New & strengthened mandates Rio+20 outcomes: Assist countries in integration of the three dimensions of sustainable development Quadrennial Comprehensive.


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Presentation transcript:

New & strengthened mandates Rio+20 outcomes: Assist countries in integration of the three dimensions of sustainable development Quadrennial Comprehensive Policy Review (2012): strengthening regional/subregional inter-agency cooperation to support country-level development initiatives; UNCTs to draw upon the normative and policy expertise of the regional commissions ‘Samoan PATHWAY’: calling for strengthened regional commission role in supporting SIDS development priorities.

Regional commissions expected to do, and deliver more Inaugural Asia-Pacific Forum on Sustainable Development - 19 to 21 May 2014, Pattaya Regional Consultation on Sustainable Development Financing - 10 to 11 June 2014, Jakarta Regional Consultations on the Accountability Framework for Asia and the Pacific - 5 to 6 August 2014, Bangkok 70 th session of the Commission formally adopted the recommendations of the above meeting

Means of Implementation in Asia and the Pacific Regional economic cooperation and integration Science, Technology and Innovation (STI) Financing for sustainable development Capacity development Accountability and monitoring

Regional Economic Cooperation and integration Trade facilitation Legislative arrangement on facilitation of cross-border paperless trade Asia-Pacific Research and Training Network on Trade (ARTNeT) Regional connectivity Transport (Asian Highway, Trans Asian Railways, Asia-Pacific Dry Ports treaty; Inter-Island shipping) Asian Energy Highway Asian Information Super Highway

Science, Technology and Innovation Technology transfer Asian and Pacific Centre for Transfer of Technology (New Delhi, India) Online technology transfer portal Renewable Energy Technology Bank Renewable Energy Cooperation Mechanism Information on latest technology and innovation Studying options for introducing STI in ESCAP’s legislative agenda

Financing for sustainable development USD 2.5 trillion / year needed to close Asia-Pacific SD gaps Region requires a financial system that is efficient, fair and predictable, Policymakers need to work with the private sector to develop more diversified and balanced financial sectors; Create new regional financial architecture and mechanisms to use regional savings Strengthen the developmental role of fiscal policy Capital markets need to be broadened and strengthened to encourage development of domestic institutional investors Strengthening financial literacy Climate finance must be mainstreamed into national budgets

Capacity development Online E-learning facility supported the adoption on green growth / green economy policies ( On-line Asia-Pacific National Innovation Systems Resource (NIS) Centre Asia-Pacific Network for R&D Management in nanotechnology Regional Institutes: Asian and Pacific Training Centre for Information and Communication Technology for Development (Incheon City, Rep. of Korea) Statistical Institute for Asia and the Pacific (Makuhari, Chiba Prefecture, Japan) Centre for the Alleviation of Poverty through Sustainable Agriculture (Bogor, Indonesia) Centre for Sustainable Agricultural Mechanization (Beijing, China)

Strengthening ESCAP responses “Fit for Purpose” New corporate strategy being defined Research and analysis (think tank) Intergovernmental dialogue-norm setting Capacity devleopment Reforming ESCAP governance structures to support sustainable development In-house dialogue on integration of the three dimensions of sustainable development Strengthening analysis and knowledge products – e.g. on integration and inclusive growth

Strengthening ESCAP responses (cont). Strengthening regional dialogue – APFSD Strengthening quality of engagement with major groups Strengthening data collection and capacity in context of monitoring and accountability Strengthening role in UN coordination and coherence at regional level - RCM

“the means of implementation should match the ambition and comprehensive scope of the sustainable development goals, and be backed by effective accountability and monitoring frameworks” Chair’s summary Asia-Pacific Forum on Sustainable Development