al-en Cu-en Al-en N-HC-H
A. Diot et T. Theophanides, Canadian Journal of Spectroscopy, 17, 1972, IR Spectrum of Ethylenediamine
Experimental and Simulated IR Spectra of the Ligand IR (cm -1 )
Cu-en en Al-en C-HN-H Comparison of Complexes with Ligand
Al-en N-H bands
Al-en C-H bands
Cu-en N-H bands
Cu-en C-H bands
2950, C-H stretch 2960, C-H stretch 1351, C-H bend1598, N-H bend Fermi resonance: 2960 ≈ 2950 ≈ = 2949
Cu-en C-H bands
Cu-en C-H bands
Cu-en C-H bands
Conclusions and Future works ν = 1 ν = 0 ν + = 0 ν + = 1 Measurement of N-H and C-H frequencies for neutral complexes Consistent with ZEKE results New schemes for ion frequency measurements Multiple-ligand and multiple-metal complexes