Inaugural meeting of the UNECE/FAO Team of Specialists on “Monitoring forest resources for SFM in the UNECE Region” Areas and modalities of the cooperation between the MCPFE and Montréal Process Geneva, Palais des Nations, April 2005 Roman Michalak
C&I for SFM United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (Rio de Janeiro, June 1992) –Agenda 21 –‘Forest Principles’ Second Ministerial Conference on the Protection of Forests in Europe - Helsinki 1993
C&I Regional Processes International C&I initiatives and processes (9) the International Tropical Timber Organisation (ITTO), the Tarapoto Proposal (Amazon Region), the African Dry Zone Process covering the sub-Saharan area, the Near East Process, and the Dry Forest Asia initiative, the Lepaterique Process (Central America), African Timber Organization (ATO). Working Group on Criteria and Indicators for Conservation and Sustainable Forest Management of Temperate and Boreal Forests - Montreal Process (1994)
Global consultations (1) The "International Conference on the Contribution of Criteria and Indicators for Sustainable Forest Management: The Way Forward" (CICI-2003), held in Guatemala City in February 2003, –seven thematic areas of sustainable forest management common to all regional and international criteria and indicator processes –To strengthen collaboration and coordination among criteria and indicator processes
Global consultations (2) The Expert Consultation on Criteria and Indicators for Sustainable Forest Management (ECCI-2004) in Cebu City, Philippines, –C&I processes are encouraged to hold collaborative meetings to address technical issues related to terms and definitions. Initiatives should be taken by active processes –Further efforts should be made to harmonize terms of common interest between C&I processes and FRA. The processes should make best use of existing, internationally accepted concepts, terms and definitions.
MCPFE Work Programme „SFM related monitoring, assessment and reporting through C&I; … ; co-ordination with other C&I processes” ELM, October 2004 „ The need for further development of co- operation among the MCPFE and other C&I processes, in particular the Montreal Process”
UNECE/FAO Regional reporting (TBFRA) 10th meeting of the Team of Specialists on Forest Resource Assessment Analysis of Scope, Coverage and Methodological Approaches for the Regional UNECE/FAO Work on Forest Resources Assessment in the Global FRA Context - Ewald Rametsteiner
Montréal Process 16th Meeting in Jasper, Alberta, Canada October, 2004 „To further greater convergence of sustainable forest management criteria, the Montréal Process will co-host a meeting with the MCPFE and ITTO to explore possibilities for common definitions and protocols common to our criteria and indicators (C&I) processes …”
„Inter-C&I process harmonization workshop” Białowieża, Poland, October 2005 ITTO, MCPFE, Montréal Process, FAO, UNECE
„Inter-C&I process harmonization workshop” consensus on the meaning of collaboration a among the C&I processes the audience for national sustainability reports general model for C&I
Thank you very much!