Electromagnetic Waves
Electromagnetic wave is a wave that can travel through empty space or through matter and is produced by charged particles that are in motion. Electromagnetic waves have two parts- an electric field and a magnetic field.
Electric Field Electric Field around an electric charge extends out through space, exerting forces on other particles.
Magnetic Field Magnetic field cause other magnets to line up along the direction of the magnetic field.
Electromagnetic Spectrum The range of electromagnetic waves with different frequencies and wavelengths forms.
Radio Waves Radio wave have the lowest frequencies of all electromagnetic waves and carry the least energy. Radio waves have wavelengths longer than about 0.3 meters.
Radio Waves Microwaves have higher frequency and shorter wavelengths than the wave that are used in you home radio.
Radio Waves Radar is one use of radio waves. Radar means: – RAdio – Detecting – And – Ranging
Infrared Waves The waves have wavelengths between about one thousandth and 0.7 millionths of a meter.
Visible Light Visible light has wavelengths between 0.7 and 0.4 millionths of a meter.
Ultraviolet Radiation Ultraviolet radiation is higher in frequency than visible light and has even shorter wavelengths. These waves range between 0.4 millionths and about ten billionths of a meter.
Ultraviolet Radiation Extended exposure to ultraviolet waves from the sun can cause skin damage.
X-Rays X-Rays have an even higher frequency than ultraviolet rays and have enough energy to go right through skin.
Gamma Rays Gamma Rays have the highest frequency and therefore carry the most energy.