The HARLIE IHOP Measurements Geary Schwemmer, Belay Demoz NASA/GSFC, David Miller, Sangwoo Lee, Natalie Deming SSAI, Gerry McIntire RSC, Sonia Garcia USNA,


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Presentation transcript:

The HARLIE IHOP Measurements Geary Schwemmer, Belay Demoz NASA/GSFC, David Miller, Sangwoo Lee, Natalie Deming SSAI, Gerry McIntire RSC, Sonia Garcia USNA, Thomas Wilkerson USU SPONSORS James Dodge NASA HQ, Stephen Mango IPO

Outline The HARLIE instrument & raw measurements Derived data products Summary and status of HARLIE IHOP data

A Ground-Based Holographic Airborne Rotating Lidar Instrument Experiment (HARLIE) HAVE LIDAR WILL TRAVEL 1 µ m wavelength Aerosol Backscatter: 20 m  Z, 100 ms  t second, 45° elevation, azimuthal (PPI) scans 0-20km altitude, 24/7 operation Wide-angle visible SkyCam video

Basic Data Products Background subtracted, range corrected, log (aerosol backscatter) profiles Scan-by-scan polar plots Scan averaged backscatter

Derived Data Products BL statistics:  20 m Cloud coverage & heights:  20 m Wind profiles (experimental): 200 m  Z, ~20 min.  t


IHOP Homestead Site Wind Instrument Intercomparisons GLOW collected over 210hrs of data HARLIE cloud-tracked winds SKYCAM cloud-tracked winds S-POL Doppler radar surface anemometer, GPS sondes (1- 4 /day) Sodar, MAPR, Umass FM-CW Radar Transients: MIPS, DOW, X-POL, ELDORA, HRDL, WCR, dropsondes

Status of HARLIE Data Products Scan averaged (raw) backscatter images (PNG format) SKYCAM videos (AVI format) Boundary Layer parameters (ASCII, NETCDF, PNG formats) Cloud coverage & heights (ASCII, NETCDF, PNG formats) HARLIE & SKYCAM Winds


Optical System