SADC LA Human Rights Committee
History of SADCLA Established in 1999 as an independent voluntary association of Law Societies and Bar Associations within the SADC Region
CONSTITUTION OF THE SOUTHERN AFRICAN DEVELOPMENT COMMUNITY LAWYERS’ ASSOCIATION Preamble Para 2 “(SADC) Bar Associations and Law Societies share the same vision, beliefs and aspirations with regard to upholding the rule of Law, promoting the respect for human rights, especially the rights of women, people with disabilities and children,” “(SADC) Bar Associations and Law Societies share the same vision, beliefs and aspirations with regard to upholding the rule of Law, promoting the respect for human rights, especially the rights of women, people with disabilities and children,”
SADC LA Strategic Plan of Action Key Advocacy Areas Rule of law Rule of law Independence of the Judiciary Independence of the Judiciary Suggested addition Human Rights Defenders, Networking Suggested addition Human Rights Defenders, Networking
Human Rights Committee Secretariat Inaugural meeting of the Human Rights Committee Zimbabwe Lawyers for Human Rights has offered to provide secretarial services to the Human Rights Committee.
Proposed Governance Structure SADC LA AGM SADCLA EXCO SADCLA Human Rights Committee SADCLA Human Rights Institute
History of ZLHR Founded in 1996, over 170 legal practitioners, Founded in 1996, over 170 legal practitioners, advocates for a just, democratic, peaceful and prosperous Zimbabwe based on a culture of respect for human dignity and rights through the observance of the rule of law, unimpeded administration of justice, free and fair elections, the free flow of information and the protection of constitutional rights and freedoms in Zimbabwe and the surrounding region advocates for a just, democratic, peaceful and prosperous Zimbabwe based on a culture of respect for human dignity and rights through the observance of the rule of law, unimpeded administration of justice, free and fair elections, the free flow of information and the protection of constitutional rights and freedoms in Zimbabwe and the surrounding region
Current ZLHR projects Public Interest Litigation, International Litigation, Human Rights Training, HIV and AIDS and the Law, Human Rights Defenders, Judicial Watch, Publications