Wolf-Rayet Stars & the Luminous Blue Variables 2014/11/12 Wednesday Luqian Wang
Outline Definition/General properties History Classification: Optical/UV-FUV/Infrared Luminous Blue Variables (LBVs)
Definitions/General Properties Definition: Hot, luminous stars whose spectacular spectra are dominated by emission lines formed in a massive stellar wind Evolved descendent of the most massive star Mass: [10,25] Msun, T: [3E4, 2E5] K Mass loss rate: ~E-5 Msun/year Nitrogen sequence (WN), Carbon sequence (WC) End of lives: supernova explosion
History 1837, Charles Wolf & Georges Rayet Cygnus: HD (Vogel,1883), HD192103, HD Carlye Beals, Dominion Astrophysical Observatory (1934,1938) Smith (1968) Smith, Shara & Moffat (1996)
Outline Definition/General properties History Classification: Optical/UV-FUV/Infrared Luminous Blue Variables (LBVs)
WN classification Ionization state of N predominates in the spectrum (P443, Gray & Corbally ) Hamann, Koesterke & Wessolowski (1995): a – absorption lines; -w/-s – weak/strong emission lines (EW of He II-5412, 37 Angstrom)
WC classification Line judgments: Crowther et al. (1998) : WC8-WC11 Please see Table 11.2
WO classification Judgment lines: Kingsburgh, Barlow & Storey (1995) Crowther et al. (1998) Result of high-ionization of oxygen, rather than increased O abundance High-ionization extension of WC stars Please see Table 11.3
Outline Definition/General properties History Classification: Optical/UV-FUV/Infrared Luminous Blue Variables (LBVs)
Ultraviolet : WN WR stars emit most of their radiation in UV/FUV International Ultraviolet Explorer ( IUE ): wavelength: [1150,3250] Angstrom low resolution: ~6.0 Angstrom blended lines
Ultraviolet: WC Line indicators:
Far Ultraviolet (FUV) Far Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Explorer ( FUSE ) wavelength: [905,1188] Angstrom Resolution: ~0.05 Angstrom Issue: < 1000 Angstrom, interstellar absorptions.
Outline Definition/General properties History Classification: Optical/UV-FUV/Infrared Luminous Blue Variables (LBVs)
Late WN
Early WN
Late WC
Early WC
Outline Definition/General properties History Classification: Optical/UV-FUV/Infrared Luminous Blue Variables (LBVs)
Luminous Blue Variables (LBVs) LBV (S Doradus): Evolved, massive, and extremely luminous supergiant that is subject to instabilities that result in eruptions of various sorts. e.g. eta Carinae, P Cygni Eruption optical thick, expanded atmosphere, i.e. “Pseudo photosphere” Quiescent (minimum light state) : T>15,000 K Eruption (maximum light state): T~[7000,8000] K
LBVs on HR-diagram
O, WR, & LBV relation? WR stars and LBVs: high mass loss rate, high luminosities, & close association w/star formation Evolutionary scenario:
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