Future Plans for Space Weather Observations – U.S. NOAA Perspective Terry Onsager National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Space Weather Prediction Center
U.S. National Plan for Earth Observations US National Plan released in July, 2014 Based on a policy framework for routine assessment of Earth observations Establishes priorities and actions to advance civil Earth observing capabilities Defines two observation categories: -Sustained: support public services -Experimental: multi purpose, time limited Will be revised every three years, new assessment effort beginning this month
Societal Benefit Areas Agriculture and Forestry Biodiversity Climate Disasters Ecosystems Energy and Mineral Resources Human Health Ocean and Coastal Resources Space Weather Transportation Water Resources Weather Group on Earth Observations Assessment of observations organized in 12 Societal Benefit Areas:
High Impact Observing Systems with Space Weather Benefit Tier 1 Highest Priority – Support a majority of societal themes: Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite System (GOES) MetOp – Polar Orbiting Operational Meteorology (EUMETSAT) Tier 2 Advanced Composition Explorer (ACE) Defense Meteorological Satellite Program (DMSP) International Magnetometers Polar-orbiting Operational Environmental Satellite System (POES) Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) Solar Dynamics Explorer (SDO) Solar Electro-Optical Network Solar Terrestrial Relations Observatory (STEREO) Satellites USGS Geomagnetic Observatories
Agency Roles and Responsibilities: Space Weather Monitoring NOAA (with NASA, interagency and international partners): Conduct sustained observations for space weather monitoring and prediction -Solar wind (including coronal mass ejections) -Solar flares -Energetic particles -Related measurements to forecast space weather events Provide measurements through: -GOES -DSCOVR (2015) -Beyond DSCOVR – study options, international/interagency
Deep Space Climate Observatory (DSCOVR) Solar Wind Mission Launch scheduled for January, 2015 Space weather is the primary mission; climate is secondary Faraday cup: solar wind density, speed, temperature Electron electrostatic analyzer Magnetometer International network of real-time receiving antennas: Germany, Japan, South Korea, U.S. Real-time data processed and provided by NOAA
DSCOVR Follow-on L1 Mission Launch planned for 2020 Measurement baseline: -Thermal plasma (density, velocity, temperature) -Magnetometer -Low-energy ions -Coronagraph Observations off the Sun-Earth line (such as L5) are also needed for accurate characterization of Coronal Mass Ejections. It is not clear how these measurements will be obtained.
Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellites (GOES) Extreme Ultraviolet and X-ray Irradiance Sensors (EXIS): X-ray sensor, expanded dynamic range and flare location Solar Ultraviolet Imager (SUVI) – Full-disk extreme ultraviolet imager: Active region characterization, filament eruption, and flare detection Space Environment In-Situ Suite (SEISS): Electrons, protons, heavy ions – Surface charging, internal charging, single-event upsets Magnetometer: Detection of geomagnetic storms and magnetopause crossing, energetic particle products, model validation GOES-R GOES-R is planned to launch in 2016 Requirements workshop for future geostationary measurements planned for April 13, 2015, before Space Weather Workshop
Launch Plan for GOES Satellites
Plan for POES and Partner Satellites NOAA and European MetOp A, B, and C will include NOAA Space Environment Monitor packages for particle measurements
COSMIC 2 Joint Taiwan-U.S. planned 12-satellite constellation GNSS Radio-Occultation measurements – GPS, Galileo, and GLONASS 6 low-inclination and 6 high-inclination satellites First launch (6 low-inclination) planned for 2016 NOAA is working with international partners to host/operated data- receiving ground stations
Solar /Solar Wind Components of NOAA’s Numerical Space Weather Modeling Effort Magnetosphere/ Ionosphere Atmosphere/ Ionosphere ACE and DSCOVR WSA/Enlil Operational Univ. of Michigan Geospace 2015 Whole Atmosphere Model/ Ionosphere-Plasmasphere 2017
Ionosphere Plasmasphere Thermosphere Mesosphere GFS 0 – 60 km WAM: Neutral Atmosphere 0 – 600 km Ionosphere Plasmasphere Electrodynamics (IPE) Model Whole Atmosphere Model (WAM = Extended GFS) Ionosphere Plasmasphere Electrodynamics (IPE) Integrated Dynamics in Earth’s Atmosphere (IDEA = WAM+IPE) WAM Stratosphere Troposphere Coupling of Atmospheric Dynamic to the Ionosphere System Model development includes collaboration with UK researchers and the UK Met Office R. Viereck, NOAA/SWPC
Summary The U.S. is implementing a national effort to establish priorities and actions to advance Earth-observing capabilities Two observation categories are defined: -Sustained: support public services -Experimental: multi purpose, time limited This is an ongoing effort with expected three-year updates NOAA is responsible for sustained observations, including GOES, DSCOVR, and DSCOVR follow-on Observations off the Earth-Sun line (e.g., L5) are still unplanned Sun-to-Earth operational modelling chain is under development that will required real-time data for model driving and data assimilation