Network requirements from Ukrainian Physics and Astronomy communities Dr. Peter Berczik Main Astronomical Observatory Ukrainian National Academy of Sciences
Plan: 1. Status… 2. Problems… 3. Requirements… 4. Conclusions…
Ukrainian National Academy of Sciences ~30,000 scientific workers in 166 institutes
Physics and Astronomy division of Ukr. Nat. Acad. of Sci. ~7,500 scientific workers in 24 institutes
Institute profiles Astrophysics, Cosmology (Prof. Yuri Izotov) Astrophysics, Cosmology (Prof. Yuri Izotov) Geophysics (Prof. Yaroslav Yatskiv) Geophysics (Prof. Yaroslav Yatskiv) Space Physics (Dr. ) Space Physics (Dr. Vladimir Kuz’kov) High Energy Physics (Prof. Laszlo Jenkovszky) High Energy Physics (Prof. Laszlo Jenkovszky) Atomic and Nuclear Physics Atomic and Nuclear Physics Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics Biological and Medical Physics Biological and Medical Physics Chemical Physics Chemical Physics General and Classical Physics, Fluid Dynamics General and Classical Physics, Fluid Dynamics Optics, Plasma Physics Optics, Plasma Physics Quantum Physics Quantum Physics Mathematical Physics Mathematical Physics
Internet connection of our division
Problems: Ukraine state budget: ~11 billion USD Ukraine state budget: ~11 billion USD Population: ~48 million Population: ~48 million UNAS budget: ~75 million USD UNAS budget: ~75 million USD Typical institute budget: ~450 k USD Typical institute budget: ~450 k USD Typical money for one scientists: Typical money for one scientists: 450 k USD/200/12 ~190 USD/month
Problems: No direct money for “INET” payments in academic budget!!! No direct money for “INET” payments in academic budget!!! No direct money for communication infrastructure development in academic budget!!! No direct money for communication infrastructure development in academic budget!!! The INET connection is a own problem of institutes, no have any free or “centralized academic network” services. The INET connection is a own problem of institutes, no have any free or “centralized academic network” services.
Requirements… INET for library services. The common “everyday task”. INET for library services. The common “everyday task”. – ~100 MB/day –ApJ, AJ, A&A, MNRAS… ~100 MB/day – ~100 MB/day
Requirements… Online catalogs and databases. “Virtual Observatory”… Online catalogs and databases. “Virtual Observatory”… – Hubble Data Archive (HDA) ~5.2 TB
Requirements… Other online catalogs and databases… Other online catalogs and databases… –The Digitized Sky Survey (DSS). The Catalogs and Surveys Branch of the STScI has been digitizing the photographic Sky Survey plates from the Palomar and UK Schmidt telescopes in order to support HST operations and provide a service to the astronomical community. Archive users can easily retrieve image data for any part of the sky. –The Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) is using a dedicated 2.5 m telescope and a large format CCD camera to obtain images of over 10,000 square degrees of high Galactic latitude sky in five broad bands (u', g', r', i' and z', centered at 3540, 4770, 6230, 7630, and 9130 A, respectively). The first data release, planned for June 2001, includes: imaging data containing a searchable catalog, images in several formats (FITS and JPEG), and spectra in both FITS format and GIF spectra with line identifications. This first public data release will contain over 500 square degrees of sky.
Requirements… Other online catalogs and databases… Other online catalogs and databases… –The Far Ultraviolet Exporer (FUSE) covers the A spectral region. This active mission contains high resolution spectra of hot and cool stars, AGNs, supernova remnants, planetary nebulae, solar system objects and the interstellar medium. The International Ultraviolet Explorer (IUE) Final Archive, which contains over 104,000 spectra of approximately 10,000 individual astronomical sources (covering the 1, ,350 A range). The Extreme Ultraviolet Explorer (EUVE) Archive, which at present contains spectroscopic observations (in the A range) of about 300 sources, mostly Galactic. The Ultraviolet Imaging Telescope (UIT) Archive, which contains 1,579 images of 259 targets (covering the 1, ,300 A range) obtained by UIT as part of the ASTRO-1 and ASTRO-2 missions. –The Faint Images of the Radio Sky at Twenty-centimeters (FIRST) Archive. The FIRST project is designed to produce a radio survey at 20 cm (1.4 GHz) of over 10,000 square degrees down to a flux of 1 mJy.
First permanent GPS network in Ukraine (NATO NIG: ) Daily transfer ~10 – 20 MB, but in ~1h -> need min. 64 Kbps channels!!!
Optical communication experiments with geostationary satellite
Telecommunication satellite ARTEMIS was launched on 12 July He has RF channels and SILEX device (Semiconductor Laser Inter Satellite Link Experiment) worked at 2 Mbps and 50 Mbps rates. ESA constructed the optical ground station at Tenerife Observatory, Canary islands for ground test of SILEX.
ESA and MAO proposed common experiment V.Kuz’kov, M.Medvedskij, D.Yatskiv, V.Nedashkovsky, Yu.Gluschenko, V.Suberljak, M.Peretytko, N.Eremenko.
Conclusions… We need a high band INET channels (> 2 Mbps) in all academic institutes for everyday scientific work – everyday scientific work – BUT without extra payment!!! BUT without extra payment!!!